- Palestine / Gaza ceasefire: Palestinian resistance celebrates significant victory
- British politics / The life and crimes of John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott
- Europe / Western politicians’ crocodile tears for one genocide while conducting another
- Kenya / Attempted assassination of leading Kenyan communist Booker Omole
- Trade unions / Divided we beg – Unite union demands expanded military production
- Venezuela / Caracas congress: Make 2025 a milestone in the fight against fascism
- Cuba / Cuban masses demand an end to brutal sanctions and US interference
- Science and technology / How the Chinese beat Trump and OpenAI
- Korea / Massive strikes called as crisis deepens in occupied Korea
- USA / Who is Elon Musk really?
- USA / LA fires fuelled by imperialism, corruption, exploitation and injustice
- USA / Deny. Defend. Depose. UnitedHealth CEO killing and the class struggle
- World history / Operation Gladio: How CIA/Nato carried out terrorist attacks in Italy
- British politics / Comrade Harpal Brar: a life entirely dedicated to the cause of socialism
- Industry / Starmer government pushing fresh sell-off to hedge fund vultures
- British politics / What is the ‘Revolutionary Communist Party’ and why is it so heavily promoted?
- Civil liberties / Role of the Labour government, and the workers’ necessary response
- North Africa and Middle East / In Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen, resistance stands firm
- Russia / Russian ambassador: October shaped the political, economic and social landscape
- Georgia / Provocations and rent-a-crowds as imperialists try Maidan 2.0 in Georgia
- Korea / What’s going on in South Korea?
- Kenya / Message to Kenyan communists: Our struggle is one!
- Africa / Dakar declaration: Strengthen the anti-imperialist struggle
- British politics / The dead weight of old slogans: how Trotskyists justify their sell-out
- USA / Persecution of the Uhuru 3 reveals limits of free speech in the USA
- USA / Billionaire BlackRock CEO: ‘Doesn’t matter’ who wins US election
- Venezuela / The Bolivarian Revolution: 25 years fighting imperialism
- British politics / Starmer promises to ‘fix’ Britain – with racism, repression, austerity and war
- North Africa and Middle East / Lies, damned lies, and the British ‘Labour’ party’s imperial propaganda
- British politics / Labour gets ready to implement the ‘Liz Truss’ (Jeremy Corbyn) lock
- Civil liberties / It’s a free country, isn’t it?
- Education / Education union colluding with Labour against the workers
- Ireland / A dark misuse of Irish nationalism
- Jordan / Jordan boiling over as the Hashemite rulers continue to facilitate genocide
- Palestine / Resistance stands firm in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen
- USA / Is its national debt of 35 trillion dollars the USA’s greatest weakness?
- Venezuela / USA punishes Venezuela for presidential election results with sanctions and theft
- Korea / Stand with the People’s Democracy Party of south Korea against fascist repression!
- China / How a people’s government defeated a west-backed terrorist insurgency
- Sport / The Olympic Refugee Team has been subjected to political manipulation
- Sport / The Paris Olympics: a spectacle of imperialist decadence
- British politics / ‘Labour landslide’ election narrative hides deepening crisis of legitimacy
- Divide and rule / How can we achieve unity of the working class against fascism?
- Social wage / Media blames workers for the corruption and fraud endemic to capitalist society
- British politics / Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
- Trade unions / Communist work in the trade unions
- Palestine / Lancet looks at Gaza genocide, finds official figures a massive underestimate
- Palestine / ‘Hannibal directive’: western media covers up Israel’s mass murder of Israelis
- China / Nina in Xinjiang: ‘We are moved by the confidence and joy of your children’
- France / The hollow ‘victory’ of France’s ‘new popular front’
- Venezuela / Solidarity with President Maduro and the Venezuelan masses
- World / Washington declaration: Build the worldwide Axis of Resistance!
- Kenya / Kenya’s fight against tyranny: bloodshed and resistance in the fight for justice
- British politics / French greetings to our party: ‘a guiding light in the fight against capitalism’
- Korea / Russia-DPRK alliance marks a turning point for the anti-imperialist camp
- British politics / No votes for genocide-enablers or Nato warmongers!
- British politics / No big winners in local elections – Sunak calls general election in a panic
- Health / Infected blood: another chapter in the book of Tory-Labour betrayals
- Health / Decaying dental services cause misery for millions of workers
- Pay and conditions / P&O boss admits he couldn’t live on the starvation wage paid to his workers
- Lay-offs and closures / Are we about to see the end of railway manufacture in Britain?
- Czech Republic / Anticommunist journalist denounces rise of totalitarianism in Czech Republic
- Education / Join the students: No cooperation with genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine!
- USA / Gaza resistance sparks youth revolt in the belly of imperialism
- Palestine / Kangaroo ICC orders the arrest of Israeli leaders: so what?
- Iran / President Raisi has died, but the Axis of Resistance lives on!
- Nicaragua / UN ‘investigates’ Nicaragua: human rights or capitalist wrongs?
- Georgia / Georgia’s fight against US subversion and its implications
- Divide and rule / ‘Stop the boats!’ The political football of the ‘immigration debate’ in Britain
- British politics / Galloway victory in Rochdale by-election reflects anger over Gaza genocide
- British politics / Tick. Tock. What did you do to stop the genocide in Gaza, Daddy?
- Civil liberties / Rochdale 1 Sunak 0: decoding Rishi’s meltdown
- Civil liberties / Assange extradition: where are the unions?
- Civil liberties / Latest twist on Assange’s extradition: cause for pessimism or optimism?
- Trade unions / Model motion: No cooperation with genocide in Palestine!
- British politics / Elbit 7 sentenced in Bristol. Where is our ‘Hands off Palestine’ movement?
- Civil liberties / Zionism cannot be negotiated with – it must be defeated!
- USA / Aaron Bushnell: The death of an honest man
- World / Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine
- Climate change / Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism
- Cuba / Cuban health workers vow to face down the genocidal US blockade
- France / Europe: the peasants’ revolt
- Europe / Uncle Sam heads for the exit in Ukraine leaving Europe in a panic
- Russia / Daily Mail doxes young people on their return from Russian festival
- Russia / Communists send solidarity to a Russian nation in mourning after terror attack