Kenya’s fight against tyranny: bloodshed and resistance in the fight for justice

Resign or be overthrown – this is the communists’ advice to Mr Ruto, the sworn enemy of the Kenyan people.

A mass uprising has been sparked in Kenya by the government’s attempts to push through an IMF-imposed austerity bill, which includes taxation measures that will hit already impoverished workers and make their lives impossible.

The following statement was issued by the Communist Party of Kenya on 26 June 2024.


The blood shed on the streets of Kenya lies entirely in the hands of the IMF, the World Bank and their local puppets led by President William Ruto in Nairobi. During yesterday’s peaceful anti-government and anti-finance law protests, countless people were maimed almost to death and at least ten comrades were killed.

This brutality was followed by another attack on the most vulnerable residents of Nairobi’s Githurai area, where numerous poor residents were murdered in cold blood and their bodies have yet to be found. Before this, the corrupt Kenya Kwanza (‘Kenya First’) regime kidnapped many activists, revolutionaries and social media influencers.

Yesterday, police set up barricades on major roads to beat, shoot and prevent protesters from returning home. These are the consequences: we don’t have a government, but organised criminal groups. The death toll in Githurai has already exceeded 250 people.

MPs had a chance to prevent this crisis by rejecting the IMF-backed bill, but they chose to side with greed, blaming peaceful protesters instead. After the merciless killing of innocent protesters, President Ruto made threats on television, putting property before human life.

His cabinet minister of defence, the clueless Mr Aden Duale, joined him and illegally took the Kenya Defence Forces onto the streets to spread fear among the youth. This unconstitutional act is an attempt to suspend the constitution and impose military rule, which will only fuel further resistance.

Members of parliament reconvened today to address the illegality of Mr Duale’s actions by declaring a state of emergency and allowing President Ruto to rule without accountability. This man, still intoxicated by the teachings of the late dictator Daniel Moi, is destined to face the same rejection.

Tomorrow the Kenyan masses will take to the streets in a peaceful demonstration as required by the Kenyan constitution. Despite the state’s promised violence, the unarmed Kenyan people will raise their hands in protest against the neocolonial project and demand that Ruto reject the finance bill.

They will honour the memory of the martyrs and pledge their commitment to fight for a dignified Kenya by raising the flag of martyrdom in memory of those who died under the oppression of the British empire, in the Moi dungeons and in the struggle for the 2010 Constitution.

Tyranny can only be defeated by resistance, not negotiation. We honour the memory of all martyrs and wish a speedy recovery to those who are in various institutions with gunshot wounds.

Down with the IMF!
Down with American imperialism!
Ruto must go!