Ukrainian communists threatened with death by Zelensky regime

Trapped under house arrest, the Kononovich brothers have received repeated and public death threats.

The Kononovich brothers of Ukraine have sent us this urgent appeal. They fear for their lives and ask for our urgent solidarity action.


We, the Kononovich brothers, Ukrainian communists and antifascists, call on the World Federation of Democratic Youth, communists, all left-wing militants and antifacists in Europe and throughout the world.

We officially declare that the Zelensky regime is preparing our murder. The regime, through the intermediary of police officer Yevgen Kravchuk, has publicly and repeatedly warned us of our assassination.

The police officer has written calls for our murder on Facebook and is actively circulating our home address, knowing that we are under house arrest and cannot go anywhere. So we’re trapped.

A police officer can only make such statements and calls in public, without fear of anyone, with official sanction from the government. They officially outlaw us and clearly state that no one will be punished for killing us. This was the practice in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, where communists and antifascists were outlawed.

The Zelensky regime wants to orchestrate the spectacle of our murder.

Comrades, we ask you to protest to Ukrainian embassies and consulates, the offices of representatives of the European Union, the OSCE and other international authorities and organisations to organise rallies with the Ukrainian authorities to prevent our assassination by the Zelensky regime.


For more details about the Kononovich brothers, read our joint statement from last year.