- World / Imperialist aggression hastens demise of US hegemony and the rise of Brics
- Capitalist crisis / The cost of living crisis is a capitalist crisis
- Europe / Liz Truss’s message to the USA seconds after the Nord Stream attack: ‘It’s done’.
- Disputes / Support our nurses’ struggle for decent pay!
- Russia / British armed forces planned terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge
- Trade unions / Are Britain’s union bosses interested in helping their members fight back?
- Social wage / Hungry schoolchildren; another sign of a failed system
- Germany / Germany is under pressure. Something’s got to give
- Yugoslavia / Neo-nazis smash up Yugoslav communist party headquarters
- Czech Republic / Czech communist leader on the mass movement against Nato’s war
- Divide and rule / Harpal Brar on Avtar Jouhl: Above all he was a fighter for socialism
- Azerbaijan / Azeri chauvinism used by imperialists to set Russia’s borders on fire
- Energy / Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse: fracking is back on the agenda
- Nicaragua / Oppose US ‘special measures’ against sovereign Nicaragua!
- Environment / Environmentalists: time to look your gift horse in the mouth
- Capitalist crisis / Kwarteng’s budget: less red tape – fewer workers rights
- Health / Coffey’s ‘plan for patients’ boils down to more targets and some magical thinking
- Trade unions / Shameful capitulation of workers’ leadership in face of ‘mourning’ demands
- Disputes / Support the postal workers!
- Capitalist crisis / Families face energy bills topping £5,000 this autumn
- Ukraine / Selling Ukraine to the highest bidder
- Ukraine / Tempo likely to shift in Ukraine as east and south vote on joining Russia
- Ukraine / Imperialist governments and media aid and abet Ukronazi war crimes
- Capitalist crisis / EU quietly rowing back on self-defeating sanctions against Russia
- Ukraine / How corrupt is Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky?
- Czech Republic / Czech people take to the streets in record numbers against Nato’s war in Ukraine
- Germany / Closure of Nord Stream 1: another own goal for Europe
- Capitalism or communism TV / Comrade Ella tells Chinese conference: ‘A decent future is ours for the taking’
- Social wage / Malthusianism is alive and well as feminists celebrate declining birth rate
- Haiti / Protests erupt in Haiti against corrupt comprador government
- Afghanistan / One year on from the Afghan rout: collective punishment continues
- British politics / Backing Truss for PM means doubling down on war drive and economic pain
- Social wage / Food bank Britain
- Disputes / Rail strike spreads as employers and government remain intransigent
- Civil liberties / British citizen Graham Phillips placed on UK sanctions list
- Civil liberties / ‘Bill of shame’ spits in the face of ‘Troubles’ victims
- British politics / Britain fretting over declining influence on ‘the rules’ as China and Russia rise
- Pay and conditions / Sainsbury’s CEO in the money as workers feel the pinch
- Ukraine / ANC veteran: ‘An anti-nazi patriotic war is not an interimperialist war’
- Ukraine / Bombing of civilians in Donetsk city by Ukronazi regime is no aberration
- Russia / USA’s proxy war in Ukraine cementing the world anti-imperialist alliance
- Ukraine / $65bn in western ‘aid for Ukraine’ is neither aid nor is it for Ukraine
- USA / Failed ‘Summit of the Americas’ foreshadows Monroe Doctrine collapse
- Cuba / Cuba responds to failed US-controlled summit: Our America deserves better
- Theory / Food and decolonisation
- China / USA’s provocations against China faced down by the People’s Liberation Army
- British politics / Boris in trouble: It’s the economy stupid … and that bloody stupid war
- British politics / Partygate again: Is Boris really about to suffer ‘death by a thousand cuts’?
- British politics / Paltry Partygate fines for Boris and Sunak are a slap in the face for British workers
- Disputes / Train strike: Britain could see the largest walk-out since the 1926 general strike
- Lay-offs and closures / The day that P&O sacked all its staff: view from a worker in Dover
- Capitalist crisis / Cost of living crisis worsens as inflation and energy prices soar
- Ukraine / Ukraine operation phase 2: Mariupol nazis fall and Donbass steadily liberated
- Ukraine / Joti Brar: ‘Greek workers have power to play leading role against Nato in Europe’
- Media / Liberal journalism’s fury as Soviet symbolism returns to liberated Donbass
- Ukraine / Why did the USA build a string of biolabs across Ukraine?
- Ukraine / Is Poland planning to invade Ukraine? Nato eyes new fronts in drive to WW3
- British politics / Labour is the party of Nato, the party of war
- China / Ella Rule: China’s history confirms that workers need a scientific socialist party
- Burkina Faso / The example of Thomas Sankara lives on in Burkina Faso
- USA / To US workers: ‘Only class politics can save us from the rampaging monopolists’
- Media / Yemen v Ukraine: What makes a war newsworthy?
- Palestine / Palestinian Nakba continues with the murder of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
- Ukraine / Western presstitutes rediscover international law after 77 years
- Climate change / Demonising fossil fuels will not tackle the environmental crisis
- Social wage / Nationalise the buses!
- Capitalist crisis / Poverty stalks the land as ultrarich count the spoils
- Yugoslavia / Belgrade forum reminds the world: ‘Never forget’ Nato war on Yugoslavia
- Ukraine / Nazis on the retreat as Russian encirclement bites in Ukraine
- Ukraine / Ukraine’s President Zelensky: ‘It’s time to meet’
- Ukraine / Faking ‘war crimes’: Mariupol hospital witness exposes imperialist lie machine
- Russia / Who benefits by falsely labelling Russia as ‘imperialist’?
- Civil liberties / Chris Mullin: Is another honest journalist about to be put behind bars?
- Canada / Solidarity with the Freedom Convoy of Canada
- British politics / What can Boris’s ‘partygate’ tell us about the nature of capitalist Britain?
- Economy / BP’s ‘cash machine’ goes into overdrive as workers’ energy bills soar
- China / China investing massively to address climate change
- Health / Law on mandatory vaccination for NHS staff to be repealed
- Divide and rule / The tragic fall of Kathleen Stock: another voice silenced by trans extremism
- UAE / Dubai’s freezing of F-35 order is a slap in the face for the USA
- Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan: the latest in a string of failed coup attempts by the USA
- China / US ‘forced labour’ act harms the people of Xinjiang
- Russia / Russia demands security guarantees to stop Nato expansion
- USA / Insider dealing is just one of the ways US politicians get paid
- Syria / Bombing of Syria’s Tabqa dam: US war crime that nearly killed untold thousands