Book launch: Identity politics or class politics?

Saklatvala Hall
Dominion Road
Contact: / 07827 501 420 (Josh)
Two prongs of philosophical attack by the bourgeoisie have had devastating consequences for the communist movement since the end of the second world war. The first is revisionism, the second is identity politics.
If we are unable to unite workers on the basis of their economic class, that immutable material fact on top of which the entire capitalism system is built, then we are nothing. No division of workers into this or that identity group strengthens the working-class movement – on the contrary, it undermines it.
Comrade Joti Brar will present her new pamphlet, which aims to give a Marxist overview of this crucial topic, separating what is essential from all the culture wars noise that threatens to drown out all reasoned conversation and debate.
While it is not in our interest to allow identity politics to divide workers, neither does it serve us to get into slanging matches with workers who have been duped by them. Our aim must be to persuade as many of the confused as possible, through reason and science, while directing our full fire at the class enemy that has created these divisions. Monopoly capital will not be hurt in the slightest if we are diverted into forming battle lines against every misinformed fellow worker – quite the reverse.