- British politics / ‘Labour landslide’ election narrative hides deepening crisis of legitimacy
- Divide and rule / How can we achieve unity of the working class against fascism?
- Social wage / Media blames workers for the corruption and fraud endemic to capitalist society
- British politics / Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
- Trade unions / Communist work in the trade unions
- Palestine / Lancet looks at Gaza genocide, finds official figures a massive underestimate
- Palestine / ‘Hannibal directive’: western media covers up Israel’s mass murder of Israelis
- China / Nina in Xinjiang: ‘We are moved by the confidence and joy of your children’
- France / The hollow ‘victory’ of France’s ‘new popular front’
- Venezuela / Solidarity with President Maduro and the Venezuelan masses
- World / Washington declaration: Build the worldwide Axis of Resistance!
- Kenya / Kenya’s fight against tyranny: bloodshed and resistance in the fight for justice
- British politics / French greetings to our party: ‘a guiding light in the fight against capitalism’
- Korea / Russia-DPRK alliance marks a turning point for the anti-imperialist camp
- British politics / No votes for genocide-enablers or Nato warmongers!
- British politics / No big winners in local elections – Sunak calls general election in a panic
- Health / Infected blood: another chapter in the book of Tory-Labour betrayals
- Health / Decaying dental services cause misery for millions of workers
- Pay and conditions / P&O boss admits he couldn’t live on the starvation wage paid to his workers
- Lay-offs and closures / Are we about to see the end of railway manufacture in Britain?
- Czech Republic / Anticommunist journalist denounces rise of totalitarianism in Czech Republic
- Education / Join the students: No cooperation with genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine!
- USA / Gaza resistance sparks youth revolt in the belly of imperialism
- Palestine / Kangaroo ICC orders the arrest of Israeli leaders: so what?
- Iran / President Raisi has died, but the Axis of Resistance lives on!
- Nicaragua / UN ‘investigates’ Nicaragua: human rights or capitalist wrongs?
- Georgia / Georgia’s fight against US subversion and its implications
- Divide and rule / ‘Stop the boats!’ The political football of the ‘immigration debate’ in Britain
- British politics / Galloway victory in Rochdale by-election reflects anger over Gaza genocide
- British politics / Tick. Tock. What did you do to stop the genocide in Gaza, Daddy?
- Civil liberties / Rochdale 1 Sunak 0: decoding Rishi’s meltdown
- Civil liberties / Assange extradition: where are the unions?
- Civil liberties / Latest twist on Assange’s extradition: cause for pessimism or optimism?
- Trade unions / Model motion: No cooperation with genocide in Palestine!
- British politics / Elbit 7 sentenced in Bristol. Where is our ‘Hands off Palestine’ movement?
- Civil liberties / Zionism cannot be negotiated with – it must be defeated!
- USA / Aaron Bushnell: The death of an honest man
- World / Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine
- Climate change / Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism
- Cuba / Cuban health workers vow to face down the genocidal US blockade
- France / Europe: the peasants’ revolt
- Europe / Uncle Sam heads for the exit in Ukraine leaving Europe in a panic
- Russia / Daily Mail doxes young people on their return from Russian festival
- Russia / Communists send solidarity to a Russian nation in mourning after terror attack
- Civil liberties / British terrorist state persecutes communists on ‘anti-terror’ pretext
- Economy / Post Office scandal: Trouble on the Horizon
- Health / Vape wars: Children in the sights of tobacco giants
- British politics / Gaza: tipping point in western crisis of legitimacy for politicians and media?
- Yemen / Heroic Yemenis capture Israeli ship, deal hefty economic blow to the zionist entity
- Palestine / South Africa brings Israel to the ICJ: Genocide by no other name
- World / Imperialism, Brics and the ‘global south’
- World history / Who are the imperialists to accuse others of ‘terrorism’?
- Chile / Remembering Joan Jara – dancer, activist and heroine of Chile
- Haiti / Another US mission to subdue and subjugate Haiti
- Trade unions / TUC launches fake ‘campaign to defend the right to strike’
- Iran / Who wants war with Iran?
- Civil liberties / Anti-zionism is not racism! Join our protest today!
- Trade unions / Mass non-cooperation urgently needed to help end Gaza blitzkrieg
- Palestine / Victory to the Palestinian people in their just war for liberation!
- Palestine / Palestine Solidarity Campaign punishes Manchester branch
- Palestine / The resistance fighters of Gaza have signalled the end of the zionist project
- Palestine / Mutiny at the BBC: ‘gravest possible concerns’ over Palestine coverage
- Education / British government stifles school debate on Gaza
- Ukraine / Imperialists getting ready to ditch Zelensky
- Canada / ‘Sieg heil’ in the parliament of Canada
- History / ‘The lessons of history …’
- Ukraine / How the west bullied Zelensky into prolonging the war in Ukraine
- Pay and conditions / Scottish Water workers vote to strike
- World history / British delegate in Athens: We must learn the lessons of our history
- Leaflets / Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path
- Haiti / Kick the Kenyan police thugs out of Haiti
- Greece / Athens Polytechnic commemoration: ‘Our lessons have been learned in blood’
- Ukraine / Zelensky sidelined, Canada’s Nazi gaffe and Biden struggling to change tack
- Health / Are striking doctors really ‘greedy’ and ‘uncaring’?
- Trade unions / Which way forward for the trade unions now?
- Trade unions / Joti Brar: a personal account of anti-war struggle against the trade union bureaucracy
- Capitalist crisis / Oxfam identifies inequalities in shocking detail, but provides no solution
- Ukraine / With depleted uranium, nuclear war is underway in Europe
- Ukraine / Is Washington preparing to hang its stooge Zelensky out to dry?
- China / How China is developing mass involvement in local governance
- Syria / Syria-China partnership signals defeat for USA’s regional domination war
- Yemen / Who wants to keep Yemen divided, and who is trying to unify it?
- Venezuela / Iran-Venezuela cooperation: another blow to imperialist economic warfare
- Capitalist crisis / Ofgem serves corporate energy profiteers