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Society highlights
LA fires fuelled by imperialism, corruption, exploitation and injustice
Meanwhile, corporate media try to divert attention by divisive culture wars framing.
5 Feb 2025 ,
Washington’s unstoppable superweapon
It is not only their physical independence that countries must protect from imperialist domination but also their civil and information sovereignty.
5 Feb 2025 ,
British politics
The life and crimes of John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott
One more example of a working-class man who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.
4 Feb 2025 ,
Caracas congress: Make 2025 a milestone in the fight against fascism
Delegates also express firm support for Venezuela’s constitutionally elected popular president, Nicolás Maduro Moros.
18 Jan 2025 ,
Twenty years after his death, Gary Webb’s truth is still dangerous
Systematic media lies destroyed the career of an honest journalist who committed the heinous crime of telling the truth.
16 Jan 2025 ,
Scheer Post
Ella Rule: What I learned in Xinjiang
Innovations abound as the Chinese region pushes ahead with its agricultural and industrial development.
1 Jan 2025 ,
Civil liberties
All eyes on the ‘enemy within’ – Prevent scheme targets dissenting children
British teachers are being tasked with the surveillance and intimidation of Palestine-supporting young people in schools and colleges.
2 Dec 2024 ,
Social wage
Your pension at work: the obscenity of ‘investment funds’
What does the case of the Merseyside Pension Fund tell us about how retirement is funded in Britain today?
23 Nov 2024 ,
Billionaire BlackRock CEO: ‘Doesn’t matter’ who wins US election
This notorious bankster’s observation highlights imperialism’s ability to maintain itself while distracting the masses with election circuses.
8 Nov 2024 ,
Geopolitical Economy
Capitalist crisis
Why aren’t they taxing the rich?
While ‘patriotic millionaires’ consider a wealth tax a no-brainer, Labour party ‘socialists’ are horrified at the very thought.
1 Nov 2024 ,
British politics
Joti Brar interview: ‘We are links in the long chain of revolution’
Marx and Engels bequeathed essential values for every generation of revolutionaries: humility, service, dedication, discipline, sacrifice.
17 Oct 2024 ,
Za Pobedu!
A dark misuse of Irish nationalism
It is something of a novelty to see Irish workers holding up portraits of Michael Collins alongside slogans demanding ‘Pakis out’.
8 Oct 2024 ,
Education union colluding with Labour against the workers
The NEU has thrown in the towel of struggle, betraying not only its own rank-and-file membership but also the wider interests of the working class.
8 Oct 2024 ,
Capitalist crisis
Labour means austerity, racism, repression and war
So where are the trade unions?
1 Oct 2024 ,
Another US coup topples the elected government of Bangladesh
All over south Asia, the USA is fomenting regime change operations as part of its drive to destroy China and reassert its global hegemony.
27 Sep 2024 ,
Hundreds of legal experts push Biden to drop ‘punitive and deadly’ sanctions
Despite causing immense suffering to ordinary people, imperialist economic warfare rarely has the intended effect of bringing down targeted governments.
19 Sep 2024 ,
Common Dreams
Jury refuses to convict Palestine Action activists for arms factory damage
The state will continue to persecute Palestine solidarity activists through the legal system until such time as the organised working class forces it to stop.
17 Sep 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Craig Murray on Richard Medhurst and the right to armed resistance
It is becoming easier to list the truly dissident UK journalists who have not been arrested for terrorism than those who have.
3 Sep 2024 ,
Craig Murray
Thousands shut down the Capitol to protest Israel’s war crimes
American jews join direct action sit-in demanding an immediate arms embargo on Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza.
1 Sep 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Riots and the awakening of class consciousness
Never is the capitalist class made more aware of the existential threat it faces than when confronted by the infinite power of a united working class.
1 Sep 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Class unity against fascism!
The Labour party has always sought to keep the working class divided along religious and racial lines. It remains part of the problem, not the solution.
13 Aug 2024 ,
Lancet looks at Gaza genocide, finds official figures a massive underestimate
While western media report the official figures as if they are unreliably high, the truth is quite the reverse.
9 Aug 2024 ,
Divide and rule
How can we achieve unity of the working class against fascism?
We will never defeat racism by ‘uniting’ with the arch-racist Labour party. The job of real antiracists is to expose Labour’s support for fascism and war.
3 Aug 2024 ,
Marx Engels Institute
British politics
Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
Those surprised by the Starmer’s contempt for the poor would do well to study the party’s 100-year history of anti-worker crimes in office.
26 Jul 2024 ,
Social wage
Media blames workers for the corruption and fraud endemic to capitalist society
It is not ‘benefit cheats’ who are emptying Britain’s treasury but the unending subsidies to monopoly capital.
25 Jul 2024 ,
Declassified UK: an ideological defence mechanism for a dying system
How the imperialists allow criticism of past offences in order to whitewash the crimes of the present.
18 Jul 2024 ,
Nina in Xinjiang: ‘We are moved by the confidence and joy of your children’
The transformative effect of a visit to China on a communist teacher from Britain.
7 Jul 2024 ,
Infected blood: another chapter in the book of Tory-Labour betrayals
As in the case of the Post Office, mistakes that could have been rectified were continued for years and then covered up.
20 Jun 2024 ,
British politics
No votes for genocide-enablers or Nato warmongers!
We are calling on workers to help the campaigns of, and give their votes to, all candidates standing on an anti-genocide, anti-Nato and anti-Labour platform.
11 Jun 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Immigrants make vital contributions to British pensions and welfare benefits
Population study shows that without the essential part played by immigrant workers, our pensions and social service provisions would collapse.
18 May 2024 ,
Nakba 76 – talk by Dr Ranjeet Brar
Join us to show your solidarity with the people of Palestine and remember their long history of struggle.
15 May 2024 ,
Join the students: No cooperation with genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine!
Britain’s students are leading the way. The rest of the working class is duty bound to follow their lead.
7 May 2024 ,
Trade unions
Gaza, inflation, Assange … Where are the trade unions?
While crime after crime is committed against the people, those who should be organising the resistance are doing nothing.
30 Apr 2024 ,
Decaying dental services cause misery for millions of workers
The steady destruction of NHS dentistry has left millions of working people resorting to to DIY dental kits as Victorian era diseases return to Britain.
25 Apr 2024 ,
Daily Mail doxes young people on their return from Russian festival
Why did Russia’s hosting of an international youth festival provoke such a hysterical reaction from British media?
4 Apr 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Latest twist on Assange’s extradition: cause for pessimism or optimism?
While an individualist view tends to despondence, there is a positive aspect to British imperialism’s blatant complicity in persecuting free speech.
28 Mar 2024 ,
The tragic end of Gonzalo Lira: A voice silenced in Ukraine
A US citizen done to death by the US’s fascist proxies in Ukraine for the crime of telling the truth about Nato’s proxy war against Russia.
21 Mar 2024 ,
Helsinki Times
John Pilger: the man they couldn’t silence
The most courageous, fearless and decent of journalists, who devoted his life to speaking the truth and uncovering imperialist lies.
20 Mar 2024 ,
How unjust and cruel US sanctions impact Cuba’s health provision
The US’s inhumane blockade has severe impacts on the right to life and wellbeing of the Cuban people.
17 Mar 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Journalist Graham Philips still being targeted by the British state
The British ruling class has a long tradition of persecuting those who work to shed light on inconvenient truths.
5 Mar 2024 ,
Social wage
Why is Manchester in poverty? Workers need socialism!
What is at the root of the spiral of poverty and decay we are experiencing in towns and cities across Britain?
27 Feb 2024 ,
New alliance is a knock-out for Nato in the Sahel
Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, by founding a new Alliance of Sahel States, have started a revolution in the continent’s geopolitics.
26 Feb 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange’s final appeal against extradition from Britain to the USA
If the WikiLeaks editor is extradited to face trumped-up ‘treason’ charges in the USA, it is the death of investigations into the inner workings of power by the press.
19 Feb 2024 ,
Chris Hedges Report
Poem for Gaza: They’re not like us though are they?!
Meanwhile, under the same sun, a team of exhausted men are pulling broken-limbed children from rubble.
11 Feb 2024 ,
France: the new authoritarian journalism
How French media looked away from the suffering inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza.
9 Feb 2024 ,
Le Monde diplomatique
Vape wars: Children in the sights of tobacco giants
It seems unlikely that the British government has any real intention of stopping the corporate dope-pedlars in their tracks.
27 Jan 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: Day X is here
The case of Julian Assange reveals how little concern the bourgeoisie really has for ‘human rights’ and ‘civil liberties’.
22 Jan 2024 ,
Stella Assange
World history
Who are the imperialists to accuse others of ‘terrorism’?
Thoughts on the barefaced hypocrisy and doublespeak of the real mass-murdering terrorists.
20 Jan 2024 ,
Benjamin Zephaniah – lifelong champion of the oppressed
From the miners’ strike to Palestine, this working-class poet and author was steadfast in his opposition to British imperialism and its divide-and-rule tactics.
5 Jan 2024 ,
NHS: Murder by a thousand cuts
Excess avoidable deaths are rising alongside waiting lists for operations and GP consultations – and it is no coincidence.
4 Jan 2024 ,
Gaza speaks: the zionists are failing despite their horrendous crimes
Palestinian resistance calls on the world to join the fight to stop the fascistic genocide and to send food and medical relief to the starving and wounded of Gaza.
24 Dec 2023 ,
Britain using its Cypriot base to aid Israeli genocide in Gaza
Cypriot workers condemn the use of their island by the imperialist powers, who use their territory to aid and abet the genocide of Palestinians.
13 Dec 2023 ,
Union of Cypriots
Civil liberties
Get ready for Day X: Julian Assange must be freed!
British judges have shown themselves only too ready to allow our ‘justice system’ to be used to persecute an innocent man for the ‘crime’ of real journalism.
6 Dec 2023 ,
The Dublin riots
Why are so many on the left so quick to dismiss every outpouring of working-class rage as ‘mindless’ and ‘lumpen’?
4 Dec 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers!
What does it say about our decaying system that our rulers can spend decades debating and spending to deliver precisely nothing at the end of it?
24 Nov 2023 ,
Two ‘British’ positions on Palestine
The latest wave of Israeli violence was unleashed in a frenzy of impotent but brutal rage after Palestinian resistance launched its historic Al-Aqsa Flood battle.
14 Nov 2023 ,
British government stifles school debate on Gaza
As the imperialists continue their support for the ongoing genocide in Gaza, schools are urged to play their part in complying with the murderous narrative.
13 Nov 2023 ,
Electronic Intifada
Mutiny at the BBC: ‘gravest possible concerns’ over Palestine coverage
The BBC’s own reporters are beginning to speak out about the corporation’s complicity in Israeli war crimes.
10 Nov 2023 ,
British politics
Starmer’s bad 90s remix – the Labour party ‘conference’
Sign of the times? Bourgeois politicians are no longer required to inspire the masses – only to prove their utter servility to the interests of British monopoly capital.
8 Nov 2023 ,
Marx Engels Institute
Students protest against Manchester university’s complicity in Gaza genocide
Graphene research helps Israel to develop the fighter jets, drones and other military systems now being put to such criminal use against the Palestinian people.
31 Oct 2023 ,
Authorities announce the collapse of the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip
The true face of zionism revealed: a barbaric, fascistic, supremacist ideology that openly declares its aim of wiping out more than two million people in Gaza.
26 Oct 2023 ,
Association of United Ukrainian Canadians condemns honouring of Nazis
The fascist-aligned section is vocal and prominent, but Yaroslav Hunka does not represent all Canadians of Ukrainian origin.
15 Oct 2023 ,
Victory to the Palestinian people in their just war for liberation!
The Palestinians are fighting a just war against imperialist-backed genocidal zionism. They will surely prevail.
12 Oct 2023 ,
‘The lessons of history …’
No matter how carefully our environment is manipulated, in the end, truth will out.
10 Oct 2023 ,
Victory to the Palestinian people in their just war for liberation!
The Palestinians are fighting a just war against imperialist-backed genocidal zionism. They will surely prevail.
8 Oct 2023 ,
Support pay restitution for doctors; defend the NHS!
The British government is holding both patients and staff to ransom.
2 Oct 2023 ,
Aymeric Monville: Report back from Xinjiang
A French communist reflects on the yawning gulf between reality on the ground and the propaganda lies being endlessly repeated in western media.
23 Sep 2023 ,
Friends of Socialist China
Is Washington preparing to hang its stooge Zelensky out to dry?
As well as losing its proxy war against Russia, Washington is also losing control of the propaganda war.
22 Sep 2023 ,
Are striking doctors really ‘greedy’ and ‘uncaring’?
An answer to ‘The Times view on health sector strikes: Uncaring profession’
21 Sep 2023 ,
Macquarie stokes the roaring inflationary fires
Vulture capitalists are not ‘bad apples’ – they are the inevitable product of a system in deep and permanent crisis and decline.
20 Sep 2023 ,
How China is developing mass involvement in local governance
The CPC is working at the local level to build social cohesion and stability, deepening its connections with the people.
19 Sep 2023 ,
Film and TV
Film review: Oppenheimer
While the USA continues to trumpet itself as the home of free speech, this is only allowed so long as what is said poses no threat to imperialist domination at home and abroad.
15 Sep 2023 ,
With depleted uranium, nuclear war is underway in Europe
Nato war crimes in Donbass don’t stop at DU; Donbass civilians are routinely targeted by cluster bombs and petal mines.
12 Sep 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Ofgem serves corporate energy profiteers
The energy regulators work, just not for workers.
11 Sep 2023 ,
Lay-offs and closures
‘Post-socialist mortality crisis’ proves that deindustrialisation kills
The ruling classes stir up populism amongst deindustrialised populations in order to try to persuade workers to pin the blame for their hardship onto other workers.
8 Sep 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Is life under capitalism getting you down? Luckily, there’s a cure!
Are you sad and depressed? Lonely? Anxious? Isolated? Worried about the future? You may be suffering from capitalism.
30 Aug 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Oxfam identifies inequalities in shocking detail, but provides no solution
Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?
25 Aug 2023 ,
End internment of Irish republicans now
Why are Irish republicans still being imprisoned without charge by British courts, 25 years after the initiation of the peace process?
4 Aug 2023 ,
Republican News
Civil liberties
France in flames after yet another racist police murder
The divide between French ‘natives’ and ‘immigrants’ is constantly exacerbated in order to keep workers from making common cause against their rulers.
2 Aug 2023 ,
South Korea: the ‘Land of Morning Calm’ is working itself to death
Capitalist dystopia in action: behind the ‘economic miracle’, the daily grind keeps getting harder.
27 Jul 2023 ,
Le Monde diplomatique
Civil liberties
Increasing state repression and the ‘non-personing’ of Nigel Farage
The targeting of such a pro-imperialist figure is a warning to all those who might engage in acts of dissent against the establishment.
25 Jul 2023 ,
Capitalist contradictions abound: Victorian illnesses on the rise
How can we explain the seemingly absurd combination of British workers’ failing health from malnutrition alongside rising obesity?
22 Jul 2023 ,
An NHS nurse speaks out on pay, privatisation and demoralisation
The conditions that have led to a haemorrhaging of trained staff from the health service have not come about by accident and will take a serious fight to reverse.
18 Jul 2023 ,
What exactly is the Orange Order celebrating?
Why is a protestant militia, founded in 1795 to combat the influence of the Enlightenment and maintin colonial rule, still marching in Irish streets?
12 Jul 2023 ,
The Irish News
Thames Water scandal – is the party drawing to a close?
Having paid a fortune to private investors for years, the British public must now pay again to bail out indebted utilities and clean up the horrific mess they have made.
12 Jul 2023 ,
Burden on students becoming unbearable as fresh rent hikes planned
Students are being milked like cash cows, while the vice-chancellors who facilitate this profiteering enjoy huge salaries and perks.
5 Jul 2023 ,
Why does Russia now believe that Covid-19 was a US-created bioweapon?
Evidence released from secret biolabs in Ukraine reveals the deeper secret of imperialist attempts to create targeted biological weapons.
3 Jul 2023 ,
Michael Palin in the DPRK: a western exceptionalism showcase
Workers in Britain could learn much from our Korean comrades, but they are unlikely to realise that from listening to Palin’s arrogant commentary.
25 Jun 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Pay and conditions
Homeless charity workers on strike for decent wages
St Mungo’s staff have suffered a 30 percent real-terms pay cut in the last ten years.
22 Jun 2023 ,
Ecology without class struggle is gardening!
Our planet can only be saved by scientific planning of human production and economic activity, taking into account all the consequences for nature.
15 Jun 2023 ,
Who blew up the Kakhovka dam?
With Ukraine’s ‘offensive’ failing, and the western psyop brigade keen to talk about everything except battlefield realities, it is not hard to see who benefits.
9 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Model motion: No cooperation with the imperialist drive to war
Only the collective action of workers has the power to stop the war drive in its tracks. This demand must be taken up in every trade union at every level.
7 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Model motion: Urgent measures needed to address the cost of living crisis
Why are workers being asked to pay the cost of a crisis that was not of their making? If capitalism cannot provide for its workforce, then capitalism must go.
6 Jun 2023 ,
Demand renationalisation of the water system without compensation
Growing public outrage has forced a mealy-mouthed apology from Water UK, but the profiteers deserve jail sentences, not a wrist-slapping.
30 May 2023 ,
Trade unions
Defy the anti-trade union laws!
It is time we turned the struggle for decent wages into a struggle for socialism.
22 May 2023 ,
US imperialism’s militarisation of Taiwan
Continued attempts to use the island province as a battering ram against China must be vigorously opposed.
7 May 2023 ,
British history
Twenty years later: the predatory imperialist war against Iraq
While the heroic resistance was defeating US and British imperialist forces, the British working class was effectively demobilised by its corrupted leadership.
4 May 2023 ,
Zyuganov to Putin: ‘Form a patriotic front against the imperial west!’
Communist leader urges Russian president to reunite the country’s greatest heroes with the people.
25 Apr 2023 ,
greed initiative
Not so much an environmental measure as a tax on driving and an effort to keep the car monopolies in profit.
18 Apr 2023 ,
Divide and rule
Anti-immigration propaganda stirs up anger and rioting in Knowsley
As the cost of living crisis brings suffering to workers, our rulers are once again using immigration to distract from their failures.
17 Apr 2023 ,
Message to US workers: Britain sending depleted uranium to Ukraine
The imperialists can seem incredibly powerful, but in fact their dominance is declining and their rule is showing signs of senility and decay.
10 Apr 2023 ,
British delegate in Italy: Our rulers are working to overturn Brexit
Workers across Europe share the goal of defeating both the EU imperialist bloc and the US-led Nato war machine.
4 Apr 2023 ,
Is China the target of the greatest propaganda campaign in human history?
How can we resist the rising tide of sinophobia when there is so little printed or spoken about China by western media and politicians that actually reflects reality?
3 Apr 2023 ,
Pearls and Irritations
Israeli persecution of Palestinians taken to a new level in January
The zionists have seemed to get away with their crimes untouched for 75 years, but every sign is that this experiment in fascistic colonialism is doomed.
1 Apr 2023 ,
Why is the BLM movement so quiet about the murder of Tyre Nichols?
Racial oppression can only meaningfully be fought by a united working class against the capitalist state that seeks to divide and keep us down.
31 Mar 2023 ,
Scholz visits Biden as USA works to bury the truth about Nord Stream
Will Washington test the anti-Putin coalition to destruction?
28 Mar 2023 ,
Look, balloons! The Hollywoodisation of imperialist ‘news’ media
Hyperbolic reportage of the ‘spy balloons’ story was a perfect example of how the ‘infotainment’ industry works to distract and confuse.
25 Mar 2023 ,
French workers fight for their pension and retirement rights
Militant fighting spirit is on display in abundance in France. What is now needed is class-conscious leadership and vision.
18 Mar 2023 ,
Why I left my first teaching job: ‘No support, no training, no care for the kids’
This view from a school gives an insight into why so many of our teachers are feeling so demoralised.
17 Mar 2023 ,
Support our teachers; save our schools!
It is not only their present ability to exist that Britain’s teachers are fighting for, but our children’s future.
14 Mar 2023 ,
Social wage
Many councils have crippling gambling debts. Workers will be paying the bill
Local councils across Britain are going bankrupt, leading to ever deeper cuts in services that have already been stripped to the bone.
13 Mar 2023 ,
Working-class antiwar rage sends US woke mafia into a head fit
A broad coalition of those who really want to stop the US war machine faces silence from the media and insults from the ‘left’.
11 Mar 2023 ,
Divide and rule
Sound and fury: the hollowness of the woke v anti-woke debate
Workers have no interest in perpetuating bourgeois-incited culture wars. What we need is a clear understanding of how these harmful ideas destroy our ability to unify.
8 Mar 2023 ,
Nord Stream sabotage – Seymour Hersh’s revelations
Corporate media are doing what they can to quash discussion of the USA’s attack on its ally, but the fall-out from this detailed exposé is destined to be far-reaching.
1 Mar 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Police officer David Carrick’s campaign of rape: a bad apple or a rotten barrel?
News that the Met will now reopen the cases of a thousand officer complaints would seem to answer the question.
17 Feb 2023 ,
On the media of ‘Russiagate’ and related fake stories
The last shred of mainstream journalistic integrity has been destroyed by the revelation that every part of the relentless Russiagate media barage was false.
16 Feb 2023 ,
Moon of Alabama
British politics
Lessons and legacy of the two-million strong Iraq antiwar protest
Demonstrations are dead-end get-togethers without the leadership of a vanguard revolutionary party. Iraq, Occupy – where are you now?
15 Feb 2023 ,
Anticommunism in the USA: the spectre remains
The spectre of communism haunts the US Congress 175 years later.
13 Feb 2023 ,
Marx Engels Institute
How America took out the Nord Stream pipeline
The New York Times called it a ‘mystery’, but the truth is that the United States executed a covert sea operation against its own allies.
11 Feb 2023 ,
Seymour Hersh
Poor housing kills
The death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak has shone new light on a growing problem: the slum conditions being endured by too many in Britain today.
9 Feb 2023 ,
Pay and conditions
Pardeep Singh and Boohoo: sweatshop and semi-slavery conditions on the rise
An immigrant worker whose punishment beating was filmed by his employer serves as a stark reminder of the true face of capitalist exploitation.
6 Feb 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Capitalists are causing inflation, not workers!
It’s time for the hoary old myth about wages causing inflation to be put to bed. Higher wages lead to lower profits, hence the bosses’ opposition.
29 Jan 2023 ,
The US ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ – blatant protectionism
US monopolies are hoping to survive the present crisis at the expense of their rivals, but alienating all their allies will ultimately only hasten their demise.
24 Jan 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Communists condemn cancellation of WPB anti-Nato meeting by Conway Hall
The Conway Hall Ethical Society’s craven submission to ‘online intimidation’ gives the lie to its claim to uphold free speech.
23 Jan 2023 ,
Food bank crisis in Europe
As our rulers double down on their war against Russia, workers across the EU are suffering rising hunger and fuel poverty.
22 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Prepay meter scandal reveals workers being slowly crushed by energy debt
Workers who can’t afford crippling energy prices are being forced to pay even higher rates by the vulture providers.
18 Jan 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Joti Brar on RT: New laws on strikes and protests aim to contain workers’ anger
Instead of helping workers weather the inflation crisis, our rulers are preparing to suppress any future rebellion.
16 Jan 2023 ,
Proletarian TV
Covid: China changes gear
As the People’s Republic moves on from the era of zero-Covid, western media are desperate to portray its decision as a sign of failure.
15 Jan 2023 ,
Iran and the western-manufactured hijab protests
Attempts to cast imperialist countries as champtions of women’s rights are laughable to anyone familiar with the declining position of women in the west.
11 Jan 2023 ,
Science and technology
Microchips and monopoly: a new front in the global struggle
What is the significance of the USA's quest to repatriate the complex chain of semiconductor production?
10 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Communist replies to BBC budget tips: ‘Get out and see the real world.’
What kind of ‘journalist’ could seriously investigate whether ‘showering at the gym’ could be a money-saving tip for impoverished workers?
5 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Happy new year?
There is no reform that could enable this profit-hungry system to serve the needs of the working people.
3 Jan 2023 ,
The ruin of the NHS for the benefit of private interests
In their desperation for sources of profit, our exploiters as individuals even end up damaging their own collective interests.
29 Dec 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Communist responds to patronising BBC advice for a ‘budget’ Christmas
Naughty? Nice? It’s time workers stopped believing the fairy tale that we get what we ‘deserve’ and organised to fight for what we need!
24 Dec 2022 ,
Britain’s dire water situation is no joke
Privatisation has stolen over £60bn from essential services, leaving the country to wallow in its own filth.
19 Dec 2022 ,
Racist persecution of Aborigines in Australia continues unabated
A culture of torture has been exposed in Australia’s penal system, facilitated by the dehumanisation embedded into every level of the state machinery.
15 Dec 2022 ,
Oppose US ‘special measures’ against sovereign Nicaragua!
Once again, the USA wants to starve an entire people into submission, simply because they have asserted their right to economic and political independence.
27 Nov 2022 ,
Xi Jinping to CPC: The times are calling us, and the people expect us to deliver’
The last five years have indeed been ‘truly momentous and extraordinary’ ones in China’s history and development – and the next five look likely to be even more so.
23 Nov 2022 ,
Friends of Socialist China
Divide and rule
Tribute to Comrade Avtar Jouhl
An indefatigable fighter against racism and imperialism, and for socialism, which he knew held the only solution to humanity’s problems.
20 Nov 2022 ,
Support our nurses’ struggle for decent pay!
It is not our hard-pressed medical staff who are greedy, but the privateers who are pushing down their wages in the interests of profit.
18 Nov 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
The cost of living crisis is a capitalist crisis!
The capitalists have shown themselves to be entirely unable to run their own system for the benefit of society.
4 Nov 2022 ,
West uses Putin’s birthday to ramp up demonisation and personal attacks
But despite all the baseless allegations, reality is stubbornly resistant to imperialist propaganda.
3 Nov 2022 ,
Social wage
Hungry schoolchildren; another sign of a failed system
When an economic system can’t provide basics like food and warm shelter to its people, it is time for it to be replaced.
22 Oct 2022 ,
Inside the world of imperialist mind control
The upside-down world of corporate media lies: how fairy tales and disappearing facts keep workers in ignorance and fear.
16 Oct 2022 ,
Foreign mercenaries in Ukraine – Steve Sweeney reports
One mercenary demanded Russian troops ‘surrender or die!’ after botched drone fundraiser cancelled.
13 Oct 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Free Julian Assange!
The chilling persecution of honest journalism has only highlighted the unfreedom of bourgeois society and the lies and complicity of imperialist corporate media.
5 Oct 2022 ,
Coffey’s ‘plan for patients’ boils down to more targets and some magical thinking
Reams of empty phrasemongering are aimed at hiding the fact that Truss and co have no plan to do anything to fix the crisis in our health service.
1 Oct 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Cost of living crisis: the fightback is under way
Growing militance among unionised workers and vigorous new campaigns to combat the effects of poverty and inflation signify a change in the workers’ mood.
6 Sep 2022 ,
Social wage
Malthusianism is alive and well as feminists celebrate declining birth rate
Since they cannot admit to a solution lying outside of capitalist production relations, ‘women’s rights’ advocates are reduced to prettifying their chains.
2 Sep 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Families face energy bills topping £5,000 this autumn
Privatisation of the energy industry has put Britons at the mercy of world market prices – and no bourgeois party has a clue what to do about it.
30 Aug 2022 ,
Dissecting the cliches of Anglo-American ethnocentrism
Former US ambassador calls on Britain and the USA to ‘come to the rescue’ of the world ... ‘again’.
26 Aug 2022 ,
Support the postal workers!
Workers at Royal Mail are joining those on the railways and the docks in standing up for pay and conditions.
24 Aug 2022 ,
Obituary for Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
A CNN investigation has endorsed the view that Shireen was deliberately assassinated. But the truth about Israeli crimes cannot be snuffed out so easily.
1 Aug 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange must be freed – a plea from his wife Stella Moris
This battle is not to only save a single journalist from gross injustice but to defend the right of all workers to access and speak the truth.
29 Jul 2022 ,
Dr Bob Gill: The demise of British primary healthcare
First they came for the cleaners, then they came for the caterers, then for the porters, the student nurses and the junior doctors. Now they’re coming for the GPs.
11 Jul 2022 ,
Consortium News
Victory to the striking railworkers; defend the right to strike!
In fighting to save jobs and defend pay, railworkers are in the front line of a desperately-needed push-back against the onslaught of capital.
22 Jun 2022 ,
Social wage
Food bank Britain
British families are relying on charity to eat as the market and the government both fail to provide even such a basic necessity as food.
20 Jun 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Cost of living crisis worsens as inflation and energy prices soar
Our rulers are keen to blame ‘the Russians’ for the intrinsic failings of the capitalist system itself.
29 May 2022 ,
Palestinian Nakba continues with the murder of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
After 74 years of endless atrocities, the Israelis are further than ever from realising their fascistic goal of an ethnically ‘pure’ state.
26 May 2022 ,
Yemen v Ukraine: What makes a war newsworthy?
Why are the crocodile tears of our leaders and their presstitutes reserved for some victims of war and denied to others?
23 May 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Assange, the 21st-century inquisition
It is not one man who is on trial, but the people’s right to access meaningful and reliable information.
18 May 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Monstrous plans to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
The main target of anti-immigrant rhetoric is the British working class, which remains disunited and powerless when racist lies flourish.
17 May 2022 ,
Liberal journalism’s fury as Soviet symbolism returns to liberated Donbass
True colours? Guardians of western values are agonising over the rout of the murderous thugs who have been rampaging for eight years in east Ukraine.
16 May 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Does our government love refugees now? What a difference one war makes
What are we supposed to make of the our rulers’ desire to extend the warmest possible welcome to refugees from Ukraine?
13 May 2022 ,
‘Hurrah for the Azov!’ – The curious case of BBC whitewashing nazism in Ukraine
None of the glib refutations of nazism in Ukraine stand up to scrutiny, yet western media continue to repeat them while closing down those who expose their lies.
7 May 2022 ,
Al Mayadeen
London’s great council housing fraud
Politicians talk as if workers are fools, but no-one who has tried to live on a worker’s salary can swallow the London mayor’s lies about an increase in ‘affordable’ homes.
2 May 2022 ,
British politics
Paltry Partygate fines for Boris and Sunak are a slap in the face for British workers
The ‘us and them’ reality of British class society has never been clearer.
25 Apr 2022 ,
Faking ‘war crimes’: Mariupol hospital witness exposes imperialist lie machine
The accounts of those on the scene clearly contradict the atrocity narratives the west is spinning to whip up support for an escalation of the war.
7 Apr 2022 ,
Ukraine calls for Nazi-era tribunal against Russia
But if the USA backs this call, the tables could well be turned.
6 Apr 2022 ,
Climate change
Demonising fossil fuels will not tackle the environmental crisis
Only nationalisation of the energy sector will allow us to make rational plans to safeguard both our energy supplies and our future.
2 Apr 2022 ,
Amnesty International: Israel guilty of ‘apartheid against Palestinians’
Western NGO is forced to conclude that Israel has constructed ‘a cruel system of domination’ that is ‘a crime against humanity’.
26 Mar 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Iniquitous new borders bill aims to make citizenship-stripping routine
Are we entering a time where any outspoken opponent of the present system can be rendered stateless and deported?
19 Mar 2022 ,
British politics
Renegacy of Stop the War on display once again at ‘antiwar’ events
Those who turn out to voice their concern over war in Ukraine are being fed a nausea-inducing diet of pacifism and imperialist lies.
8 Mar 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Chris Mullin: Is another honest journalist about to be put behind bars?
West Midlands police are still pursuing a vendetta against the veteran reporter who revealed their corruption and incompetence.
4 Mar 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Poverty stalks the land as ultrarich count the spoils
Inequality is rising in Britain and in the world, the inevitable outcome of the workings of our much-praised market economy.
3 Mar 2022 ,
Social wage
Nationalise the buses!
Covid was the last straw for thousands of Britain’s remaining bus routes, and the profit motive won’t save these essential services.
28 Feb 2022 ,
Solidarity with the Freedom Convoy of Canada
The arteries of the Canadian capital are clogged to the point where Canada’s whole rotten capitalist system is having a heart attack.
23 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Imperialist society can’t be ‘decolonised’; fight racism by building for socialism
While state power remains in the hands of a tiny exploiting class, workers will continue to be divided by racism.
21 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
The tragic fall of Kathleen Stock: another voice silenced by trans extremism
A backlash against the domination of our university campuses by anti-material transgender ideologists is long overdue.
16 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Fight racism with class unity, not separatism or black nationalism
It is only by unifying the maximum forces that we will be able to confront the enemy of ALL workers – the capitalist-imperialist economic system as a whole.
13 Feb 2022 ,
British politics
The real conspiracy is that of the ruling class against the workers
Workers are being side-tracked from the class struggle with plausible lies that exploit their fears and their anger at being endlessly lied to.
12 Feb 2022 ,
China investing massively to address climate change
China’s example shows the real way out of our climate disaster – but taken alone, even its great strides cannot be enough.
5 Feb 2022 ,
Law on mandatory vaccination for NHS staff to be repealed
In a last-minute U-turn, the beleaguered prime minister has realised that this is one battle he can do without.
1 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
The Channel boat tragedy and Britain’s inhumanity to asylum seekers
Why is the plight of these desperate migrants being weaponised?
14 Jan 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange loses extradition appeal; British ‘justice’ exposed to the world
On the insincere assurances of US lawyers, a British court has decreed that it would be safe for Mr Assange to be handed over to their country’s tender mercies.
13 Jan 2022 ,
BP’s ‘cash machine’ goes into overdrive as workers’ energy bills soar
Britain’s energy monopolies are enjoying a profit bonanza as their rivals disappear and Ofgem fixes prices on their behalf.
11 Jan 2022 ,
Covid has exposed the weakness of capitalism and the strength of socialism
In highlighting the fatal flaws of capitalism, the pandemic has also given us a chance to pursue solutions with renewed energy and hope.
2 Jan 2022 ,
Poem: ‘Liberals’ & ’Death’
By Irish poet Kevin Higgins.
30 Dec 2021 ,
Divide and rule
Jobs are available – let asylum seekers work!
What possible justification can there be for refusing to let migrants work when there are so many empty positions?
26 Dec 2021 ,
Covid-19: Damning report highlights unpreparedness and corruption
Under cover of a global health emergency, our rulers have executed a blatant raid on the Treasury.
20 Dec 2021 ,
No academic freedom to support Palestine
Bristol academic sacked for refusing to bow to the diktat of the zionist world lobby.
18 Dec 2021 ,
China and Covid: working towards a global community of health for all
While China has declared its vaccines to be a global public good, imperialist corporations continue to put profit ahead of health.
17 Dec 2021 ,
Stop these sociopaths from poisoning our rivers!
We are reaping the whirlwind after decades of criminal neglect of Britain’s privatised water and sewage systems.
15 Dec 2021 ,
The NHS, the Covid pandemic and the private insurance takeover
A meaningful defence of Britain’s health service is urgently needed. What would it look like?
13 Dec 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Imperialism’s global conspiracy against Julian Assange
Corporate media maintain their silence as the persecuted journalist and publisher remains behind bars, though convicted of no crime.
10 Dec 2021 ,
US appoints itself arbiter of ‘democracy’: one more act of anti-China propaganda
Invitation list confirms that to be counted as democratic one must be first and foremost a friend of the dictatorial US imperialist regime.
9 Dec 2021 ,
Derisory pay offer covers further cuts as NHS privatisation reaches new heights
National clapping and a George Cross have left nurses empty handed as the new health chief helps US profiteers move in.
2 Dec 2021 ,
British politics
Brexit continues to be a thorn in the side of imperialism
Exposing capitalist democracy, hastening Irish reunification, weakening the camp of international imperialism ... these effects of Brexit are greatly to be welcomed.
25 Nov 2021 ,
A curate’s egg: Shapps’s ‘Great British Railways’ scam
The proposed railways ‘solution’ is less a plan for renationalisation than it is a promise to provide further subsidies to monopoly capital.
24 Nov 2021 ,
Climate change
Cop26: Fiddling while the world burns
Awash with fossil fuel lobbyists and corporate sponsors, the latest ‘climate conference’ was just another greenwashing exercise for monopoly capital.
19 Nov 2021 ,
Prof David Miller and the zionist campaign to crush dissent on campuses
The list of truths that we are being told we must not utter in public spaces continues to grow, but truth has a way of winning out.
12 Nov 2021 ,
US state revokes child protection laws instead of creating decent jobs for adults
Wisconsin is planning to patch up the cracks in its faltering economy by getting children to work longer and later.
10 Nov 2021 ,
British politics
Labour party conference not a ‘safe space’ for women
While Keir Starmer can’t say who has a cervix, one of his MPs is receiving death threats for defending women’s rights.
14 Oct 2021 ,
Gas prices go through the roof as global shortage ties supply lines in knots
Millions of families will again be forced to choose between heating and eating this winter.
22 Sep 2021 ,
Scandalous levels of public service corruption in Britain
Is honest dealing by businesses and politicians compatible with capitalist society and the profit motive?
7 Sep 2021 ,
Workers party hosts popular rally against LTN scheme in Birmingham
An excellent example of socialists connecting with the community in order to advance their interests and raise their understanding.
7 Aug 2021 ,
Working-class history
Remembering the 2011 youth uprising
Ten years on, the poverty, inequality and injustice that led to an outpouring of rage on England’s streets have only worsened.
6 Aug 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Reform of the Secrets Act is another brick in the wall
While the ‘opposition’ sits on its hands, the ruling class is rolling out more legislation designed to suppress working-class discontent.
5 Aug 2021 ,
No politicisation of Covid origin tracing: joint statement with CPC
The quest to understand the origin of Covid-19 must be pursued in the spirit of international cooperation, not used as a political football.
2 Aug 2021 ,
Social wage
Cambian Childcare: End this chattel slavery
How many more horrendous revelations do we have to endure before action is taken to end the abuse of vulnerable children by profiteers?
1 Aug 2021 ,
‘Recycling’ today: greenwashing for a broken, ecocidal system
Why does our society seem so incapable of dealing with the rising tide of plastic that threatens to overwhelm us?
28 Jul 2021 ,
Social wage
Scandalous profiteering at the expense of children in care
Our most vulnerable children have been transformed into business units by private equity funds.
25 Jul 2021 ,
Social wage
Unemployment and poverty set to rise as furlough ends and benefits are cut
A brutal shock is in store for many workers as the temporary multi-tiered unemployment support system is slashed back to the bone.
13 Jul 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Metropolitan police branded ‘institutionally corrupt’
An unsolved murder and a persistent family have laid bare a catalogue of dishonest dealings by police stretching out over decades.
28 Jun 2021 ,
Film: The Great NHS Heist
Dr Bob Gill’s contribution to the fight to save our NHS is incalculable. This film is essential viewing for every British worker.
19 Jun 2021 ,
NHS dentistry in its death throes as Covid is used as a cover for privatisation
Increasing numbers of poor workers are not registered with a dentist and are forced to use DIY treatments in an emergency.
17 Jun 2021 ,
World history
Film review: Judas and the Black Messiah
A searing reminder of the need for class unity in the battle for socialism.
8 Jun 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Workers Party statement: No to Covid passports
There is no medical justification for the imposition of such documents; they are not aimed at protecting our health but at the surveillance and control of workers.
31 May 2021 ,
Divide and rule
Sewell report concludes ‘no institutional racism’ in British society. How?
The whitewashers of the system and the self-identifying ‘social justice warriors’ form a perfect double-act, working to keep workers perpetually divided.
27 May 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Kill the Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill!
A marked increase in police violence against workers has already been in evidence even before the new policing bill has passed into law.
24 May 2021 ,
Imperialism fails the Covid test
Capitalism is proving itself to be systemically incapable of dealing rationally and humanely with the global pandemic.
12 May 2021 ,
Derek Chauvin found guilty on all counts of George Floyd’s murder
A conviction that serves to underline the general impunity of imperialist state forces when carrying out their role as defenders of the status quo.
11 May 2021 ,
Biden’s US ramps up hostility toward refugees, despite ‘humane’ promises
Joe proves his imperialist credentials by presiding over ‘business as usual’ in America’s war on migrant workers.
5 May 2021 ,
NHS privatisation accelerated during the pandemic: a medical ‘shock doctrine’
Instead of rebuilding our decimated public capacity, private providers are being subsidised to the tune of billions to take the place of the NHS.
1 May 2021 ,
Pay and conditions
Don’t make care workers pay for the crisis in social care!
We must renationalise and reunite social care with healthcare, and pay all workers in the sector a decent wage.
17 Apr 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Police Bill: capitalism gears up for the class struggles to come
Our rulers are in a hurry to pass new laws while the excuse of Covid lingers and before workers have woken up to the true scale of the present economic crisis.
7 Apr 2021 ,
Civil liberties
BLM, XR: No reds under the bed … yet
Our rulers are nervous that workers may start to put up really meaningful resistance to imperialist domination, despoliation and war.
2 Apr 2021 ,
Ban extended, but evictions continue
Behind the toothless legislation is a government, and parliament, inextricably intertwined with the landlord class.
1 Apr 2021 ,
Facebook employs propagandist to wage war on ‘disinformation’
Big tech is enthusiastically embracing the drive to war with Russia and China.
24 Mar 2021 ,
Social wage
Don’t tell Newham we are all in it together
The financial and physical inability to isolate or to work safely has led to far worse covid outcomes for the poorest in our society.
10 Mar 2021 ,
More ‘reforms’ of the NHS, so many nails in the coffin
We have a hard fight on our hands if we wish to save our health service from the corporate looters and privateers.
6 Mar 2021 ,
Nutrition is a human right: we must demand decent food for all
Corporate-funded ‘nutrition’ studies are a perfect example of how the profit motive perverts the course of scientific enquiry.
5 Mar 2021 ,
Social wage
Destitution in Britain compounded by 2020 crash and covid shutdowns
How can it be that there is so much want in the midst of so much plenty?
4 Mar 2021 ,
Harpal Brar: Support Cuban medical disaster relief team for Nobel peace prize
Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade has saved thousands of lives across the world.
1 Mar 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Mairead Maguire nominates Assange, Manning, Snowden for Nobel peace prize
Irish peace prize winner explains how the bravery of these three whistleblowers inspires peace-loving workers everywhere.
24 Feb 2021 ,
Pay and conditions
Bringing Kaplan to book: time to get organised in the gig economy
A reminder that the whole reason for having trade unions is to fight the workers’ corner everywhere.
21 Feb 2021 ,
Big Tech and the end of dissent: First they came for Donald Trump
The useful idiots of the liberal left are cheering while tech giants clamp down ever harder on freedom of speech.
17 Feb 2021 ,
Planning reforms won’t fix the housing crisis
Building more homes is not the answer unless they are built for those who need them.
14 Feb 2021 ,
British ban of Chinese news channel is another step towards open warfare
The mainstream media is spreading cold war propaganda against China in support of the imperialists’ drive to an all-out conflagration.
10 Feb 2021 ,
British politics
The Big Ride for Palestine and the Labour party
Tower Hamlets council’s decision to ban a fundfaising event for Palestine highlights the Labour party’s role as a tool of British imperial policy.
9 Feb 2021 ,
Social wage
Hard to swallow: UK food parcels shamefully inadequate
When profit takes precedence over the provision of service, it’s no surprise that half-hearted and belated government measures are not fit for purpose.
8 Feb 2021 ,
GameStop stops Wall Street
Activist amateur traders ‘driven by righteous anger’ very nearly broke at least one hedge vulture’s bank, causing panic on the stock exchange.
2 Feb 2021 ,
DVLA: Keeping non-essential staff in offices is endangering lives
The biggest outbreak of covid yet recorded in Britain is taking place in a government office in Wales – and staff are still being forced to come in to work.
27 Jan 2021 ,
Covid: Frontline workers are paying for the crisis with their lives
Thousands of businesses are claiming to be ‘essential’, forcing staff to come to work but failing to provide PPE or to implement proper safety measures.
25 Jan 2021 ,
Time to end poverty: expropriate the expropriators!
Bourgeois commentators are increasingly identifying the problems besetting humanity, but they are congenitally incapable of recognising the solution staring them in the face.
23 Jan 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange victorious, for now
Judge’s ruling makes it clear that the principles supposedly protecting free speech and honest journalism remain in peril.
5 Jan 2021 ,
Rape and murder of dalit girls continues as Indian authorities turn a blind eye
Old caste prejudices from the feudal era are preventing Indian workers from coming together in class solidarity.
24 Dec 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Sunak extends furlough till April as jobless stats sow panic
The number of redundancies continues to climb inexorably each month, despite all efforts to massage the figures and soften the blow.
23 Dec 2020 ,
British politics
Crisis of legitimacy: trust in politicians and journalists keeps going down
What does it say about our ‘democracy’ when those who are supposed to uphold it are some of the least trusted people in the country?
7 Dec 2020 ,
Social wage
Demise of RPI: another attack on workers’ pensions
Why should our right to a dignified old age depend on the vagaries of stock-exchange gamblers and government statisticians?
5 Dec 2020 ,
Water privateers: ‘Doing what’s in the best interests of shareholders’
As Britain’s utilities are looted by shareholders, workers are forced to pay astronomical bills for deteriorating services.
29 Nov 2020 ,
Social wage
Humbled by their own incompetence: ‘winter economic plan’ back to square one
Lockdown exacerbates ruling class conflict over future for employers, employees, and unemployed.
24 Nov 2020 ,
Marketisation of services to vulnerable children exposes true values of liberal democracy
Never has the gap between human and capitalist logic been so glaringly apparent.
15 Nov 2020 ,
Why are women being unnecessarily sterilised at a US immigration centre?
Disturbing facts have come to light in a for-profit immigration centre. What is the motivation behind these crimes against women prisoners?
6 Nov 2020 ,
Covid: Parasites enjoy a bonanza whilst workers struggle
There has never been a better time for workers to learn hard truths about the nature of the capitalist system.
31 Oct 2020 ,
Social wage
Insult to injury: government plans to cut Universal Credit boost
Covid has exposed the injustice of below-poverty-line benefits. How will our rulers balance their need for cheap and desperate workers with maintaining social peace?
29 Oct 2020 ,
Social wage
Southern Cross: vulture capitalists still getting fat on the care home racket
The problems in our care homes are rooted in privatisation and began well before the pandemic arrived to bring them to national attention.
28 Oct 2020 ,
Dirty British propaganda war against Syria exposed
The war machine is facing a most welcome crisis of legitimacy.
16 Oct 2020 ,
British politics
Workers party launches corona wealth tax campaign
All progressives in Britain should be working to extend the reach of the Workers Party into the ranks of the working class.
12 Oct 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Railway pensions under threat
It is the bosses’ responsibility to see to it that deferred wages are paid in full; why are workers expected to take the hit?
23 Sep 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
FT spills the beans on the great pensions rip-off
Not content with stealing workers’ unpaid labour today, the capitalists are conspiring to steal their right to a dignified retirement tomorrow.
20 Sep 2020 ,
Civil servants face coercion over return to the workplace
In a desperate bid to restore city centre footfall, the government is pushing workers back into offices.
16 Sep 2020 ,
Grenfell Tower: construction bosses’ contempt for workers’ lives laid bare
Despite its best efforts, the glacial inquiry has let slip a series of unpalatable truths about the practices and motivations of the construction industry.
4 Sep 2020 ,
Social wage
UBI: a recipe for universal misery
Our demand must be for meaningful work in a society free from poverty, unemployment and insecurity.
24 Aug 2020 ,
Divide and rule
Look, balloons! Another migrant scare distracts attention from corona and crisis
With the worst covid outcome and deepest recession in Europe, our rulers are keen to divert workers’ anger from themselves and their failing system.
19 Aug 2020 ,
Thinktank warns of massive rise in destitution in the wake of Covid-19
The wonders of capitalism: five million Britons predicted to become destitute this year.
10 Aug 2020 ,
Hedge funds flourish on covid misery
As the vaccine race heats up, holders of the right pharma shares are making a killing out of insider trading.
2 Aug 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
Rising inequality following the 2020 crisis of overproduction
Mushrooming inequality has the capitalist class spooked, for they fear the consequences.
29 Jul 2020 ,
Water CEOs fleece the public
Residents’ bills are sky high, the nation’s water reserves are seeping away, but privateer bosses are still shamelessly rinsing the coffers.
27 Jul 2020 ,
PPE scandal: crony capitalists make a killing while frontline workers sacrificed
Meanwhile, the system’s defenders are worried that workers might learn the right lessons.
26 Jul 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Ministry of Justice retreats on sick pay for cleaners
Victory for struggling cleaners after Emanuel Gomes’s death, who worked for a week with suspected covid and a raging fever.
24 Jul 2020 ,
Leicester sweatshops keep their heads down despite covid panic
Fashion industry gangmasters are riding out the storm, safe in the knowledge that it will be business as usual before long.
17 Jul 2020 ,
Divide and rule
Statues come down: the toppling of the mighty
Good riddance to bad rubbish, but what next?
10 Jul 2020 ,
Divide and rule
JK Rowling’s stance against the thought police
The author’s brave stance in defence of reality must be defended, and her hysterical detractors exposed as the reactionary bullies they are.
9 Jul 2020 ,
We are not battery hens: covid outbreaks in the meat packing industry
Why are so many workers in the meat processing industry succumbing to the coronavirus?
3 Jul 2020 ,
Social wage
The plight of the homeless after lockdown
‘Business as usual’ as rough sleepers are thrown back onto the streets.
29 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Imperial College sacking vital IT workers
University managers plan to axe more than half their IT staff, despite their heroic work in enabling vital pandemic research.
27 Jun 2020 ,
Covid couriers sacked for requesting PPE and social distancing
Workers responsible for transporting covid test samples from hospitals to labs are being victimised for requesting basic safety measures.
25 Jun 2020 ,
Under cover of Covid-19: Israel tightens the screws on Palestine
Israel’s violent suppression and annexation of Palestine continues unabated, but with it so grows the just resistance of the Palestinian people.
24 Jun 2020 ,
British politics
Boris’s chapter of accidents
As the covid emergency progresses, the prime minister is jumping from one fiasco to another, exposing his many inadequacies to full public view.
23 Jun 2020 ,
Civil liberties
The Coronavirus Act 2020
Jumping on the excuse of Covid-19, parliament has rammed through a host of draconian measures unrelated to the health crisis.
19 Jun 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: The truth will set him free
Many questions remain to be answered about the conduct of Julian’s defence.
18 Jun 2020 ,
End British export of rubber bullets
British arms manufacturers continue to profit from these lethal ‘crowd control’ weapons.
17 Jun 2020 ,
Social wage
UBI: the ‘right’ to be idle or the right to work?
What does the call for a universal basic income really mean?
8 Jun 2020 ,
Second spike looms: Boris opts for ‘whack-a-mole’ over having a good plan
On every level, the performance of socialist countries in dealing with Covid-19 is putting the profiteering, anti-worker ethos of capitalism to shame.
4 Jun 2020 ,
‘Back to work’ stampede – and may the devil take the hindmost
Reopening schools and workplaces without proper safety measures highlights the government’s true priorities.
20 May 2020 ,
Covid-19: What is the coronavirus and is it a real threat?
Dr Ranjeet Brar takes a look at the medical aspects of the present pandemic, comparing Covid-19 to other viruses such as influenza and Sars.
12 May 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
The corona pandemic and the capitalist world economic crash of 2020
Our rulers are keen to convince us that the deepest depression in the history of capitalism is a random and unpredictable ‘black swan’ event.
2 May 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
A call to arms: This May Day, fight together against imperialism
Workers’ parties sign international revolutionary anti-imperialist manifesto.
1 May 2020 ,
Covid-19 furlough scheme: a bonanza for big business
While thousands of workers find themselves without a job, bosses are cashing in on the ‘free money’ of the furlough scheme.
30 Apr 2020 ,
Covid-19: Why is it that Cuba can manufacture PPE, but Britain can’t?
Britain’s frontline workers continue to put their lives on the line, paid in broken promises and empty gestures.
28 Apr 2020 ,
Isabel and Michael Crook show love for China with Covid-19 relief
Comrade Michael praises the ability of the Chinese system to mobilise resources in the public interest as Wuhan emerges victorious from its lockdown.
21 Apr 2020 ,
Coronavirus stats are air-brushing the elderly
Thousands of Covid-19 infections and deaths in Britain’s care homes have simply not been tracked or counted.
20 Apr 2020 ,
Lessons of Covid-19 pt 1: Only workers can solve the problems created by capital
Who are the real ‘key workers’ and why are they still being treated so badly?
19 Apr 2020 ,
Social wage
Hunger rising sharply as covid-19 lockdown combines with economic crash
Why are we witnessing the obscene sight of workers going hungry in the midst of plenty?
17 Apr 2020 ,
Social wage
Austerity Britain: where the homeless seek shelter in bins
Report reveals shocking rise of bin sleepers as one waste worker recounts finding children as young as nine or ten.
6 Apr 2020 ,
Now 230 workers’ parties call for united effort to fight Covid-19
Progressive parties from around the world have signed a joint letter calling for closer international cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus.
2 Apr 2020 ,
Britain’s response to Covid-19 pt 1: ‘Take it on the chin’
What the coronavirus teaches us about our rulers’ attitudes and priorities.
27 Mar 2020 ,
Covid-19 treatment handbooks issued compiling frontline experience
China's gift to the world is hard-won knowledge: ‘The real remedy for epidemics is not isolation, but cooperation.’
20 Mar 2020 ,
Macron wages war on French workers, making pension ‘reforms’ by subterfuge
Striking workers were duped into moving their battle into parliament. Can they regain the momentum they had on the streets before?
16 Mar 2020 ,
The anti-China coronavirus panic
What is really behind the media hysteria over Covid-19? And what can the virus tell us about the state of our NHS?
8 Mar 2020 ,
Social wage
Errol Graham and the unreported austerity pandemic
Social murder in our midst is being hushed up by all arms of the state, hand in glove with media that are entirely uninterested in ‘speaking truth to power’.
27 Feb 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Lecturers rise against pay cuts and pensions robbery
The marketisation of education: staff are being sweated so that universities can make fat profits.
21 Feb 2020 ,
Social wage
Work doesn’t pay and British families know it
Fourteen million people, including four million children, live in poverty in Britain, and more than half of those come from working families.
19 Feb 2020 ,
China will beat the coronavirus
While western hysteria is out of all proportion to the real scale of the emergency, the Chinese response has been swift and stunning.
5 Feb 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Union-busting at St Mungo’s homeless charity
More pressure on workers in the charity sector, where a race to the bottom is well underway.
4 Feb 2020 ,
How the EU is demolishing pensions
We need to stand together in resisting the drive to make workers pay for the economic crisis of capitalism.
2 Feb 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Defend railway pensions!
Workers have a right to their deferred wages in retirement and to a dignified old age after a lifetime of work.
27 Jan 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Firefighters victory forces government retreat on public sector pensions
The FBU has won its case to get former pension rights restored, and the case has wide implications.
19 Jan 2020 ,
Social wage
Children in care being let down as vultures profit from their misery
The children’s care system is yet another example of how privateers are feeding off the wretchedness of society’s most vulnerable.
18 Jan 2020 ,
French class war continuing as neither side looks ready to back down
Macron continues to push EU-backed pensions attack while unions have called for a general strike and total oil refinery blockade.
10 Jan 2020 ,
Debt survey shows inequality widening as rich get richer and poor get poorer
As the gap between the super-rich and everyone else gets ever wider, it is clear that this system is overdue for a foreclosure of its own.
5 Jan 2020 ,
French strikes expand and deepen as more workers join the fray
A class war is underway in France and the workers show no sign of backing down. Victoire aux grévistes!
19 Dec 2019 ,
Support the French strikers!
France’s militant unions are joining forces with yellow vest activists in a serious challenge to Macron’s EU-backed assault on living standards.
10 Dec 2019 ,
France goes on strike: can Macron survive?
As militant trade unionists prepare to join yellow vests on the streets, the class struggle in France is moving into a new gear.
30 Nov 2019 ,
The double victimisation of capitalism’s female victims
Locked up for being poor, their children uprooted and set adrift ... while privatised prison services rake in the cash.
23 Nov 2019 ,
One year on: the yellow vests and the class struggle in France
What has fuelled the rise and sustained the popularity of the gilets jaunes movement in Britain’s nearest neighbour?
19 Nov 2019 ,
Sabotage of state schools
Growing privatisation and austerity is eroding the hard-won right to an education for our children.
17 Nov 2019 ,
Working-class history
Avtar Jouhl: lifelong class fighter against racism
Comrade Avtar reflects on a life of struggle in the IWA and the trade unions from the 1950s to the 1990s.
10 Nov 2019 ,
International Socialist
Trade unions
Stifling criticism of Israel in the British trade-union movement
TUC votes in support of Palestine, but decision is ignored by the media, including those on the left.
1 Nov 2019 ,
Social wage
DWP dirty tricks are pushing the most vulnerable over the edge
Private companies are being handsomely paid to prevent the sick from accessing benefits they have every right to.
31 Oct 2019 ,
QuickQuid – cut and run
Having extorted millions from struggling austerity-hit families, the US-backed payday lender is pocketing its loot and getting out.
30 Oct 2019 ,
The true level of unemployment
Joblessness is being underreported by a factor of 200 percent.
26 Oct 2019 ,
Building a prosperous and environmentally-conscious society
A first-hand view of China’s march forward.
17 Oct 2019 ,
Bury FC: a victim of capitalism
One more reason for workers to burn with indignation against a social order that can never be made to serve their interests.
15 Sep 2019 ,
Shameful levels of malnutrition in Britain
Privatisation and cost-cutting in social care have led to shocking levels of neglect amongst the most vulnerable in our society.
13 Sep 2019 ,
The successes of the Bolivarian housing mission in Venezuela
Bringing solidarity to a heroic people as they resist imperialist siege.
29 Aug 2019 ,
Our schools need more than money
It is not only cuts that are devastating and gutting our schools but privatisation and outsourcing.
24 Aug 2019 ,
GSM collapse: another for-profit education provider hits the rocks
A London-based private university has gone bust, leaving students and staff in the lurch.
23 Aug 2019 ,
US workers force child migrant concentration camp to close
Homeware staff strike against their employers’ profiting from privatised detention camps.
14 Aug 2019 ,
Divide and rule
Racial profiling revealed in Home Office visa processing
African academics are routinely being denied entry to attend conferences and seminars in Britain.
10 Aug 2019 ,
Teachers given pay rise, but schools forced to pay
Government will fund a 0.75 percent increase, with schools told to find most of the required cash from their own budgets.
8 Aug 2019 ,
Social wage
‘We often see grown men in tears – they can’t believe they’re here’
Manchester reporter discovers dismay, rage and defiance in Oldham, a town bruised by universal credit and austerity.
7 Aug 2019 ,
Manchester Evening News
Divide and rule
Police refuse to investigate killing of refugee schoolgirl
The authorities are closing their eyes to strong evidence of racist bullying in the death of Shukri Abdi.
29 Jul 2019 ,
Foreign investors head to Birmingham housing market
As London property prices nose-dive, investors are hoping to make a quick buck out of new-build apartments in the country’s second-largest city.
18 Jul 2019 ,
Birmingham Worker
Council tax becoming the new poll tax says report
Thinktank investigation reveals the huge disparity in rates of payment between the poorest and richest households.
16 Jul 2019 ,
Birmingham Worker
Brexit, profiteers and the NHS
Why are Donald Trump and a ‘no-deal’ Brexit being held up as threats to the future of the health service?
11 Jul 2019 ,
China’s resistance to the US trade war
Defensive measures by the People’s Republic are accelerating the very process the US has been trying to halt.
5 Jul 2019 ,
Thousands of children are taught in classes that are too big
Reverse privatisation and create an education system that serves the real needs of both society and individuals.
4 Jul 2019 ,
Divide and rule
Fighting the forces of fascism: persuasion, not force, is key right now
What should meaningful antifascist work look like in present-day Britain?
28 Jun 2019 ,
Divide and rule
Teach children to kick against gender stereotypes, not gender itself
The party of the working class must above all be the purveyor of truth.
26 Jun 2019 ,
Right-to-rent and work checks promote racism and victimise the most vulnerable
Forcing landlords and employers to check the immigration status of tenants and employees has led to a surge in homelessness among non-white workers in Britain.
11 Jun 2019 ,
Residents unite against power station plan next to Bristol inner-city nursery
Fight against unelected planning authorities exposes once again the true nature of Britain’s sham democracy.
2 Jun 2019 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange facing extradition to the United States
Why is the WikiLeaks founder being targeted now, and what happens next?
23 May 2019 ,
Hunger on the rise in Britain, despite economic ‘recovery’
In-work poverty testifies as to who really paid to bail out the banks in 2008. And while hunger is on the rise, one-third of food produced every year is wasted.
20 May 2019 ,
Privatisation directors’ fat salaries come from ripping off health service workers
Sodexo and Mitie are the latest hospital outsourcing companies to face industrial action by staff over terrible pay and conditions.
14 May 2019 ,
Left-Labour-controlled Newham is not such a New Jerusalem
Despite working for a Labour council and a Corbynite mayor, council workers in Newham face pay cuts and bullying.
13 May 2019 ,
Twitter censors Venezuelan embassy in Britain
Twitter is helping the US and its comprador coup plotters conduct the media war against Venezuela’s legitimate and popular government.
9 May 2019 ,
Climate change
Yellow vests v Extinction Rebellion
Climate protestors’ leader accidentally gives away the ruling class’s agenda.
4 May 2019 ,
Civil liberties
Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!
Injustice and oppression will never be defeated unless at every turn they are resolutely resisted, whatever the cost.
23 Apr 2019 ,
Reaction of the rich to the Notre Dame fire tells a lot about the world we live in
Two of Europe’s wealthiest men pledge €300m to restore Notre Dame, while 8.8 million people continue to live below the poverty line in France.
20 Apr 2019 ,
Divide and rule
Why gay rights is not a class issue
It is not ‘homophobic’ for socialists to focus their attention on those contradictions that concern the whole working class in its struggle for socialism.
20 Apr 2019 ,
Social wage
Fire Brigade Inc
Cuts and outsourcing are part of the slow drive towards total privatisation of this essential service.
12 Apr 2019 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Interserve: another outsourcing giant hits the wall
In the pursuit of monopoly profits, another building corporation turned ‘public service provider’ has gone bust – and the public will be picking up the tab.
6 Apr 2019 ,
Call from France’s first yellow vest assembly
Even as it sinks out of sight in the British media, France’s popular rebellion is continuing and gaining momentum.
30 Mar 2019 ,
How to squeeze the NHS and get a gong
Private drugs companies seize on a ‘loophole’ in NHS rules to vastly overprice medicines.
25 Mar 2019 ,
Brum bin strike concludes with a payout
A new deal was concluded in March to appease workers’ anger at secret payouts to GMB members during the 2017 strike.
24 Mar 2019 ,
Divide and rule
The reactionary nightmare of ‘gender fluidity’
We do not advocate and we cannot allow the bourgeoisie to impose this divisive ideology upon us.
23 Mar 2019 ,
Smartphones v doctors: NHS destruction moves up a gear
A ‘new era of personalised care’ where mobile apps replace overworked GPs.
20 Mar 2019 ,
Social wage
Privatisation undermines the probation service
The government has reneged on its promise to step in if the privateers failed to deliver.
17 Mar 2019 ,
Divide and rule
Asda continues to flout equal pay rulings
Automation and unequal pay are just two of the tools being used by retail giants to divide workers, reduce costs and win the cut-throat war of competition.
14 Mar 2019 ,
Science and technology
China charts new territory: the dark side of the moon
Workers of all countries felt a justified surge of pride when the PRC’s lunar probe made a successful landing on the dark side of the moon.
10 Mar 2019 ,
Assange nominated for the Nobel peace prize
Irish peace campaigner calls for the WikiLeaks’s founder to be recognised for his services against warmongering imperialism.
1 Mar 2019 ,
South Western railworkers win battle to keep the guard on the train
Safe and affordable public transport for all. Support our rail workers!
19 Feb 2019 ,
Divide and rule
The fake emergency of the Channel boat refugees
Why is such a fuss being made about the arrival of a few desperate migrants on the shores of one of the richest countries in the world?
10 Feb 2019 ,
Refuse, resist! Brum rubbish collectors ready to strike as council talks fail
Brummie binmen are days away from an all-out strike, clashing once again with a Labour council that has rewarded scabs and blacklisted strikers.
20 Jan 2019 ,
Newcross Healthcare: rinsing the public coffers
The true face of privatisation in our public services, where greed and abuse are rewarded and people come last.
15 Jan 2019 ,
The migrant caravan and the US mid-term elections
Crude jingoism deployed to boost President Trump’s Republican party at the expense of the desperate poor of Central America.
7 Jan 2019 ,
France’s yellow vests fight on, despite concessions
Social unrest in France is being driven by workers’ anger at continuous attacks on jobs, wages and living standards.
5 Jan 2019 ,
Huawei executive arrest – a provocation too far
The US's persectution of Meng Wanzhou represents a dangerous escalation of its trade war against China.
30 Dec 2018 ,
Civil liberties
Branding the wage slaves
British companies are starting to experiment with microchipping their staff as a way of keeping tabs on their movements.
24 Dec 2018 ,
Social wage
WH Smith gobbles up another 74 post offices
Another step towards the complete dismemberment and privatisation of the mail service.
22 Dec 2018 ,
Divide and rule
Letter: Identity politics v class politics
If our political activities don’t threaten imperialism, we need to think again about what we are doing.
17 Dec 2018 ,
Social wage
A third of British children live in poverty
A decade of austerity is taking a heavy toll on Britain’s families.
13 Dec 2018 ,
Grenfell Tower – another long and winding public inquiry
Privatisation, subcontracting and the drive to maximise profits led to the inferno, but the ruling class will be hoping the inquiry can come up with a scapegoat or two on whom to pin the blame for its crimes.
8 Dec 2018 ,
Divide and rule
Identity politics are anti-Marxian and a harmful diversion from the class struggle
Refuse to allow our movement to be hijacked by hostile class forces!
7 Dec 2018 ,
The housing crisis is lining private landlords’ pockets
Housing benefit is acting as the ‘landlords’ bonus’, while provision of emergency temporary accommodation by private landlords is the ‘icing on the cake’.
6 Dec 2018 ,
Social wage
Bristol bus protest highlights failing public transport in Britain
Workers must demand renationalisation as the first step towards affordability, planning, and the sanity of a socialist economy.
25 Nov 2018 ,
Pay and conditions
University of Manchester support staff to strike against pension attacks
Cleaners, caterers, security and admin staff are fighting to defend their right to a dignified retirement.
17 Nov 2018 ,
Pay and conditions
Glasgow: Teachers take to the streets
Pay and conditions in the profession continue to decline, leading to a retention and recruitment crisis in our schools.
16 Nov 2018 ,
Social wage
Universal credit: forcing the needy into ever more desperate poverty
The government can look after the interests of the capitalists or the interests of the workers; it cannot do both.
13 Nov 2018 ,
Residents resist social cleansing in Cambridge
The CPGB-ML supports tenants in Montreal Square, who are trying to save their community from redevelopment.
2 Nov 2018 ,
The housing crisis shows that capitalism is due for demolition
Housing should be a right not a privilege, yet capitalism has proven itself incapable of providing a decent home to every worker.
1 Nov 2018 ,
Meaningful employment is a right for all
Useful work well done for collective benefit brings personal fulfilment. A society that can't provide such work to its members is not fit for purpose.
28 Oct 2018 ,
Decent education for all
If we want a society worth living in, education should be high-quality, free, universal, lifelong and publicly provided. Profit-taking has no place in classrooms.
27 Oct 2018 ,
Shootings, killings, cars on fire – what’s going on?
All a sign of the irretrievable decadence of bourgeois society.
21 Oct 2018 ,
Gangsters employed by the state to assist slum landlords
In Ireland, as in Britain, the housing crisis is deepening while the government backs up the vultures feeding off the misery of poor.
20 Oct 2018 ,
Republican News
Arbitrary arrests in India
The BJP government is the embodiment of bigotry, divisiveness and murderous activity.
18 Oct 2018 ,
FE lecturers ballot over derisory pay offer
It is not the job of workers to square the accounts of their employers.
17 Oct 2018 ,
Government plans to push fracking through the back door
If we want to save our planet, we’ll need to get rid of capitalism.
11 Oct 2018 ,
Pay and conditions
Theft of steelworkers’ pensions
Successful campaigners lose up to half their entitlement, shafted after all by caveats in the small print.
9 Oct 2018 ,
Pay and conditions
Bosses’ pay soars
While Labour business rep worries over ‘undermining public trust in business’!
9 Oct 2018 ,
Property tycoon hikes rent by 10 percent
The decimation of social housing proves once more the inability of the market to provide even for people's most basic needs.
1 Oct 2018 ,
London Worker
School exclusions create prisoners, not reformed pupils
With ever more social problems manifesting in the classroom, and support staff and services being axed, draconian methods of ‘behaviour management’ are on the rise.
28 Sep 2018 ,
The events of Chemnitz and the role of (east) German fascism
How is it that there are riots against immigrants in the heart of the former German socialist republic?
23 Sep 2018 ,
Support Birmingham’s homecare workers
Before Labour councillors privatise the service completely.
19 Sep 2018 ,
Birmingham Worker
British politics
Fascist tactics: How Jeremy Corbyn’s detractors are plotting to remove him
The Labour leader’s opponents don’t care about antisemitism. They’ll just do anything to remove Corbyn.
18 Sep 2018 ,
Middle East Eye
Divide and rule
Prison report reveals truth about Britain’s dreadful concentration camps
If one can judge a society by how it treats its prisoners, British imperialism continues to plumb new depths of baseness and depravity.
3 Sep 2018 ,
British politics
Profiteers of war: how working-class kids die to keep the rich rich
A former soldier's compelling call for non-cooperation with imperialist war.
23 Aug 2018 ,
British politics
Is Corbyn racist?
What is behind the relentless campaign against Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’ and ‘terrorist wreath-laying’ in our national media?
21 Aug 2018 ,
How Wikipedia is used to prop up the imperialist lie machine
The internet encyclopaedia is an important front in the information war being waged by our rulers.
20 Aug 2018 ,
How do socialists approach the veil?
Boris Johnson's comments do nothing to elighten anyone or further a debate, but those of his opponents are not much more sensible.
19 Aug 2018 ,
NHS cost-cutting managers’ plan will axe a raft of routine operations
Calling these procedures ‘unnecessary’ won’t stop people needing them, however; it will merely ration them according to the ability to pay.
8 Aug 2018 ,
The ongoing ‘fake news’ debacle
In the name of suppressing ‘fake news’ the bourgeoisie seeks to suppress inconvenient truth.
6 Aug 2018 ,
Save our NHS
Only by clearly understanding our rulers’ determination to dismantle the NHS and by coordinating our efforts to save it can we hope to succeed.
16 Jul 2018 ,
NHS: government forced to recognise reality
The NHS needs more money for services and staff, not simply to create further profits for the bloodsucking privateers.
16 Jul 2018 ,
Bringing Julian Assange home
John Pilger on the significance of WikiLeaks and the rage of US imperialism against its founder.
20 Jun 2018 ,
Information Clearing House
Social wage
Poverty on the rise as Birmingham’s Labour council freezes burial fees
Rates of child poverty are soaring in Britain’s major cities; Labour councils are as impotent and callous as all the rest.
14 Jun 2018 ,
Saving the NHS: the method and success rate of the petition ‘activist’
All sound and fury signifying nothing much.
10 Jun 2018 ,
Cambridge Analytica and the drive toward internet censorship
Corporate abuse of the internet is being used to justify censorship of independent media.
7 Jun 2018 ,
World history
Fifty years since the murder of Martin Luther King Jr
A leader, one of many, murdered because they came to identify capitalism as the cause of the misery of the US masses.
25 May 2018 ,
Privatised rail industry totters
The resistance of rail workers to safety-cutting measures is bringing the question of renationalisation back onto the political agenda.
19 May 2018 ,
University workers sold down the river
With friends like the University and College Union leadership, who needs enemies?
14 May 2018 ,
France fights back against Thatcherite ‘reforms’
French workers have only to see what has been done to the British working class in recent decades to understand the ramifications of their present fight.
3 May 2018 ,
Divide and rule
The Windrush scandal
For once, the British public is being given an insight into the misery that is daily inflicted by the UK's racist and draconian immigration regime.
30 Apr 2018 ,
British politics
Birmingham Worker candidate speaks out on behalf of working-class youth
What can British youth do about the poverty, exclusion and alienation they face today?
29 Apr 2018 ,
Birmingham Worker
British politics
Birmingham Worker candidates fighting for women and children
Communist candidates highlight the role of the Labour party in implementing austerity on behalf of the ruling class.
29 Apr 2018 ,
Birmingham Worker
Poem: They Say that Both Sides are to Blame?
Media lies keep the working class divided and weak. What's the way out?
24 Apr 2018 ,
British politics
The infamous ‘antisemitic’ mural
Jeremy Corbyn has apologised for failing to notice an East End mural’s antisemitism and now supports its removal. Is he right?
11 Apr 2018 ,
The ‘independent media’ that exist to attack independent media
The enemy’s supposed to hate it: Beeley and Bartlett under attack again.
7 Apr 2018 ,
Housing shortage in the midst of plenty
It is not the right to buy that workers need, but the right to a home.
5 Apr 2018 ,
GP incentives – a dangerous tool of NHS privatisation
“I will use treatments for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgement, but from what is to their harm and injustice I will keep them.”
4 Apr 2018 ,
Pay and conditions
Council workers win skirmish with Manchester outsourcing cowboy
The involvement of Labour councils in the outsourcing racket should make unions think twice about their generous donations to the party's coffers.
11 Mar 2018 ,
Time to prise the leeches off the NHS
Why is it that increased funding doesn't result in better services in today's health service?
6 Mar 2018 ,
Hands off lecturers’ pensions
A decent pension for all workers is a right, not a privilege.
1 Mar 2018 ,
Housing: a crisis of capitalism
What must be done in order to provide decent homes to all workers?
1 Mar 2018 ,
Lay-offs and closures
The collapse of Carillion
Financial and political commentators are suddenly ‘discovering’ that PFI and the privatisation of services might not be such a good deal after all.
1 Feb 2018 ,
NHS crisis bites deeper
Workers taste the bitter fruit of capitalist market ‘reforms’.
1 Feb 2018 ,
Blunt hatchets: Guardian attempts to discredit real journalism on Syria
As the criminal war against Syria faces an all-out defeat, the guardians of liberal opinion are going all-out to bring independent-minded readers back into line.
1 Feb 2018 ,
Air pollution in Britain at scandalously high levels
And all for the sake of the profits of the automobile industry.
1 Feb 2018 ,
GPs resisting wholesale privatisation of NHS surgeries
It’s not just hospitals that are under fire.
1 Dec 2017 ,
Stop academisation of our schools!
End the plunder of educational resources by the enemies of the people.
1 Dec 2017 ,
Media on trial
Independent journalists expose the lies of the liberal imperialist media such as the BBC, Channel 4 and CNN.
1 Dec 2017 ,
Divide and rule
British media go all out to spread racism and islamophobia
While the true interests of vulnerable children are callously disregarded.
1 Oct 2017 ,
The ongoing decimation of the NHS
Nurses leaving en masse and operations rationed.
1 Oct 2017 ,
The insanity of school league tables
From cheating in public schools to expulsion of ‘weaker’ students in state schools – competition in education is the enemy of true excellence.
1 Oct 2017 ,
Grenfell Tower: tragedy or crime?
What was behind the devastating fire in north Kensington in June?
1 Aug 2017 ,
Labour council pushes ahead with housing segregation in Haringey
The disgrace of social cleansing in London.
1 Aug 2017 ,
Editorial: The housing crisis
The horrific fire at Grenfell Tower in London, which has killed so many working-class people, demonstrates the terrible reality of housing in Britain today.
1 Aug 2017 ,
What did the October Revolution do for us? 2. Housing
The second in our series of articles examining the impact of the October Revolution of 1917 on the lives of workers in Britain.
1 Aug 2017 ,
Hillsborough 28 years on
Will the victims get justice at last?
1 Aug 2017 ,
Terrorist atrocity in Manchester
The MI6 connection.