- Fallujah: a nail in the coffin of the occupation
- Ukraine / Editorial: Imperialist agenda in Ukraine (2004)
- Education: Geography an indicator of decay
- A decent pension is a right for all
- Industry matters: Trade unionism and opportunist social chauvinism
- Trade union wolves in sheep’s clothing
- Industrial: Construction trouble – CIS vs PAYE?
- Environment: Kyoto finally brought into effect
- Culture: The art of mobilising the masses
- Report: Solidarity with ZANU-PF, champions of African independence
- Band Aid: Feed the world? Just stop robbing the world
- Statement: We salute Arafat’s life, we mourn his death
- Hands off Cuba! End the occupation of Guantanamo Bay
- US elections: a terrible loss?
- Colombia: Just say No to imperialism!
- Theory: The need for conscious party discipline
- Jaguar closure: livelihoods destroyed in the interests of profit
- Iraq: resistance gains unstoppable momentum
- Editorial: Crocodile tears for Ken Bigley
- Why do we need a new party?
- Industry matters: A radical third term for Labour?
- Break the link with Labour
- Return of the new Iskra
- Mark Thatcher: oil snatcher!
- Massive gains for people’s war in Nepal
- Venezuela – part of the Latin American struggle to break the imperialist stranglehold
- Theory / The three contradictions of imperialism
- Ireland in the spotlight
- Iraq: the occupation continues
- Editorial: A new party
- Formation of the CPGB-ML
- An exposure of the shameful, unconstitutional and anti-communist behaviour of Arthur Scargill and his flunkeys
- Labour calls coppers on housing protesters
- ‘Reclaiming’ Labour
- CPGB-ML founding conference
- Theory: The crisis of overproduction and the price of oil
- Zionism plunges to new depths, but Palestinian resistance refuses to be quashed
- Darfur: The scramble for Africa’s oil