Online Marxist study class

Birmingham study
Moseley Road
B12 0BS
Contact: / 07756 766 215 (Edward)
All members and supporters of the Communists are invited to join us via Zoom for a weekly session in which we will be working our way through the essential classics of Marxism.
As Lenin pointed out: “Without a revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary practice.” If we want to build a mass movement for socialism in Britain, and if we actually want to defeat our enemies and win, we have to be trained in all aspects of the struggle.
We have to be able to recognise our enemies and defeat them practically and ideologically. We have to be able to expose the plethora of charlatans and agents in the eyes of the working class, and we have to be able to popularise the key teachings of Marxist science so that they are taken up by ever wider sections of our class.
This is the job of the communists: to bring a clear understanding of theory, organisation, strategy and tactics to our movement. Study is a cornerstone of developing a class-conscious worker into a really effective organiser for socialism.
Recently finished: What is To Be Done? by VI Lenin. The classic work in which Lenin outlined the importance of revolutionary theory, showed the ways in which socialists should work amongst the workers, and put forward a plan for organising a real communist party, capable of bringing together all the diverse strands of working-class struggle and harnessing them for the socialist struggle.
Currently reading: The History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks). An invaluable tool for understanding how it was that the Russian workers were able to organise and win, defeating tsarism, feudalism and capitalist imperialism, and going on to build the first and most formidable workers’ state.
Up next: Political Economy: A Beginner’s Guide by A Leontiev. The classic Soviet textbook that provides an excellent all-round introduction to the basics of Marxist political economy.