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Britain highlights
Trade unions
Divided we beg – Unite union demands expanded military production
The Labour aristocracy once again demonstrates its total subservience to British imperialism and its war machine.
5 Feb 2025 ,
British politics
The life and crimes of John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott
One more example of a working-class man who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.
4 Feb 2025 ,
Western politicians’ crocodile tears for one genocide while conducting another
The hypocrisy and venality of western politicians knows no bounds, stops at no lie and baulks at no crime.
31 Jan 2025 ,
British politics
A brief history of British Trotskyism
A plethora of groups with one real purpose: to confuse and disgust the working masses and keep them away from genuinely revolutionary politics.
1 Jan 2025 ,
The fall of Syria
The collapse of the government of Bashar al-Assad is a grave setback for anti-imperialist forces from which we must learn.
12 Dec 2024 ,
Civil liberties
All eyes on the ‘enemy within’ – Prevent scheme targets dissenting children
British teachers are being tasked with the surveillance and intimidation of Palestine-supporting young people in schools and colleges.
2 Dec 2024 ,
Social wage
Your pension at work: the obscenity of ‘investment funds’
What does the case of the Merseyside Pension Fund tell us about how retirement is funded in Britain today?
23 Nov 2024 ,
Russian ambassador: October shaped the political, economic and social landscape
‘Turning to the lessons of a century ago is extremely important now that international relations are going through truly tectonic shifts.’
22 Nov 2024 ,
Starmer government pushing fresh sell-off to hedge fund vultures
The Labour party grovels to Wall Street and the City of London.
15 Nov 2024 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Persecution of the Uhuru 3 reveals limits of free speech in the USA
The case of the Uhuru 3 must be seen as part of a broader global counteroffensive against any form of opposition to Nato’s wars.
11 Nov 2024 ,
Capitalist crisis
Why aren’t they taxing the rich?
While ‘patriotic millionaires’ consider a wealth tax a no-brainer, Labour party ‘socialists’ are horrified at the very thought.
1 Nov 2024 ,
Yahya Sinwar, child of the camps
Yahya Sinwar has been immortalised as a martyr in the righteous cause of liberating his people from a cruel and unjust occupation.
1 Nov 2024 ,
Scott Ritter Extra
British politics
Joti Brar interview: ‘We are links in the long chain of revolution’
Marx and Engels bequeathed essential values for every generation of revolutionaries: humility, service, dedication, discipline, sacrifice.
17 Oct 2024 ,
Za Pobedu!
Education union colluding with Labour against the workers
The NEU has thrown in the towel of struggle, betraying not only its own rank-and-file membership but also the wider interests of the working class.
8 Oct 2024 ,
North Africa and Middle East
Lies, damned lies, and the British ‘Labour’ party’s imperial propaganda
Keir Starmer vows his government will continue to ‘stand with Israel’ as the zionists seek to expand their genocidal war across the region.
4 Oct 2024 ,
Capitalist crisis
Labour means austerity, racism, repression and war
So where are the trade unions?
1 Oct 2024 ,
Civil liberties
It’s a free country, isn’t it?
On the creeping fascistisation of British society.
26 Sep 2024 ,
Ukraine is losing the war, sparking panic in the imperialist pack
If the purpose of the Kursk ‘offensive’ was to distract attention from the hammering the fascists are getting in the Donbass, the result has been just the opposite.
18 Sep 2024 ,
Jury refuses to convict Palestine Action activists for arms factory damage
The state will continue to persecute Palestine solidarity activists through the legal system until such time as the organised working class forces it to stop.
17 Sep 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Craig Murray on Richard Medhurst and the right to armed resistance
It is becoming easier to list the truly dissident UK journalists who have not been arrested for terrorism than those who have.
3 Sep 2024 ,
Craig Murray
Zionists, beaten in Gaza, pursue a wider conflict
The Palestinian struggle is the spearhead of the Arab people’s democratic revolution. It will not be quashed by imperialism or its flunkeys
1 Sep 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Riots and the awakening of class consciousness
Never is the capitalist class made more aware of the existential threat it faces than when confronted by the infinite power of a united working class.
1 Sep 2024 ,
British politics
Labour gets ready to implement the ‘Liz Truss’ (Jeremy Corbyn) lock
It is not unpopular leaders that worry our ruling class, but the possibility of a genuinely popular intervention in the country’s political life.
28 Aug 2024 ,
British politics
‘Labour landslide’ election narrative hides deepening crisis of legitimacy
The ruling class pulled out all the stops to ensure a stable parliamentary majority for Labour, but it rests on very shaky ground.
13 Aug 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Class unity against fascism!
The Labour party has always sought to keep the working class divided along religious and racial lines. It remains part of the problem, not the solution.
13 Aug 2024 ,
Divide and rule
How can we achieve unity of the working class against fascism?
We will never defeat racism by ‘uniting’ with the arch-racist Labour party. The job of real antiracists is to expose Labour’s support for fascism and war.
3 Aug 2024 ,
Marx Engels Institute
British politics
Professor David Miller on zionist control of the Labour party
When it comes to the Labour party the term ‘state capture’ is correct.
3 Aug 2024 ,
British politics
French greetings to our party: ‘a guiding light in the fight against capitalism’
‘Your courage and determination serve as a powerful reminder that a better world is not only possible but within our grasp.’
1 Aug 2024 ,
British politics
Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
Those surprised by the Starmer’s contempt for the poor would do well to study the party’s 100-year history of anti-worker crimes in office.
26 Jul 2024 ,
Social wage
Media blames workers for the corruption and fraud endemic to capitalist society
It is not ‘benefit cheats’ who are emptying Britain’s treasury but the unending subsidies to monopoly capital.
25 Jul 2024 ,
Declassified UK: an ideological defence mechanism for a dying system
How the imperialists allow criticism of past offences in order to whitewash the crimes of the present.
18 Jul 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange is free at last!
Our press was never truly free, and today it is more incarcerated than ever.
9 Jul 2024 ,
British politics
One communist’s perspective of a general election in Britain
A journey through the Corbyn project to the ranks of the revolutionary working class.
5 Jul 2024 ,
British politics
Election 2024: revisionists still propping up the Labour party
Even the CPB’s best theorists tie themselves in knots when trying to justify their party’s rotten position.
4 Jul 2024 ,
Russian ambassador: ‘The world is undergoing truly tectonic changes’
Celebrating Russia’s National Day with anti-imperialist friends in the heart of Foggy Albion.
25 Jun 2024 ,
British politics
No big winners in local elections – Sunak calls general election in a panic
As loyal servants of imperialism, the Tories would rather see masses of their MPs wiped out than a few antiwar candidates get into Parliament.
25 Jun 2024 ,
Infected blood: another chapter in the book of Tory-Labour betrayals
As in the case of the Post Office, mistakes that could have been rectified were continued for years and then covered up.
20 Jun 2024 ,
British politics
No votes for genocide-enablers or Nato warmongers!
We are calling on workers to help the campaigns of, and give their votes to, all candidates standing on an anti-genocide, anti-Nato and anti-Labour platform.
11 Jun 2024 ,
Pay and conditions
P&O boss admits he couldn’t live on the starvation wage paid to his workers
Toothless select committee hears how CEO agonised over accepting his £183k bonus after summarily dismissing 800 staff.
31 May 2024 ,
Divide and rule
Immigrants make vital contributions to British pensions and welfare benefits
Population study shows that without the essential part played by immigrant workers, our pensions and social service provisions would collapse.
18 May 2024 ,
Nakba 76 – talk by Dr Ranjeet Brar
Join us to show your solidarity with the people of Palestine and remember their long history of struggle.
15 May 2024 ,
British politics
Tory Lord Cameron escalates tensions with Russia in Ukraine
The unelected foreign minister’s reckless sabre rattling on behalf of British imperialism has backfired badly.
14 May 2024 ,
Join the students: No cooperation with genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine!
Britain’s students are leading the way. The rest of the working class is duty bound to follow their lead.
7 May 2024 ,
Chaos and confusion in Europe’s anti-Russia front
Regime leaders in Kiev, Berlin, Paris and London are equally unable to come to terms with the bitter reality of a Russian victory in Ukraine.
3 May 2024 ,
Trade unions
Gaza, inflation, Assange … Where are the trade unions?
While crime after crime is committed against the people, those who should be organising the resistance are doing nothing.
30 Apr 2024 ,
Decaying dental services cause misery for millions of workers
The steady destruction of NHS dentistry has left millions of working people resorting to to DIY dental kits as Victorian era diseases return to Britain.
25 Apr 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Assange extradition: where are the unions?
As an innocent man is tortured for the crime of exposing the criminals, British workers should be organising meaningful action in defence of all our rights.
24 Apr 2024 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Are we about to see the end of railway manufacture in Britain?
The government seems uninterested in diverting any of our public funds to this genuinely useful purpose.
20 Apr 2024 ,
Daily Mail doxes young people on their return from Russian festival
Why did Russia’s hosting of an international youth festival provoke such a hysterical reaction from British media?
4 Apr 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Latest twist on Assange’s extradition: cause for pessimism or optimism?
While an individualist view tends to despondence, there is a positive aspect to British imperialism’s blatant complicity in persecuting free speech.
28 Mar 2024 ,
The tragic end of Gonzalo Lira: A voice silenced in Ukraine
A US citizen done to death by the US’s fascist proxies in Ukraine for the crime of telling the truth about Nato’s proxy war against Russia.
21 Mar 2024 ,
Helsinki Times
John Pilger: the man they couldn’t silence
The most courageous, fearless and decent of journalists, who devoted his life to speaking the truth and uncovering imperialist lies.
20 Mar 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Rochdale 1 Sunak 0: decoding Rishi’s meltdown
Ruling class in a panic over Gaza and gearing up for political policing as Rishi Sunak lashes out against ‘extremism’ and ‘threats to democracy’.
15 Mar 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Women found guilty under terror laws for wearing a sticker at a demo
Another Orwellian attempt to use the courts to brand opponents of imperialist-backed terror as ‘supporters of terrorism’.
11 Mar 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Prof David Miller’s significant tribunal victory: anti-zionism is not racism!
A substantial fly in the ointment for those who are trying to criminalise all criticism of and opposition to zionist Israel and its blood-drenched British enablers.
7 Mar 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Journalist Graham Philips still being targeted by the British state
The British ruling class has a long tradition of persecuting those who work to shed light on inconvenient truths.
5 Mar 2024 ,
British politics
Galloway victory in Rochdale by-election reflects anger over Gaza genocide
The Workers party’s entry into the race transformed the northwestern by-election into a referendum on British complicity in Israeli war crimes.
1 Mar 2024 ,
Social wage
Why is Manchester in poverty? Workers need socialism!
What is at the root of the spiral of poverty and decay we are experiencing in towns and cities across Britain?
27 Feb 2024 ,
British politics
Tick. Tock. What did you do to stop the genocide in Gaza, Daddy?
I waited as long as possible, and then helped to empty an already toothless resolution of all its meaning, my son.
23 Feb 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange’s final appeal against extradition from Britain to the USA
If the WikiLeaks editor is extradited to face trumped-up ‘treason’ charges in the USA, it is the death of investigations into the inner workings of power by the press.
19 Feb 2024 ,
Chris Hedges Report
His name is Cristian Díaz and his crime is supporting Palestine
In Argentina, as in Britain and Germany, workers in support of Palestine are being identified by zionists and targeted by the state.
17 Feb 2024 ,
Orinoco Tribune
Civil liberties
Solidarity against police repression: Labour’s role in Gaza genocide
The Labour party’s control over movements of solidarity and ‘opposition’ in Britain is key to the present impotence of the working class.
14 Feb 2024 ,
British politics
Workers’ blood must not be shed for the profits of capital
Where is all the recent talk about conscription coming from, and what does it tell us about the state of Britain’s capitalist economy?
2 Feb 2024 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Civil liberties
Iranian Marxists in solidarity with our arrested comrades
‘When the imperialist governments fail to impede solidarity with the oppressed, they resort to suppression.’
29 Jan 2024 ,
Vape wars: Children in the sights of tobacco giants
It seems unlikely that the British government has any real intention of stopping the corporate dope-pedlars in their tracks.
27 Jan 2024 ,
Trade unions
TUC launches fake ‘campaign to defend the right to strike’
A campaign most workers are unaware of, aimed not at overturning anti-worker legislation but at garnering votes for the perfidious Labour party.
26 Jan 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: Day X is here
The case of Julian Assange reveals how little concern the bourgeoisie really has for ‘human rights’ and ‘civil liberties’.
22 Jan 2024 ,
Stella Assange
Post Office scandal: Trouble on the Horizon
The power of monopoly laid bare: evidence reveals a picture of tampering with witness statements, falsifying data and coercing would-be whistleblowers.
21 Jan 2024 ,
World history
Who are the imperialists to accuse others of ‘terrorism’?
Thoughts on the barefaced hypocrisy and doublespeak of the real mass-murdering terrorists.
20 Jan 2024 ,
Civil liberties
Jury unanimously acquits Palestine Action’s Balfour 2 who defaced statue
Exposing the colonial legacy of Balfour, and Britain’s continued complicity in the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.
11 Jan 2024 ,
Benjamin Zephaniah – lifelong champion of the oppressed
From the miners’ strike to Palestine, this working-class poet and author was steadfast in his opposition to British imperialism and its divide-and-rule tactics.
5 Jan 2024 ,
NHS: Murder by a thousand cuts
Excess avoidable deaths are rising alongside waiting lists for operations and GP consultations – and it is no coincidence.
4 Jan 2024 ,
Zionist slaughter of Palestinians will only hasten the demise of Israel
With 22,000 murdered and 52,000 wounded so far, the mass murder of civilians in Gaza has achieved nothing except the further weakening of the genocidaires.
29 Dec 2023 ,
Grangemouth refinery workers’ jobs at risk
Why is Scotland’s main oil refining plant planning to become a mere import hub?
18 Dec 2023 ,
Solidarity with Greek comrades under attack for anti-imperialist activities!
Why did fascist thugs choose the eve of our Platform conference to issue threats to a member of the organising team?
13 Dec 2023 ,
Remembering Comrade Joyce Foster, founding member of our party
One of many unsung heroes of our movement – those workers whose commitment never falters no matter the ups and downs of our movement.
10 Dec 2023 ,
Still fighting for Korea’s liberation: An interview with Comrade Ahn Hak-sop
‘In 1952, I came here to liberate the southern half of the peninsula, and I need to stay here and continue that struggle.’
8 Dec 2023 ,
Liberation School
Civil liberties
Get ready for Day X: Julian Assange must be freed!
British judges have shown themselves only too ready to allow our ‘justice system’ to be used to persecute an innocent man for the ‘crime’ of real journalism.
6 Dec 2023 ,
British politics
The tasks of communists in the Palestine solidarity movement
We must awaken workers to the need to struggle not only against zionist Israel, but against the entire imperialist system.
5 Dec 2023 ,
HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers!
What does it say about our decaying system that our rulers can spend decades debating and spending to deliver precisely nothing at the end of it?
24 Nov 2023 ,
Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path
Sincere communists must make a serious appraisal of their work at this time of deepening crisis and renewed struggle.
16 Nov 2023 ,
Two ‘British’ positions on Palestine
The latest wave of Israeli violence was unleashed in a frenzy of impotent but brutal rage after Palestinian resistance launched its historic Al-Aqsa Flood battle.
14 Nov 2023 ,
British government stifles school debate on Gaza
As the imperialists continue their support for the ongoing genocide in Gaza, schools are urged to play their part in complying with the murderous narrative.
13 Nov 2023 ,
Electronic Intifada
Mutiny at the BBC: ‘gravest possible concerns’ over Palestine coverage
The BBC’s own reporters are beginning to speak out about the corporation’s complicity in Israeli war crimes.
10 Nov 2023 ,
Palestine Solidarity Campaign punishes Manchester branch
The PSC wants to keep pro-Palestine activism within the bounds considered acceptable by the pro-zionist establishment.
9 Nov 2023 ,
The Electronic Intifada
British politics
Starmer’s bad 90s remix – the Labour party ‘conference’
Sign of the times? Bourgeois politicians are no longer required to inspire the masses – only to prove their utter servility to the interests of British monopoly capital.
8 Nov 2023 ,
Marx Engels Institute
Pay and conditions
Scottish Water workers vote to strike
Bosses are trying to force the ‘modernisation’ of pay structures – ie, to enforce ever more draconian pay cuts on workers.
7 Nov 2023 ,
Joti Brar: How can workers learn the truth if everyone is too scared to tell it?
We must respect the workers enough to believe they are capable of learning and we must create opportunities for them to do so.
3 Nov 2023 ,
Trade unions
Arms factory blockaded as calls for practical solidarity with Palestine grow
Non-cooperation with zionist Israel is firmly on the agenda. ‘The time to act is now.’
2 Nov 2023 ,
Novara Media
Trade unions
Mass non-cooperation urgently needed to help end Gaza blitzkrieg
Workers have power to prevent Britain’s continued military, propaganda and logistical support for zionist massacres.
1 Nov 2023 ,
Students protest against Manchester university’s complicity in Gaza genocide
Graphene research helps Israel to develop the fighter jets, drones and other military systems now being put to such criminal use against the Palestinian people.
31 Oct 2023 ,
British complicity in Gaza massacre
Britain is dripping in the blood of Palestinian massacres, and the stain will never wash out.
26 Oct 2023 ,
Book review: Putin’s Prisoner by Aiden Aslin
Ukraine and other war zones are seen as cash cows for the west’s publicity-seeking soldiers of fortune, who crave fame and adulation for their actions.
25 Oct 2023 ,
Upholding anti-imperialist struggle under the flag of the Platform, herein lies our hope
French communists host international meeting to discuss the present crisis and the way forward.
21 Oct 2023 ,
Platform News
Association of United Ukrainian Canadians condemns honouring of Nazis
The fascist-aligned section is vocal and prominent, but Yaroslav Hunka does not represent all Canadians of Ukrainian origin.
15 Oct 2023 ,
Victory to the Palestinian people in their just war for liberation!
The Palestinians are fighting a just war against imperialist-backed genocidal zionism. They will surely prevail.
12 Oct 2023 ,
‘The lessons of history …’
No matter how carefully our environment is manipulated, in the end, truth will out.
10 Oct 2023 ,
Victory to the Palestinian people in their just war for liberation!
The Palestinians are fighting a just war against imperialist-backed genocidal zionism. They will surely prevail.
8 Oct 2023 ,
Support pay restitution for doctors; defend the NHS!
The British government is holding both patients and staff to ransom.
2 Oct 2023 ,
Are striking doctors really ‘greedy’ and ‘uncaring’?
An answer to ‘The Times view on health sector strikes: Uncaring profession’
21 Sep 2023 ,
Macquarie stokes the roaring inflationary fires
Vulture capitalists are not ‘bad apples’ – they are the inevitable product of a system in deep and permanent crisis and decline.
20 Sep 2023 ,
Belt and Road envy dominates G20 summit
US imperialism’s latest attempt to counter Russia and China underlines the shifting balance of world forces.
18 Sep 2023 ,
Trade unions
Joti Brar: a personal account of anti-war struggle against the trade union bureaucracy
Why is it so hard to get anything meaningful done via the existing trade union mechanisms?
13 Sep 2023 ,
With depleted uranium, nuclear war is underway in Europe
Nato war crimes in Donbass don’t stop at DU; Donbass civilians are routinely targeted by cluster bombs and petal mines.
12 Sep 2023 ,
Trade unions
Who is behind the TUC motion asking British workers to support war crimes?
It’s not too late to reverse the disastrous decision taken by many union delegations and the bureaucratic leadership clique to support this criminal resolution.
11 Sep 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Ofgem serves corporate energy profiteers
The energy regulators work, just not for workers.
11 Sep 2023 ,
Isabel Crook: a long life of devotion and service to the Chinese people
Living in China for almost all of her 107 years, Isabel devoted her considerable energies to serving the people – and to the international cause of socialist revolution.
5 Sep 2023 ,
Air traffic out of control
Who is to blame for the recent mayhem in the skies?
4 Sep 2023 ,
The collapse of Wilko
Wilko stores across the country are expected to close over the next few weeks with the chain struggling to find a buyer.
1 Sep 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Capitalist crisis
Is life under capitalism getting you down? Luckily, there’s a cure!
Are you sad and depressed? Lonely? Anxious? Isolated? Worried about the future? You may be suffering from capitalism.
30 Aug 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Oxfam identifies inequalities in shocking detail, but provides no solution
Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?
25 Aug 2023 ,
Trade unions
Which way forward for the trade unions now?
It is time to break out of suffocating ‘unity’ with those who serve our class enemies.
24 Aug 2023 ,
Ella Rule: ‘Xi Jinping’s call to strengthen the party comes at the right moment’
The ‘US-led world order’ will use all its very considerable economic, military and propaganda means to oppose China’s rise.
23 Aug 2023 ,
Eighty Afghan civilians summarily killed by SAS, inquiry told
A ‘systematic pattern of unlawful extrajudicial killings’ highlights the routine nature of war crimes committed by British occupiers in Afghanistan.
17 Aug 2023 ,
Irish Republican News
Trade unions
Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail?
Teaching union NEU led its members into months of strike action, only to capitulate and accept a below-inflation pay rise. Why?
14 Aug 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Civil liberties
Irish republicans challenge sinister ‘debanking’ strategy
‘We will have your house; if you keep going, we will have your car, we will have your kids, we will have your benefits and we will put you in jail.’
12 Aug 2023 ,
End internment of Irish republicans now
Why are Irish republicans still being imprisoned without charge by British courts, 25 years after the initiation of the peace process?
4 Aug 2023 ,
Republican News
Civil liberties
France in flames after yet another racist police murder
The divide between French ‘natives’ and ‘immigrants’ is constantly exacerbated in order to keep workers from making common cause against their rulers.
2 Aug 2023 ,
Landmark judgment finds murdered Irish teen was blameless
The wheels of justice? War crimes committed by the British occupiers in northern Ireland fifty years ago are only now being officially acknowledged.
1 Aug 2023 ,
Irish Republican News
Civil liberties
Increasing state repression and the ‘non-personing’ of Nigel Farage
The targeting of such a pro-imperialist figure is a warning to all those who might engage in acts of dissent against the establishment.
25 Jul 2023 ,
Capitalist contradictions abound: Victorian illnesses on the rise
How can we explain the seemingly absurd combination of British workers’ failing health from malnutrition alongside rising obesity?
22 Jul 2023 ,
British politics
Comrade Tongogara, who dedicated his life to the cause of freedom
Police brutality, national-liberation struggles and socialist revolutions: Tongagara supported every serious struggle against racism and oppression around the world.
21 Jul 2023 ,
British politics
As Ukraine bleeds, British defence minister looks to a new life
Those eagerly packing Ukrainians off to fight for Nato can tend their gardens and sleep well in their warm beds, impunity guaranteed.
19 Jul 2023 ,
The Indicter
An NHS nurse speaks out on pay, privatisation and demoralisation
The conditions that have led to a haemorrhaging of trained staff from the health service have not come about by accident and will take a serious fight to reverse.
18 Jul 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
EVENT: Trade unionism and working-class leadership
Don’t sit on your hands; don’t fiddle while Rome burns! Your class needs you; the future of humanity needs you! Step forward and help make history!
17 Jul 2023 ,
Stop the War’s capitulation hides truth about Ukraine, stops workers organising
It is time we in Britain got off our knees and organised a mass movement of real opposition to the imperialist war drive.
13 Jul 2023 ,
Thames Water scandal – is the party drawing to a close?
Having paid a fortune to private investors for years, the British public must now pay again to bail out indebted utilities and clean up the horrific mess they have made.
12 Jul 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Public Order Act: latest anti-worker legislation to outlaw protests and strikes
Human rights in Britain? What human rights?
11 Jul 2023 ,
Burden on students becoming unbearable as fresh rent hikes planned
Students are being milked like cash cows, while the vice-chancellors who facilitate this profiteering enjoy huge salaries and perks.
5 Jul 2023 ,
Why does Russia now believe that Covid-19 was a US-created bioweapon?
Evidence released from secret biolabs in Ukraine reveals the deeper secret of imperialist attempts to create targeted biological weapons.
3 Jul 2023 ,
Trade unions
Mick Lynch, Sharon Graham and the capitulating left
As the next election approaches, supposedly ‘radical’ trade unionists are lining up obediently behind Starmer and Labour, against the interests of their members.
1 Jul 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Sergei Lavrov on western imperialism, nazism and the rise of the global south
Russian foreign minister tells press: ‘The west has a colonial approach to Russia; they are incapable of seeing us as equal partners.’
27 Jun 2023 ,
Michael Palin in the DPRK: a western exceptionalism showcase
Workers in Britain could learn much from our Korean comrades, but they are unlikely to realise that from listening to Palin’s arrogant commentary.
25 Jun 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
Pay and conditions
Homeless charity workers on strike for decent wages
St Mungo’s staff have suffered a 30 percent real-terms pay cut in the last ten years.
22 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Derby Silk Mill commemorations 2023: no communists allowed
How did the CPB appoint itself the gatekeeper of the British working-class movement?
21 Jun 2023 ,
The biggest threat to the environment is the imperialist war machine
While lecturing workers about ‘consumer choices’, western environmental lobbies give a free pass to the planet’s real polluters.
20 Jun 2023 ,
British politics
Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine?
Tanks, depleted uranium shells, long-range missiles, F16s: hardly a week goes by without some news of how Britain is upping the ante again.
17 Jun 2023 ,
British politics
Communist message to Silk Mill rally: Ditch the Labour party!
Don’t settle for social democracy when only scientific socialism has the answer!
16 Jun 2023 ,
EVENT: Book launch: Neo-nazi Nato’s Proxy War Against Russia
What is really happening in Ukraine? And what should antiwar activists be doing about it?
14 Jun 2023 ,
Joti Brar: We are heartened and inspired by French workers’ fighting spirit
Unfortunately, even the most militant of Britain’s trade union leaders seem keen to end the strikes here as quickly as possible.
8 Jun 2023 ,
Communist Initiative
Trade unions
Model motion: No cooperation with the imperialist drive to war
Only the collective action of workers has the power to stop the war drive in its tracks. This demand must be taken up in every trade union at every level.
7 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Model motion: Urgent measures needed to address the cost of living crisis
Why are workers being asked to pay the cost of a crisis that was not of their making? If capitalism cannot provide for its workforce, then capitalism must go.
6 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Model motion: Defy the anti-trade union laws
Within the current legal framework, workers’ right to strike in Britain has been all but annulled. This situation must be reversed by means of collective action.
4 Jun 2023 ,
Trade unions
Model motion: Break the link with Labour
The essential precondition for a successful struggle for decent pay is that our unions must break their connection with the imperialist Labour party.
3 Jun 2023 ,
Demand renationalisation of the water system without compensation
Growing public outrage has forced a mealy-mouthed apology from Water UK, but the profiteers deserve jail sentences, not a wrist-slapping.
30 May 2023 ,
Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination
Washington continues to stoke the fire in Ukraine, but the blowback may refuse to remain safely in Europe.
24 May 2023 ,
Trade unions
Defy the anti-trade union laws!
It is time we turned the struggle for decent wages into a struggle for socialism.
22 May 2023 ,
Trade unions
The real trade union barons
Having been absorbed into the fabric of the state machine, most trade union leaders now work not to aid but to suppress their members’ struggles.
20 May 2023 ,
Class Consciousness Project
British history
Twenty years later: the predatory imperialist war against Iraq
While the heroic resistance was defeating US and British imperialist forces, the British working class was effectively demobilised by its corrupted leadership.
4 May 2023 ,
greed initiative
Not so much an environmental measure as a tax on driving and an effort to keep the car monopolies in profit.
18 Apr 2023 ,
Divide and rule
Anti-immigration propaganda stirs up anger and rioting in Knowsley
As the cost of living crisis brings suffering to workers, our rulers are once again using immigration to distract from their failures.
17 Apr 2023 ,
British politics
The Labour left still lost in its labyrinth
Starmer’s refusal to allow Corbyn to rejoin Labour has highlighted the true loyalties of the party’s supposed ‘left-wingers’.
12 Apr 2023 ,
Message to US workers: Britain sending depleted uranium to Ukraine
The imperialists can seem incredibly powerful, but in fact their dominance is declining and their rule is showing signs of senility and decay.
10 Apr 2023 ,
British delegate in Italy: Our rulers are working to overturn Brexit
Workers across Europe share the goal of defeating both the EU imperialist bloc and the US-led Nato war machine.
4 Apr 2023 ,
Trade unions
NHS pay offer exposes the limitations of trade unionism
The NHS dispute has brought into sharp focus the inability of modern trade unions in Britain to advance working-class aims.
29 Mar 2023 ,
Look, balloons! The Hollywoodisation of imperialist ‘news’ media
Hyperbolic reportage of the ‘spy balloons’ story was a perfect example of how the ‘infotainment’ industry works to distract and confuse.
25 Mar 2023 ,
Trade unions
After the strikes, what then?
As union leaders look for the exit, their members’ anger is being directed towards yet another diversionary ‘vote Labour’ campaign.
21 Mar 2023 ,
British politics
Rishi Sunak’s new northern Ireland deal foreshadows the end of Brexit
But any victory of our rulers is likely to be short-lived.
20 Mar 2023 ,
Marx Engels Institute
Why I left my first teaching job: ‘No support, no training, no care for the kids’
This view from a school gives an insight into why so many of our teachers are feeling so demoralised.
17 Mar 2023 ,
Support our teachers; save our schools!
It is not only their present ability to exist that Britain’s teachers are fighting for, but our children’s future.
14 Mar 2023 ,
Social wage
Many councils have crippling gambling debts. Workers will be paying the bill
Local councils across Britain are going bankrupt, leading to ever deeper cuts in services that have already been stripped to the bone.
13 Mar 2023 ,
British delegate in Caracas: ‘Facing the same enemy, we must fight together’
The world’s anti-imperialist forces are coming together in a way that has not been seen for 70 years.
12 Mar 2023 ,
Divide and rule
Sound and fury: the hollowness of the woke v anti-woke debate
Workers have no interest in perpetuating bourgeois-incited culture wars. What we need is a clear understanding of how these harmful ideas destroy our ability to unify.
8 Mar 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Police officer David Carrick’s campaign of rape: a bad apple or a rotten barrel?
News that the Met will now reopen the cases of a thousand officer complaints would seem to answer the question.
17 Feb 2023 ,
British politics
Lessons and legacy of the two-million strong Iraq antiwar protest
Demonstrations are dead-end get-togethers without the leadership of a vanguard revolutionary party. Iraq, Occupy – where are you now?
15 Feb 2023 ,
Poor housing kills
The death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak has shone new light on a growing problem: the slum conditions being endured by too many in Britain today.
9 Feb 2023 ,
Pay and conditions
Pardeep Singh and Boohoo: sweatshop and semi-slavery conditions on the rise
An immigrant worker whose punishment beating was filmed by his employer serves as a stark reminder of the true face of capitalist exploitation.
6 Feb 2023 ,
EVENT: Drive to war in the Americas: Disband Nato; Yankees go home!
As the reckless imperialist war drive threatens every corner of the globe, the World Anti-Imperialist Platform is bringing its focus to Latin America.
4 Feb 2023 ,
Czech Republic
Medieval inquisition returns to Europe as historical truth-tellers are put on trial
Josef Skála and two other scholars are being prosecuted in Prague, charged with ‘expressing doubts’ about who perpetrated the Katyn massacre.
31 Jan 2023 ,
Marx 21
Trade unions
TUC directs its members’ anger into more meaningless busywork
An email campaign to reverse anti-union laws? Really?
30 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Capitalists are causing inflation, not workers!
It’s time for the hoary old myth about wages causing inflation to be put to bed. Higher wages lead to lower profits, hence the bosses’ opposition.
29 Jan 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Minimum Service Bill is the latest salvo in the class war against workers
No cooperation with union-busting anti-strike laws!
27 Jan 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Communists condemn cancellation of WPB anti-Nato meeting by Conway Hall
The Conway Hall Ethical Society’s craven submission to ‘online intimidation’ gives the lie to its claim to uphold free speech.
23 Jan 2023 ,
Food bank crisis in Europe
As our rulers double down on their war against Russia, workers across the EU are suffering rising hunger and fuel poverty.
22 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Prepay meter scandal reveals workers being slowly crushed by energy debt
Workers who can’t afford crippling energy prices are being forced to pay even higher rates by the vulture providers.
18 Jan 2023 ,
Civil liberties
Joti Brar on RT: New laws on strikes and protests aim to contain workers’ anger
Instead of helping workers weather the inflation crisis, our rulers are preparing to suppress any future rebellion.
16 Jan 2023 ,
Proletarian TV
Covid: China changes gear
As the People’s Republic moves on from the era of zero-Covid, western media are desperate to portray its decision as a sign of failure.
15 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Communist replies to BBC budget tips: ‘Get out and see the real world.’
What kind of ‘journalist’ could seriously investigate whether ‘showering at the gym’ could be a money-saving tip for impoverished workers?
5 Jan 2023 ,
Capitalist crisis
Happy new year?
There is no reform that could enable this profit-hungry system to serve the needs of the working people.
3 Jan 2023 ,
The ruin of the NHS for the benefit of private interests
In their desperation for sources of profit, our exploiters as individuals even end up damaging their own collective interests.
29 Dec 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Communist responds to patronising BBC advice for a ‘budget’ Christmas
Naughty? Nice? It’s time workers stopped believing the fairy tale that we get what we ‘deserve’ and organised to fight for what we need!
24 Dec 2022 ,
World TV
Comrade Joti on RT’s CrossTalk: ‘New globalisation?’
Are we witnessing the end of ‘globalisation’ as we have known it for about the last 40 years?
22 Dec 2022 ,
Proletarian TV
Britain’s dire water situation is no joke
Privatisation has stolen over £60bn from essential services, leaving the country to wallow in its own filth.
19 Dec 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Polycrisis? Time to put an end to this capitalist madness
This system is unable to escape from its own absurd contradictions: in particular the insanity of deepening poverty in the midst of ever-accumulating wealth.
7 Dec 2022 ,
British politics
What is really meant by the demand for a ‘general election now’?
It is true that Rishi Sunak’s appointment was undemocratic. But what do those calling for his ousting really want?
5 Dec 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Tribute to Comrade Avtar Jouhl
An indefatigable fighter against racism and imperialism, and for socialism, which he knew held the only solution to humanity’s problems.
20 Nov 2022 ,
Support our nurses’ struggle for decent pay!
It is not our hard-pressed medical staff who are greedy, but the privateers who are pushing down their wages in the interests of profit.
18 Nov 2022 ,
Trade unions
Are Britain’s union bosses interested in helping their members fight back?
As the crisis deepens, the ruling class is looking far more determined than the unions, where lions continue to be led by loyal Labour donkeys.
16 Nov 2022 ,
Environmentalists: time to look your gift horse in the mouth
The misguided actions of the environmentalist movement are annoying workers and harming the aims they espouse.
11 Nov 2022 ,
British politics
Rishi Sunak becomes Britain’s third prime minister in seven weeks
No changing of the guard can address the fundamental problem the British ruling class faces – a deepening crisis of overproduction that it is powerless to overcome.
9 Nov 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
The cost of living crisis is a capitalist crisis!
The capitalists have shown themselves to be entirely unable to run their own system for the benefit of society.
4 Nov 2022 ,
West uses Putin’s birthday to ramp up demonisation and personal attacks
But despite all the baseless allegations, reality is stubbornly resistant to imperialist propaganda.
3 Nov 2022 ,
Liz Truss’s message to the USA seconds after the Nord Stream attack: ‘It’s done’.
The former prime minister’s leaked iPhone messages convince Russia that British forces blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
2 Nov 2022 ,
Finance Twitter
Social wage
Hungry schoolchildren; another sign of a failed system
When an economic system can’t provide basics like food and warm shelter to its people, it is time for it to be replaced.
22 Oct 2022 ,
Inside the world of imperialist mind control
The upside-down world of corporate media lies: how fairy tales and disappearing facts keep workers in ignorance and fear.
16 Oct 2022 ,
Foreign mercenaries in Ukraine – Steve Sweeney reports
One mercenary demanded Russian troops ‘surrender or die!’ after botched drone fundraiser cancelled.
13 Oct 2022 ,
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse: fracking is back on the agenda
Whichever way they turn, Truss and co are tying themselves in knots trying to escape the Gordian knot of the energy and inflation crises.
10 Oct 2022 ,
Kharkov and Mobilisation: the Russian coalition persists, unhindered
The advance of Ukraine’s armed forces into territory from which Russian forces had already withdrawn, is not the ‘turning point’ western media are claiming.
6 Oct 2022 ,
The Postil Magazine
Civil liberties
Free Julian Assange!
The chilling persecution of honest journalism has only highlighted the unfreedom of bourgeois society and the lies and complicity of imperialist corporate media.
5 Oct 2022 ,
Joti Brar on the history and future of the Chinese communist party
‘The stronger China becomes industrially, technologically and militarily, the more it is able to help poorer countries break free of the stranglehold of debt slavery.’
3 Oct 2022 ,
China Reports
Coffey’s ‘plan for patients’ boils down to more targets and some magical thinking
Reams of empty phrasemongering are aimed at hiding the fact that Truss and co have no plan to do anything to fix the crisis in our health service.
1 Oct 2022 ,
British politics
Farewell to Eric Levy
A lifelong antirevisionist and anti-imperialist fighter who never failed to act on his beliefs and never gave up his faith in the socialist future of humanity.
25 Sep 2022 ,
Free Ukraine’s Kononovich brothers, jailed communist youth!
As part of its suppression of political activity, the Ukrainian stooge regime has banned communist organisations and imprisoned their leaders.
19 Sep 2022 ,
Outrageous ‘assessment of human rights concerns’ in Xinjiang by UN commission
Solidarity with the people of China, being subjected to abhorrent and baseless accusations as part of the imperialists’ relentless drive to war.
17 Sep 2022 ,
Friends of Socialist China
Trade unions
Shameful capitulation of workers’ leadership in face of ‘mourning’ demands
With hunger, blackouts and war knocking urgently at workers’ doors, our demand should be: ‘Don’t mourn, organise.’
12 Sep 2022 ,
Amazon workers against Victorian working conditions and derisory pay
Despite unions being banned by Amazon, its British staff have been staging wildcat actions in defence of their right to decent pay and conditions.
11 Sep 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
EU quietly rowing back on self-defeating sanctions against Russia
In the face of the abject failure of their economic war, EU leaders are trying to salvage what they can without admitting to a U-turn.
7 Sep 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Cost of living crisis: the fightback is under way
Growing militance among unionised workers and vigorous new campaigns to combat the effects of poverty and inflation signify a change in the workers’ mood.
6 Sep 2022 ,
Social wage
Malthusianism is alive and well as feminists celebrate declining birth rate
Since they cannot admit to a solution lying outside of capitalist production relations, ‘women’s rights’ advocates are reduced to prettifying their chains.
2 Sep 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Families face energy bills topping £5,000 this autumn
Privatisation of the energy industry has put Britons at the mercy of world market prices – and no bourgeois party has a clue what to do about it.
30 Aug 2022 ,
Dissecting the cliches of Anglo-American ethnocentrism
Former US ambassador calls on Britain and the USA to ‘come to the rescue’ of the world ... ‘again’.
26 Aug 2022 ,
Support the postal workers!
Workers at Royal Mail are joining those on the railways and the docks in standing up for pay and conditions.
24 Aug 2022 ,
Support the Felixstowe dockers!
Workers at the country’s busiest port are using their collective power to demand a pay rise in line with rampant inflation.
23 Aug 2022 ,
British politics
Backing Truss for PM means doubling down on war drive and economic pain
Liz Truss represents a continued commitment by our rulers to their catastrophic direction on both the war drive and the economy.
11 Aug 2022 ,
British politics
Britain fretting over declining influence on ‘the rules’ as China and Russia rise
The accelerating development of a strong anti-imperialist camp is threatening the foundations of imperialist domination and plunder of the globe.
30 Jul 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange must be freed – a plea from his wife Stella Moris
This battle is not to only save a single journalist from gross injustice but to defend the right of all workers to access and speak the truth.
29 Jul 2022 ,
Civil liberties
‘Bill of shame’ spits in the face of ‘Troubles’ victims
British attempts to whitewash war crimes in Ireland make clear once again: there will be no ‘reconciliation’ until reunification.
25 Jul 2022 ,
Dr Bob Gill: The demise of British primary healthcare
First they came for the cleaners, then they came for the caterers, then for the porters, the student nurses and the junior doctors. Now they’re coming for the GPs.
11 Jul 2022 ,
Consortium News
Victory to the striking railworkers; defend the right to strike!
In fighting to save jobs and defend pay, railworkers are in the front line of a desperately-needed push-back against the onslaught of capital.
22 Jun 2022 ,
Social wage
Food bank Britain
British families are relying on charity to eat as the market and the government both fail to provide even such a basic necessity as food.
20 Jun 2022 ,
Pay and conditions
Sainsbury’s CEO in the money as workers feel the pinch
As conditions for the mass of workers get rapidly worse, the obscene inequalities of the system come into ever-sharper relief.
15 Jun 2022 ,
British politics
Boris in trouble: It’s the economy stupid … and that bloody stupid war
The commentariat might not be admitting it, but it is the Ukraine war that looks like finally finishing off Boris Johnson’s premiership.
11 Jun 2022 ,
Joti Brar: ‘Greek workers have power to play leading role against Nato in Europe’
Those who spread the lie that the conflict in Ukraine is an ‘interimperialist war’ are helping to demobilise the world’s most militant antiwar activists.
9 Jun 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Cost of living crisis worsens as inflation and energy prices soar
Our rulers are keen to blame ‘the Russians’ for the intrinsic failings of the capitalist system itself.
29 May 2022 ,
Train strike: Britain could see the largest walk-out since the 1926 general strike
Meanwhile, the government is considering adding to anti-trade-union legislation to try to outlaw the action before it begins.
27 May 2022 ,
British politics
Labour is the party of Nato, the party of war
Throughout Labour’s history, in and out of government, its leaders have always been unabashed cheerleaders for the crimes of imperialism.
19 May 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Assange, the 21st-century inquisition
It is not one man who is on trial, but the people’s right to access meaningful and reliable information.
18 May 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Monstrous plans to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
The main target of anti-immigrant rhetoric is the British working class, which remains disunited and powerless when racist lies flourish.
17 May 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Does our government love refugees now? What a difference one war makes
What are we supposed to make of the our rulers’ desire to extend the warmest possible welcome to refugees from Ukraine?
13 May 2022 ,
‘Hurrah for the Azov!’ – The curious case of BBC whitewashing nazism in Ukraine
None of the glib refutations of nazism in Ukraine stand up to scrutiny, yet western media continue to repeat them while closing down those who expose their lies.
7 May 2022 ,
Al Mayadeen
British history
Kim Philby: Hero of the working class
How the Soviet Union inspired a British establishment insider to devote his life to the cause of socialism and the socialist motherland.
4 May 2022 ,
London’s great council housing fraud
Politicians talk as if workers are fools, but no-one who has tried to live on a worker’s salary can swallow the London mayor’s lies about an increase in ‘affordable’ homes.
2 May 2022 ,
British politics
Partygate again: Is Boris really about to suffer ‘death by a thousand cuts’?
The prime minister’s lies and hypocrisy are once more back in the media spotlight. But the ruling class is struggling to find a replacement for its disgraced frontman.
25 Apr 2022 ,
British politics
Paltry Partygate fines for Boris and Sunak are a slap in the face for British workers
The ‘us and them’ reality of British class society has never been clearer.
25 Apr 2022 ,
Lay-offs and closures
The day that P&O sacked all its staff: view from a worker in Dover
When capital makes decisions about its profit margins, it is real people whose lives are destroyed.
23 Apr 2022 ,
Solidarity with people’s Korea on the Day of the Sun 2022
Progressive humanity has every reason to celebrate the birth of the great Korean Marxist and revolutionary Kim Il Sung.
15 Apr 2022 ,
Climate change
Demonising fossil fuels will not tackle the environmental crisis
Only nationalisation of the energy sector will allow us to make rational plans to safeguard both our energy supplies and our future.
2 Apr 2022 ,
Lay-offs and closures
P&O sackings: Don’t make workers pay for the capitalist crisis
The ferry company’s callous treatment of its employees reminds us yet again that the logic of the capitalist system is impervious to the needs of human beings.
30 Mar 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Iniquitous new borders bill aims to make citizenship-stripping routine
Are we entering a time where any outspoken opponent of the present system can be rendered stateless and deported?
19 Mar 2022 ,
British politics
Renegacy of Stop the War on display once again at ‘antiwar’ events
Those who turn out to voice their concern over war in Ukraine are being fed a nausea-inducing diet of pacifism and imperialist lies.
8 Mar 2022 ,
British politics
Build the Workers Party of Britain
The primary goal facing us today is the breaking of all bonds between the Labour party and the working class.
5 Mar 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Chris Mullin: Is another honest journalist about to be put behind bars?
West Midlands police are still pursuing a vendetta against the veteran reporter who revealed their corruption and incompetence.
4 Mar 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Poverty stalks the land as ultrarich count the spoils
Inequality is rising in Britain and in the world, the inevitable outcome of the workings of our much-praised market economy.
3 Mar 2022 ,
Social wage
Nationalise the buses!
Covid was the last straw for thousands of Britain’s remaining bus routes, and the profit motive won’t save these essential services.
28 Feb 2022 ,
‘Antiwar’ and corporate media play same tricks in anti-Russia war drive
And none of them care a jot for the wellbeing or the wishes of the people of Ukraine.
23 Feb 2022 ,
Solidarity with the Freedom Convoy of Canada
The arteries of the Canadian capital are clogged to the point where Canada’s whole rotten capitalist system is having a heart attack.
23 Feb 2022 ,
British politics
Learn the lessons of the Corbyn project: break the link with Labour!
Breaking the thousand threads that connect workers’ organisations to the Labour party is the biggest task facing us now.
22 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Imperialist society can’t be ‘decolonised’; fight racism by building for socialism
While state power remains in the hands of a tiny exploiting class, workers will continue to be divided by racism.
21 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
The tragic fall of Kathleen Stock: another voice silenced by trans extremism
A backlash against the domination of our university campuses by anti-material transgender ideologists is long overdue.
16 Feb 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Fight racism with class unity, not separatism or black nationalism
It is only by unifying the maximum forces that we will be able to confront the enemy of ALL workers – the capitalist-imperialist economic system as a whole.
13 Feb 2022 ,
British politics
The real conspiracy is that of the ruling class against the workers
Workers are being side-tracked from the class struggle with plausible lies that exploit their fears and their anger at being endlessly lied to.
12 Feb 2022 ,
Law on mandatory vaccination for NHS staff to be repealed
In a last-minute U-turn, the beleaguered prime minister has realised that this is one battle he can do without.
1 Feb 2022 ,
British politics
What can Boris’s ‘partygate’ tell us about the nature of capitalist Britain?
It is not just one leader we need to replace, but the whole rotten and corrupt system he represents.
18 Jan 2022 ,
Divide and rule
The Channel boat tragedy and Britain’s inhumanity to asylum seekers
Why is the plight of these desperate migrants being weaponised?
14 Jan 2022 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange loses extradition appeal; British ‘justice’ exposed to the world
On the insincere assurances of US lawyers, a British court has decreed that it would be safe for Mr Assange to be handed over to their country’s tender mercies.
13 Jan 2022 ,
BP’s ‘cash machine’ goes into overdrive as workers’ energy bills soar
Britain’s energy monopolies are enjoying a profit bonanza as their rivals disappear and Ofgem fixes prices on their behalf.
11 Jan 2022 ,
Capitalist crisis
Crisis is inescapable while capitalism remains
The working class’s historic role is to put an end to profit-driven capitalism and to build a new, socialist society in its place.
4 Jan 2022 ,
Covid has exposed the weakness of capitalism and the strength of socialism
In highlighting the fatal flaws of capitalism, the pandemic has also given us a chance to pursue solutions with renewed energy and hope.
2 Jan 2022 ,
Divide and rule
Jobs are available – let asylum seekers work!
What possible justification can there be for refusing to let migrants work when there are so many empty positions?
26 Dec 2021 ,
Covid-19: Damning report highlights unpreparedness and corruption
Under cover of a global health emergency, our rulers have executed a blatant raid on the Treasury.
20 Dec 2021 ,
No academic freedom to support Palestine
Bristol academic sacked for refusing to bow to the diktat of the zionist world lobby.
18 Dec 2021 ,
China and Covid: working towards a global community of health for all
While China has declared its vaccines to be a global public good, imperialist corporations continue to put profit ahead of health.
17 Dec 2021 ,
Stop these sociopaths from poisoning our rivers!
We are reaping the whirlwind after decades of criminal neglect of Britain’s privatised water and sewage systems.
15 Dec 2021 ,
Energy crisis: more millions to prop up the privateers
Taxpayer cash will shore up monopoly profits while workers shiver this winter.
14 Dec 2021 ,
The NHS, the Covid pandemic and the private insurance takeover
A meaningful defence of Britain’s health service is urgently needed. What would it look like?
13 Dec 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Imperialism’s global conspiracy against Julian Assange
Corporate media maintain their silence as the persecuted journalist and publisher remains behind bars, though convicted of no crime.
10 Dec 2021 ,
Derisory pay offer covers further cuts as NHS privatisation reaches new heights
National clapping and a George Cross have left nurses empty handed as the new health chief helps US profiteers move in.
2 Dec 2021 ,
British politics
Brexit continues to be a thorn in the side of imperialism
Exposing capitalist democracy, hastening Irish reunification, weakening the camp of international imperialism ... these effects of Brexit are greatly to be welcomed.
25 Nov 2021 ,
A curate’s egg: Shapps’s ‘Great British Railways’ scam
The proposed railways ‘solution’ is less a plan for renationalisation than it is a promise to provide further subsidies to monopoly capital.
24 Nov 2021 ,
Comrade Ella: Our enemy is here at home, not in China
Confusing and demoralising anticommunist propaganda is a cornerstone of the imperialist drive for domination and war.
23 Nov 2021 ,
Climate change
Cop26: Fiddling while the world burns
Awash with fossil fuel lobbyists and corporate sponsors, the latest ‘climate conference’ was just another greenwashing exercise for monopoly capital.
19 Nov 2021 ,
Why is Britain importing coal from Australia and the USA?
Is it fear of militant miners that keeps our rulers from reopening deep mines in Britain while we still have a need for coal?
18 Nov 2021 ,
‘Just in time’ reveals the fatal inadequacy of market mechanisms
Global supply lines have been designed with profit maximisation, not the needs of the people, in mind.
16 Nov 2021 ,
Energy crisis: how imperialism manufactures ‘shortages’
The monopolists are too busy vying for advantage to worry about the effects of their machinations on the lives of the workers.
13 Nov 2021 ,
Prof David Miller and the zionist campaign to crush dissent on campuses
The list of truths that we are being told we must not utter in public spaces continues to grow, but truth has a way of winning out.
12 Nov 2021 ,
British politics
Ninth party congress: We must connect our movement with the masses
Important foundations have already been laid. Now we must expand and build on those in a principled and serious way.
11 Nov 2021 ,
British politics
Britain steps up diplomatic hostility towards China
In banning the Chinese ambassador from Parliament, Britain is ramping up its pro-war stance.
26 Oct 2021 ,
British politics
Palestine solidarity motion deepens division in the Labour party’s ranks
Keir Starmer has already vowed to ignore the motion passed by an overwhelming majority of conference delegates.
15 Oct 2021 ,
British politics
Labour party conference not a ‘safe space’ for women
While Keir Starmer can’t say who has a cervix, one of his MPs is receiving death threats for defending women’s rights.
14 Oct 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Anglo-American plot to assassinate Julian Assange on London’s streets
Will the authorities now be forced to cease their decade-long persecution of the world’s most celebrated journalist?
13 Oct 2021 ,
Aukus deal splits the imperialist front against China
As Lord Palmerston declared 200 years ago: imperialism has no permanent friends, only permanent interests.
25 Sep 2021 ,
Gas prices go through the roof as global shortage ties supply lines in knots
Millions of families will again be forced to choose between heating and eating this winter.
22 Sep 2021 ,
Deprivation, anger and fear behind loyalist riots in northern Ireland
Poor protestants are responding to a sense of alienation and being left behind. The question they will need to answer is: to what and to whom are they ’loyal’?
15 Sep 2021 ,
Chevron’s disgraceful persecution of human rights lawyer Steven Donziger
Instead of paying billions in damages owed for horrific pollution of Ecuador’s rainforest, the oil giant is hounding and demonising its accusers.
13 Sep 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Craig Murray: British state locks up elderly journalist on spurious charges
In Britain today, any journalist who becomes an inconvenience to the ruling class can expect to be ruthlessly targeted.
9 Sep 2021 ,
Workers at the GKN factory in Florence fight back
Workers demand an end to the dismantling and export of their industries and the protection of their rights to healthcare and a decent environment.
8 Sep 2021 ,
Scandalous levels of public service corruption in Britain
Is honest dealing by businesses and politicians compatible with capitalist society and the profit motive?
7 Sep 2021 ,
Pay and conditions
Keep on trucking: supply lines chaos as Covid and Brexit effects combine
The obvious answer to the present shortage of skilled labour is to invest in training and to improve pay and conditions in the areas concerned.
3 Sep 2021 ,
Saigon all over again: US pull-out from Afghanistan turns into a rout
Nato’s invading armies have been ignominiously kicked out after two decades, having achieved nothing but the reinvigoration of anti-imperialist resistance.
31 Aug 2021 ,
British politics
WPB storms Batley: ‘We intend to replace Labour as party of working class’
George Galloway’s party took 22 percent of the vote and sowed chaos in the ranks of the Labour party in July’s West Yorkshire by-election.
10 Aug 2021 ,
Workers party hosts popular rally against LTN scheme in Birmingham
An excellent example of socialists connecting with the community in order to advance their interests and raise their understanding.
7 Aug 2021 ,
Working-class history
Remembering the 2011 youth uprising
Ten years on, the poverty, inequality and injustice that led to an outpouring of rage on England’s streets have only worsened.
6 Aug 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Reform of the Secrets Act is another brick in the wall
While the ‘opposition’ sits on its hands, the ruling class is rolling out more legislation designed to suppress working-class discontent.
5 Aug 2021 ,
Social wage
Cambian Childcare: End this chattel slavery
How many more horrendous revelations do we have to endure before action is taken to end the abuse of vulnerable children by profiteers?
1 Aug 2021 ,
Whistleblower Daniel Hale sentenced to 45 months in US prison for drone leak
‘I am here because I stole something that was never mine to take – precious human life.’
29 Jul 2021 ,
The Intercept
‘Recycling’ today: greenwashing for a broken, ecocidal system
Why does our society seem so incapable of dealing with the rising tide of plastic that threatens to overwhelm us?
28 Jul 2021 ,
Social wage
Scandalous profiteering at the expense of children in care
Our most vulnerable children have been transformed into business units by private equity funds.
25 Jul 2021 ,
Britain’s dirty war back in the spotlight
The full historical reckoning for centuries of colonial crimes will be made by a future reunified Ireland.
20 Jul 2021 ,
Fraud office’s ‘deferred prosecution’ trick shields top bosses from legal action
The lords of finance capital have long made it clear that they are above the law: now it’s being implicitly accepted by those who supposedly ‘regulate’ their activities.
15 Jul 2021 ,
Social wage
Unemployment and poverty set to rise as furlough ends and benefits are cut
A brutal shock is in store for many workers as the temporary multi-tiered unemployment support system is slashed back to the bone.
13 Jul 2021 ,
Britain’s Crimea provocation: a navy lark that went very wrong
Those who are driving us towards a full-scale conflagration with Russia should be careful what they wish for.
10 Jul 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Metropolitan police branded ‘institutionally corrupt’
An unsolved murder and a persistent family have laid bare a catalogue of dishonest dealings by police stretching out over decades.
28 Jun 2021 ,
Film: The Great NHS Heist
Dr Bob Gill’s contribution to the fight to save our NHS is incalculable. This film is essential viewing for every British worker.
19 Jun 2021 ,
NHS dentistry in its death throes as Covid is used as a cover for privatisation
Increasing numbers of poor workers are not registered with a dentist and are forced to use DIY treatments in an emergency.
17 Jun 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Workers Party statement: No to Covid passports
There is no medical justification for the imposition of such documents; they are not aimed at protecting our health but at the surveillance and control of workers.
31 May 2021 ,
Divide and rule
Sewell report concludes ‘no institutional racism’ in British society. How?
The whitewashers of the system and the self-identifying ‘social justice warriors’ form a perfect double-act, working to keep workers perpetually divided.
27 May 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Kill the Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill!
A marked increase in police violence against workers has already been in evidence even before the new policing bill has passed into law.
24 May 2021 ,
The Sanjeev Gupta, Lex Greensill and David Cameron affair
Once again we see the absurdity of a system that leaves the fate of essential industries and millions of workers in the hands of rapacious fraudsters.
21 May 2021 ,
Five Eyes become four as New Zealand distances itself from anti-China action
Workers have no interest in going along with the wave of anti-China propaganda that is preparing the ground for a devastating war.
20 May 2021 ,
Britain commits to nuclear expansion in defiance of non-proliferation treaty
What is behind the renewed imperialist drive to war?
15 May 2021 ,
Imperialism fails the Covid test
Capitalism is proving itself to be systemically incapable of dealing rationally and humanely with the global pandemic.
12 May 2021 ,
Post Office pursued vindictive prosecutions against subpostmasters
The appeal court victory of 29 of those wrongfully convicted has opened the floodgates for hundreds more claims.
4 May 2021 ,
Greensill debacle: the door keeps revolving
The collapse of this particular debt-laden finance house is drawing public attention to some very uncomfortable truths.
3 May 2021 ,
NHS privatisation accelerated during the pandemic: a medical ‘shock doctrine’
Instead of rebuilding our decimated public capacity, private providers are being subsidised to the tune of billions to take the place of the NHS.
1 May 2021 ,
FlyBe is dead, long live FlyBe
Turns out all it takes to avoid the creditors is a slightly tweaked name and a fresh coat of paint.
26 Apr 2021 ,
Who is peddling the ‘Uyghur genocide’ myth, and why?
It is not in the interests of British workers to accept the lies being propagated by our rulers.
21 Apr 2021 ,
Pay and conditions
Don’t make care workers pay for the crisis in social care!
We must renationalise and reunite social care with healthcare, and pay all workers in the sector a decent wage.
17 Apr 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Police Bill: capitalism gears up for the class struggles to come
Our rulers are in a hurry to pass new laws while the excuse of Covid lingers and before workers have woken up to the true scale of the present economic crisis.
7 Apr 2021 ,
British politics
Salmond v Sturgeon: what’s going on in the Scottish nationalist camp?
All this sound and fury is serving to obscure Salmond’s real crime: the incitement of reactionary separatism amongst the British working class.
3 Apr 2021 ,
Civil liberties
BLM, XR: No reds under the bed … yet
Our rulers are nervous that workers may start to put up really meaningful resistance to imperialist domination, despoliation and war.
2 Apr 2021 ,
Ban extended, but evictions continue
Behind the toothless legislation is a government, and parliament, inextricably intertwined with the landlord class.
1 Apr 2021 ,
Shrewsbury 24: Justice delayed is justice denied
Workers must start to organise themselves so as to be able to demand justice now – social justice for all.
30 Mar 2021 ,
British politics
Liverpool scandal: Starmer cheers as the government sends in the commissioners
Labour and Tory are two sides of the same dud coin; we should be grateful to Starmer for demonstrating this so clearly.
29 Mar 2021 ,
Cameron’s hand caught trapped in the till as Greensill collapses
The collapse of yet another debt-laden house of cards has shone a light on the revolving door between career politicians and the corporations they serve.
27 Mar 2021 ,
US falters over Yemen war, while Britain stops its ears
While the US looks to hide its defeat behind talk of peace and principles, Britain continues blatantly to prioritise the interests of its arms manufacturers.
12 Mar 2021 ,
Social wage
Don’t tell Newham we are all in it together
The financial and physical inability to isolate or to work safely has led to far worse covid outcomes for the poorest in our society.
10 Mar 2021 ,
With ‘saviours’ like Gupta, who needs enemies?
If you are rich enough, you can get richer still without spending a penny; it is the workers who pay when the vultures’ schemes collapse.
9 Mar 2021 ,
More ‘reforms’ of the NHS, so many nails in the coffin
We have a hard fight on our hands if we wish to save our health service from the corporate looters and privateers.
6 Mar 2021 ,
Social wage
Destitution in Britain compounded by 2020 crash and covid shutdowns
How can it be that there is so much want in the midst of so much plenty?
4 Mar 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Mairead Maguire nominates Assange, Manning, Snowden for Nobel peace prize
Irish peace prize winner explains how the bravery of these three whistleblowers inspires peace-loving workers everywhere.
24 Feb 2021 ,
Pay and conditions
Bringing Kaplan to book: time to get organised in the gig economy
A reminder that the whole reason for having trade unions is to fight the workers’ corner everywhere.
21 Feb 2021 ,
Big Tech and the end of dissent: First they came for Donald Trump
The useful idiots of the liberal left are cheering while tech giants clamp down ever harder on freedom of speech.
17 Feb 2021 ,
Communist George Blake dies in Moscow aged 98
One of Britain’s most committed cold war warriors, who went on to live out his years in peace in Russia.
15 Feb 2021 ,
Planning reforms won’t fix the housing crisis
Building more homes is not the answer unless they are built for those who need them.
14 Feb 2021 ,
British ban of Chinese news channel is another step towards open warfare
The mainstream media is spreading cold war propaganda against China in support of the imperialists’ drive to an all-out conflagration.
10 Feb 2021 ,
British politics
The Big Ride for Palestine and the Labour party
Tower Hamlets council’s decision to ban a fundfaising event for Palestine highlights the Labour party’s role as a tool of British imperial policy.
9 Feb 2021 ,
Social wage
Hard to swallow: UK food parcels shamefully inadequate
When profit takes precedence over the provision of service, it’s no surprise that half-hearted and belated government measures are not fit for purpose.
8 Feb 2021 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Chester Road closure: No to GKN’s industrial vandalism!
A 270-year-old British manufacturer is being slowly dismantled by asset-stripping vultures, destroying vital jobs and engineering capacity in the process.
4 Feb 2021 ,
Macron government attempts to suppress exposure of police brutality
French workers continue to set an example in resisting the encroachments of the powerful upon their rights.
29 Jan 2021 ,
DVLA: Keeping non-essential staff in offices is endangering lives
The biggest outbreak of covid yet recorded in Britain is taking place in a government office in Wales – and staff are still being forced to come in to work.
27 Jan 2021 ,
Covid: Frontline workers are paying for the crisis with their lives
Thousands of businesses are claiming to be ‘essential’, forcing staff to come to work but failing to provide PPE or to implement proper safety measures.
25 Jan 2021 ,
Time to end poverty: expropriate the expropriators!
Bourgeois commentators are increasingly identifying the problems besetting humanity, but they are congenitally incapable of recognising the solution staring them in the face.
23 Jan 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: the persecution continues
Years of unwarranted imprisonment and torture do not look likely to end any time soon, despite the denial of the US’s extradition claim.
18 Jan 2021 ,
One year on from the imperialists’ murder of General Qasem Soleimani
All progressives must support the right of Iran to defend itself against relentless imperialist aggression.
8 Jan 2021 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Jobless figures mount as Paperchase is latest retail chain to fail
As the economic crisis is exacerbated by repeated lockdowns, company after company is going to the wall.
7 Jan 2021 ,
British politics
Fresh revelations prove definitively that Britain’s ‘defence’ capacity has aggressive intent
What kind of defence force entails a permanent military presence of 145 base sites in 42 countries?
6 Jan 2021 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange victorious, for now
Judge’s ruling makes it clear that the principles supposedly protecting free speech and honest journalism remain in peril.
5 Jan 2021 ,
ICC drops case against Britain, despite ‘clear evidence’ of war crimes
How can the warmongering criminals rampaging around the globe be held to account?
28 Dec 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Sunak extends furlough till April as jobless stats sow panic
The number of redundancies continues to climb inexorably each month, despite all efforts to massage the figures and soften the blow.
23 Dec 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange extradition trial: Shameful martyrisation continues
Kafka’s dystopian vision has been brought to life in the heart of the British injustice system.
22 Dec 2020 ,
Government announces extra £16.5bn for military
Government promises spending will protect 10,000 jobs, but at what cost to the working class?
9 Dec 2020 ,
British politics
Crisis of legitimacy: trust in politicians and journalists keeps going down
What does it say about our ‘democracy’ when those who are supposed to uphold it are some of the least trusted people in the country?
7 Dec 2020 ,
Social wage
Demise of RPI: another attack on workers’ pensions
Why should our right to a dignified old age depend on the vagaries of stock-exchange gamblers and government statisticians?
5 Dec 2020 ,
Water privateers: ‘Doing what’s in the best interests of shareholders’
As Britain’s utilities are looted by shareholders, workers are forced to pay astronomical bills for deteriorating services.
29 Nov 2020 ,
B&M: Bending the rules and ripping off the public purse – and it’s all legal
Funds used to ‘support the economy through covid’ have been spent on making the rich richer while everyone else struggles.
25 Nov 2020 ,
Social wage
Humbled by their own incompetence: ‘winter economic plan’ back to square one
Lockdown exacerbates ruling class conflict over future for employers, employees, and unemployed.
24 Nov 2020 ,
British politics
Paul Turek: passing of a working-class fighter
Our party mourns the loss of a true class-conscious proletarian and a staunch fighter for socialism.
24 Nov 2020 ,
Edinburgh Woollen Mill: the vultures circle
Thousands of workers look set to lose their jobs, but the man whose fortune they made will have no trouble hanging onto his millions.
19 Nov 2020 ,
Capital gains tax: Big business cries before it is hit
Despite the exponential growth of poverty and inequality, our rulers still can’t seem to face the idea of paying a little more of their ill-gotten gains into the state’s coffers.
18 Nov 2020 ,
City spivs raid the public purse
The revolving door between private sector consultancies and the civil service continues to spin.
16 Nov 2020 ,
Marketisation of services to vulnerable children exposes true values of liberal democracy
Never has the gap between human and capitalist logic been so glaringly apparent.
15 Nov 2020 ,
British politics
Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour party
Sir Keir Starmer is doing everything in his power to ram home the lesson that Labour will never serve working-class interests.
11 Nov 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
Book: Bandit Capitalism: Carillion and the Corruption of the British State
A meticulously researched exposure of outsourcing and corruption that falls short of finding either the true culprit or the way out for impoverished workers.
3 Nov 2020 ,
Covid: Parasites enjoy a bonanza whilst workers struggle
There has never been a better time for workers to learn hard truths about the nature of the capitalist system.
31 Oct 2020 ,
Social wage
Insult to injury: government plans to cut Universal Credit boost
Covid has exposed the injustice of below-poverty-line benefits. How will our rulers balance their need for cheap and desperate workers with maintaining social peace?
29 Oct 2020 ,
Social wage
Southern Cross: vulture capitalists still getting fat on the care home racket
The problems in our care homes are rooted in privatisation and began well before the pandemic arrived to bring them to national attention.
28 Oct 2020 ,
Dirty British propaganda war against Syria exposed
The war machine is facing a most welcome crisis of legitimacy.
16 Oct 2020 ,
British politics
Workers party launches corona wealth tax campaign
All progressives in Britain should be working to extend the reach of the Workers Party into the ranks of the working class.
12 Oct 2020 ,
British soldier arrested for protesting collusion in Saudi’s Yemen war
‘I’ve seen enough not to speak out and I’d rather sleep peacefully in a cell than stay silent for a pay cheque.’
29 Sep 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Railway pensions under threat
It is the bosses’ responsibility to see to it that deferred wages are paid in full; why are workers expected to take the hit?
23 Sep 2020 ,
Vultures circle over Royal Mail
Britain’s privatised mail service is likely to be broken down into ever-smaller parts as investors peel of the most profitable parts one by one.
21 Sep 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
FT spills the beans on the great pensions rip-off
Not content with stealing workers’ unpaid labour today, the capitalists are conspiring to steal their right to a dignified retirement tomorrow.
20 Sep 2020 ,
Civil servants face coercion over return to the workplace
In a desperate bid to restore city centre footfall, the government is pushing workers back into offices.
16 Sep 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Media freedom? Show me the MSM journalist opposing the torture of Assange
11 Sep 2020 ,
Grenfell Tower: construction bosses’ contempt for workers’ lives laid bare
Despite its best efforts, the glacial inquiry has let slip a series of unpalatable truths about the practices and motivations of the construction industry.
4 Sep 2020 ,
Social wage
UBI: a recipe for universal misery
Our demand must be for meaningful work in a society free from poverty, unemployment and insecurity.
24 Aug 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
FT spills the beans on private equity scam
The super-rich are indulging in an orgy of speculation using the ‘free money’ of low-interest debt. Who pays?
23 Aug 2020 ,
Divide and rule
Look, balloons! Another migrant scare distracts attention from corona and crisis
With the worst covid outcome and deepest recession in Europe, our rulers are keen to divert workers’ anger from themselves and their failing system.
19 Aug 2020 ,
Thinktank warns of massive rise in destitution in the wake of Covid-19
The wonders of capitalism: five million Britons predicted to become destitute this year.
10 Aug 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Nissan slashes workforce and pensions, poised to flee Sunderland altogether
Blame Brexit; blame covid ... blame anything but the capitalist system.
31 Jul 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
Rising inequality following the 2020 crisis of overproduction
Mushrooming inequality has the capitalist class spooked, for they fear the consequences.
29 Jul 2020 ,
Water CEOs fleece the public
Residents’ bills are sky high, the nation’s water reserves are seeping away, but privateer bosses are still shamelessly rinsing the coffers.
27 Jul 2020 ,
PPE scandal: crony capitalists make a killing while frontline workers sacrificed
Meanwhile, the system’s defenders are worried that workers might learn the right lessons.
26 Jul 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Ministry of Justice retreats on sick pay for cleaners
Victory for struggling cleaners after Emanuel Gomes’s death, who worked for a week with suspected covid and a raging fever.
24 Jul 2020 ,
Leicester sweatshops keep their heads down despite covid panic
Fashion industry gangmasters are riding out the storm, safe in the knowledge that it will be business as usual before long.
17 Jul 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Under cover of Covid-19: trial by jury is under attack
The abolition of workers’ right to a jury trial could be the final nail in the coffin of the justice system in Britain.
14 Jul 2020 ,
British politics
Stop the War gets it wrong again
When is an anti-war movement not an anti-war movement?
13 Jul 2020 ,
Divide and rule
Statues come down: the toppling of the mighty
Good riddance to bad rubbish, but what next?
10 Jul 2020 ,
Divide and rule
JK Rowling’s stance against the thought police
The author’s brave stance in defence of reality must be defended, and her hysterical detractors exposed as the reactionary bullies they are.
9 Jul 2020 ,
Bosses press on with sackings as crisis deepens
As the furlough support scheme comes to an end, the true depth of the economic crisis is becoming ever clearer.
7 Jul 2020 ,
Go Outdoors ‘rescued’ – for now
Financial fancy footwork may allow the chain’s owners to sidestep onerous lease conditions as high street footfall plunges.
2 Jul 2020 ,
Palestinian lives matter: the murder of Ahmed Eriqat
Ahmed Eriqat of Abu Dis was the latest victim of senseless murder by Israeli soldiers in occupied Palestine.
30 Jun 2020 ,
Social wage
The plight of the homeless after lockdown
‘Business as usual’ as rough sleepers are thrown back onto the streets.
29 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
P&O takes the money and runs
The shipping company is laying off a thousand workers on the very routes it is being paid public money to operate.
29 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Imperial College sacking vital IT workers
University managers plan to axe more than half their IT staff, despite their heroic work in enabling vital pandemic research.
27 Jun 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Conditions at Yodel: report by a worker
Workers in the logistics industry are being sweated at ever-more intense and unendurable rates.
26 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
British Gas and SPS are latest to announce big job losses
As the economic crisis bites, employers are looking to cut not only jobs but also pay, pensions and everything else.
25 Jun 2020 ,
Covid couriers sacked for requesting PPE and social distancing
Workers responsible for transporting covid test samples from hospitals to labs are being victimised for requesting basic safety measures.
25 Jun 2020 ,
British politics
Boris’s chapter of accidents
As the covid emergency progresses, the prime minister is jumping from one fiasco to another, exposing his many inadequacies to full public view.
23 Jun 2020 ,
Civil liberties
The Coronavirus Act 2020
Jumping on the excuse of Covid-19, parliament has rammed through a host of draconian measures unrelated to the health crisis.
19 Jun 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: The truth will set him free
Many questions remain to be answered about the conduct of Julian’s defence.
18 Jun 2020 ,
End British export of rubber bullets
British arms manufacturers continue to profit from these lethal ‘crowd control’ weapons.
17 Jun 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
BA threatens to sack its entire workforce
After rinsing the furlough scheme, the airline is now insisting that its staff should accept huge pay cuts or be sacked.
16 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Debenhams shafts its cafe workers
Catering staff at the department store have been summarily dismissed without notice or redundancy pay.
15 Jun 2020 ,
British trade agreements after Brexit
By pinning all their hopes for Britain’s future on a US trade deal, our rulers are taking us out of the frying pan and into the fire.
10 Jun 2020 ,
Social wage
UBI: the ‘right’ to be idle or the right to work?
What does the call for a universal basic income really mean?
8 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Thousands more to go at Rolls Royce’s Derby plant
As more and more manufacturing jobs are being scrapped, workers are the victims of the downward spiral of capitalist crisis.
6 Jun 2020 ,
Second spike looms: Boris opts for ‘whack-a-mole’ over having a good plan
On every level, the performance of socialist countries in dealing with Covid-19 is putting the profiteering, anti-worker ethos of capitalism to shame.
4 Jun 2020 ,
British politics
Workers party sets a course despite lockdown
Weeks of lockdown have been used by the Workers party to speak to more than half a million people.
2 Jun 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
Jobless total rockets
As the economic crisis bites, over a million workers in Britain have been forced precipitously onto the breadline.
24 May 2020 ,
World history
Women in the victory over fascism
Without the brave and tireless efforts of women across the USSR and Europe, vanquishing the enemy would have been impossible.
21 May 2020 ,
‘Back to work’ stampede – and may the devil take the hindmost
Reopening schools and workplaces without proper safety measures highlights the government’s true priorities.
20 May 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Workers in the US and Britain fight for workplace safety
Wildcat strikes and a high-profile resignation are highlighting the anti-worker essence of capitalist accumulation.
15 May 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
British Airways takes the money and runs
The Covid-19 crisis is highlighting the necessity for public ownership of all our vital services.
13 May 2020 ,
Covid-19: What is the coronavirus and is it a real threat?
Dr Ranjeet Brar takes a look at the medical aspects of the present pandemic, comparing Covid-19 to other viruses such as influenza and Sars.
12 May 2020 ,
British politics
Supreme court ruling overturns Israel boycott ban – for now
What can workers do to stop this advance from being rolled back by Parliament?
3 May 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
The corona pandemic and the capitalist world economic crash of 2020
Our rulers are keen to convince us that the deepest depression in the history of capitalism is a random and unpredictable ‘black swan’ event.
2 May 2020 ,
Capitalist crisis
A call to arms: This May Day, fight together against imperialism
Workers’ parties sign international revolutionary anti-imperialist manifesto.
1 May 2020 ,
Covid-19 furlough scheme: a bonanza for big business
While thousands of workers find themselves without a job, bosses are cashing in on the ‘free money’ of the furlough scheme.
30 Apr 2020 ,
Covid-19: Why is it that Cuba can manufacture PPE, but Britain can’t?
Britain’s frontline workers continue to put their lives on the line, paid in broken promises and empty gestures.
28 Apr 2020 ,
Using the Covid crisis: British and US military massing off Venezuelan coast
Reckless and desperate attempts are being made by US imperialism to encircle and crush Venezuelan socialism.
25 Apr 2020 ,
Coronavirus stats are air-brushing the elderly
Thousands of Covid-19 infections and deaths in Britain’s care homes have simply not been tracked or counted.
20 Apr 2020 ,
Lessons of Covid-19 pt 1: Only workers can solve the problems created by capital
Who are the real ‘key workers’ and why are they still being treated so badly?
19 Apr 2020 ,
Social wage
Hunger rising sharply as covid-19 lockdown combines with economic crash
Why are we witnessing the obscene sight of workers going hungry in the midst of plenty?
17 Apr 2020 ,
Socialist Cuba shows real international solidarity during Covid-19 outbreak
People or profits? The coronavirus pandemic is bringing this question to the fore more sharply than ever.
14 Apr 2020 ,
British politics
Harry Dunn and the one-sided ‘special relationship’
Our rulers, who love to flaunt their ‘patriotism’, fail miserably when it comes to defending the interests of their own against a stronger foreign power.
13 Apr 2020 ,
Social wage
Austerity Britain: where the homeless seek shelter in bins
Report reveals shocking rise of bin sleepers as one waste worker recounts finding children as young as nine or ten.
6 Apr 2020 ,
Burying bad news: corona-filled papers ignore Britain’s Yemen invasion
Unreported in British media, British troops have landed in Aden. All that awaits them is the graveyard of imperialist ambitions.
4 Apr 2020 ,
British politics
Onwards and upwards: In memory of Deborah Lavin
One of a kind: her influence on party life, and the guidance she gave to young cadres in particular, will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.
3 Apr 2020 ,
Now 230 workers’ parties call for united effort to fight Covid-19
Progressive parties from around the world have signed a joint letter calling for closer international cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus.
2 Apr 2020 ,
British politics
Red salute to our beloved Comrade Deborah Lavin
Her funeral is to be live-streamed since large gatherings are prevented by the present pandemic conditions.
30 Mar 2020 ,
Britain’s response to Covid-19 pt 1: ‘Take it on the chin’
What the coronavirus teaches us about our rulers’ attitudes and priorities.
27 Mar 2020 ,
British politics
John Hepple: a life of working-class struggle
A true son of the working class, one of so many who have given their lives to the fight for a better world.
25 Mar 2020 ,
Lay-offs and closures
The only rational way to ensure that vital infrastructure exists and is run for the benefit of all is public ownership.
9 Mar 2020 ,
Pay and conditions
Barclays spies on its own staff
The banking giant is using ‘Big Brother tactics’ to monitor staff and keep their noses to the grindstone.
6 Mar 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Craig Murray: Assange’s armoured glass box is an instrument of torture
‘They are attempting to make him kill himself – or create the conditions where his death might be explained away as suicide.’
4 Mar 2020 ,
Craig Murray
Wirral’s binmen to strike?
Outsourced waste collector Biffa is playing fast and loose with its workers’ pay.
3 Mar 2020 ,
Civil liberties
Craig Murray in the public gallery: Assange hearing day 4
The British state is lying about the validity of the US extradition treaty – and it knows it.
2 Mar 2020 ,
Craig Murray
Civil liberties
Craig Murray in the public gallery: Assange hearing day 3
The sham show-trial at Woolwich reveals how brazenly our rulers will flout their own rules when it suits them to do so.
1 Mar 2020 ,
Craig Murray
Civil liberties
Craig Murray in the public gallery: Assange hearing day 2
It has been demonstrably proved in court that the US knows its own charges against Assange are untrue.
1 Mar 2020 ,
Craig Murray
Civil liberties
Craig Murray in the public gallery: Assange hearing day 1