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A brief history of British Trotskyism
A plethora of groups with one real purpose: to confuse and disgust the working masses and keep them away from genuinely revolutionary politics.
Collapsing empire: RIP CIA front’s ‘overt operations’
The life and crimes of John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott
Western politicians’ crocodile tears for one genocide while conducting another
Washington’s unstoppable superweapon
Divided we beg – Unite union demands expanded military production
Soviet ballet: dancing the heritage of humanism
Operation Gladio: How CIA/Nato carried out terrorist attacks in Italy
Trump, tariffs and global trade
The reactionary nightmare of ‘gender fluidity’
Social democracy highlights
British politics / The life and crimes of John ‘Two Jags’ Prescott
One more example of a working-class man who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.
Ukraine / Imperialism stumbles deeper into direct conflict with Russia in Ukraine
Meanwhile, the hypersonic Oreshnik missile has imposed a new calculus on Nato’s insatiable war planners.
France / France left without a government as Barnier falls
This latest collapse is another twist in Paris’s downward spiral into terminal political crisis.
Syria / The fall of Syria
The collapse of the government of Bashar al-Assad is a grave setback for anti-imperialist forces from which we must learn.
Industry / Starmer government pushing fresh sell-off to hedge fund vultures
The Labour party grovels to Wall Street and the City of London.
France / To French comrades: ‘We fight together for a communist future!’
The fake left would have us despair at victories that advance the cause of the working class.
British politics / Labour gets ready to implement the ‘Liz Truss’ (Jeremy Corbyn) lock
It is not unpopular leaders that worry our ruling class, but the possibility of a genuinely popular intervention in the country’s political life.
British politics / ‘Labour landslide’ election narrative hides deepening crisis of legitimacy
The ruling class pulled out all the stops to ensure a stable parliamentary majority for Labour, but it rests on very shaky ground.
Divide and rule / Class unity against fascism!
The Labour party has always sought to keep the working class divided along religious and racial lines. It remains part of the problem, not the solution.
Divide and rule / How can we achieve unity of the working class against fascism?
We will never defeat racism by ‘uniting’ with the arch-racist Labour party. The job of real antiracists is to expose Labour’s support for fascism and war.
British politics / Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
Those surprised by the Starmer’s contempt for the poor would do well to study the party’s 100-year history of anti-worker crimes in office.
Europe / EU elections: austerity and genocide supporting warmongering parties routed
Why have the recent EU elections cast the ruling elites of Europe into a state of panic?
British politics / One communist’s perspective of a general election in Britain
A journey through the Corbyn project to the ranks of the revolutionary working class.
British politics / Election 2024: revisionists still propping up the Labour party
Even the CPB’s best theorists tie themselves in knots when trying to justify their party’s rotten position.
British politics / No votes for genocide-enablers or Nato warmongers!
We are calling on workers to help the campaigns of, and give their votes to, all candidates standing on an anti-genocide, anti-Nato and anti-Labour platform.
British politics / The tasks of communists in the Palestine solidarity movement
We must awaken workers to the need to struggle not only against zionist Israel, but against the entire imperialist system.
Leaflets / Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path
Sincere communists must make a serious appraisal of their work at this time of deepening crisis and renewed struggle.
World / Joti Brar: How can workers learn the truth if everyone is too scared to tell it?
We must respect the workers enough to believe they are capable of learning and we must create opportunities for them to do so.
Trade unions / Joti Brar: a personal account of anti-war struggle against the trade union bureaucracy
Why is it so hard to get anything meaningful done via the existing trade union mechanisms?
Capitalist crisis / Oxfam identifies inequalities in shocking detail, but provides no solution
Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?
Capitalist crisis / EVENT: Trade unionism and working-class leadership
Don’t sit on your hands; don’t fiddle while Rome burns! Your class needs you; the future of humanity needs you! Step forward and help make history!
Trade unions / Mick Lynch, Sharon Graham and the capitulating left
As the next election approaches, supposedly ‘radical’ trade unionists are lining up obediently behind Starmer and Labour, against the interests of their members.
British politics / Communist message to Silk Mill rally: Ditch the Labour party!
Don’t settle for social democracy when only scientific socialism has the answer!
Trade unions / The real trade union barons
Having been absorbed into the fabric of the state machine, most trade union leaders now work not to aid but to suppress their members’ struggles.
British history / Twenty years later: the predatory imperialist war against Iraq
While the heroic resistance was defeating US and British imperialist forces, the British working class was effectively demobilised by its corrupted leadership.
British politics / The Labour left still lost in its labyrinth
Starmer’s refusal to allow Corbyn to rejoin Labour has highlighted the true loyalties of the party’s supposed ‘left-wingers’.
USA / Message to US workers: Britain sending depleted uranium to Ukraine
The imperialists can seem incredibly powerful, but in fact their dominance is declining and their rule is showing signs of senility and decay.
Trade unions / NHS pay offer exposes the limitations of trade unionism
The NHS dispute has brought into sharp focus the inability of modern trade unions in Britain to advance working-class aims.
Trade unions / After the strikes, what then?
As union leaders look for the exit, their members’ anger is being directed towards yet another diversionary ‘vote Labour’ campaign.
USA / Working-class antiwar rage sends US woke mafia into a head fit
A broad coalition of those who really want to stop the US war machine faces silence from the media and insults from the ‘left’.
Yemen / Yemen’s quest for self-determination continues unabated
Despite conditions of siege and war, the Yemeni people are finding ways to lay the foundations of a diversified and more self-sufficient economy.
British politics / Labour is the party of Nato, the party of war
Throughout Labour’s history, in and out of government, its leaders have always been unabashed cheerleaders for the crimes of imperialism.
British politics / Build the Workers Party of Britain
The primary goal facing us today is the breaking of all bonds between the Labour party and the working class.
British politics / Learn the lessons of the Corbyn project: break the link with Labour!
Breaking the thousand threads that connect workers’ organisations to the Labour party is the biggest task facing us now.
British politics / Ninth party congress: We must connect our movement with the masses
Important foundations have already been laid. Now we must expand and build on those in a principled and serious way.
British politics / Palestine solidarity motion deepens division in the Labour party’s ranks
Keir Starmer has already vowed to ignore the motion passed by an overwhelming majority of conference delegates.
British politics / WPB storms Batley: ‘We intend to replace Labour as party of working class’
George Galloway’s party took 22 percent of the vote and sowed chaos in the ranks of the Labour party in July’s West Yorkshire by-election.
Environment / Workers party hosts popular rally against LTN scheme in Birmingham
An excellent example of socialists connecting with the community in order to advance their interests and raise their understanding.
British politics / Liverpool scandal: Starmer cheers as the government sends in the commissioners
Labour and Tory are two sides of the same dud coin; we should be grateful to Starmer for demonstrating this so clearly.
USA / Bernie Sanders drops out – again
The great hope of the American left leaves his supporters in the lurch, putting his weight behind the establishment choice.
Capitalist crisis / A call to arms: This May Day, fight together against imperialism
Workers’ parties sign international revolutionary anti-imperialist manifesto.
Social wage / Errol Graham and the unreported austerity pandemic
Social murder in our midst is being hushed up by all arms of the state, hand in glove with media that are entirely uninterested in ‘speaking truth to power’.
British politics / George Galloway: ‘The idea that the organs of the state are impartial is dead’
Does this herald a moment when the working class in Britain gets back up off its knees and starts to fight again?
British politics / The Brexit election and the birth of the Workers party
As Boris prepares a fresh assault on the trade unions, what does the election result mean for workers?
British politics / The Brexit election and the death of Project Corbyn
What lessons can workers take from the last four years?
Climate change / The TUC and climate change: don’t mention the wars
Unions tail-end middle-class eco protests and stoke illusions in ‘green’ capitalism.
British politics / Interview: What does our party stand for?
Responses to a Turkish journalist about Britain, Brexit, Boris, the workers’ movement and the wider world.
British politics / BBC’s anti-Corbyn hatchet job fails to land blow
If Corbyn’s allies can't fight back against the Israeli lobby within their own party, what chance will they have against the power of British imperialism?
Divide and rule / Fighting the forces of fascism: persuasion, not force, is key right now
What should meaningful antifascist work look like in present-day Britain?
British politics / Vote Brexit on 23 May!
British workers have demanded Brexit, and the failure to deliver it is exposing to them the fraud of our so-called parliamentary democracy.
British politics / Galloway, Farage and the Brexit party
British workers are set to keep demanding Brexit at the upcoming EU elections.
British politics / Antisemitism is cover for a much deeper divide in Britain’s Labour party
Breakaway MPs hope that smearing Corbyn will obscure the fact that they are remnants of an old political order bankrupt of ideas.
British politics / ‘Neither Brexit nor austerity’ – the People’s Assembly and the yellow vest movement in Britain
Pitting austerity against Brexit is misleading workers into supporting the interests of British imperialism and dividing rather than uniting workers in struggle.
British politics / Five years without Tony Benn – Stop the War laments
With friends like these, the working class doesn’t need enemies.
British politics / Challenges facing communists in Britain today
Objective conditions for the creation of a revolutionary movement are improving, but much work needs to be done to take advantage of those conditions.
France / Macron compares French workers to Asterix and the Gauls
Yet as the class struggle intensifies it is Asterix and Obelix who symbolically represent the determination to resist exploitation and oppression.
British politics / Real antifascist work means engaging with workers, not dismissing them
Every possible effort must be made to win duped workers away from backward ideas that act against their own class interests and help to keep them enslaved.
British politics / The myth of Labour party antisemitism
On the zionist-backed campaign against Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour party.
British politics / Socialism anyone? How much further is left for the CPB to fall?
The self-identifying communists of the CPB leadership are plumbing new depths as they seek to prettify every pro-imperialist policy of the Labour party.
USA / Obamacare: going, going …
Assessing the impact of ‘Trumpcare’.
British politics / ‘Socialist’ McDonnell shocked by communists on May Day
Reactionaries shun the hammer and sickle as the devil shuns holy water!
Disputes / Shrewsbury 24: Amnesty International shows its true colours
Even forty years later, the ‘human rights’ champions are still not prepared to tell the full story of their collusion with Labour in keeping Des Warren locked up.
British politics / Crisis in the Labour party
With every day it is becoming more apparent that war criminals are eminently more acceptable to the imperialist Labour party than a mildly anti-war leader.
Lay-offs and closures / Tata: the vultures circle
While the capitalist crisis continues to destroy workers' lives, our union leaders are still trying to push us down the blind alley of support for British imperialism.
Industry / Industry matters: TUC touts for the EU
British politics / Health warning: Austerity kills
The truth is out, notwithstanding official attempts to cover it up.
British politics / Jeremy Corbyn: ‘resurgence’ of left social democracy may be shortlived
Labour's new leader is already succumbing to pressure to give up his long-held positions on Britain's membership of Nato, the EU and more.
British politics / Jeremy Corbyn: ‘Left’ Labour’s great white elephant
All the wishes in the world cannot turn the imperialist Labour party into a vehicle for workers’ emancipation.
Film and TV / We Are Many: new film prettifies leaders of the anti-war movement
We have the power to change the world, but are we allowing that power to be diverted?
British politics / Election circus over, the class struggle continues
Workers don’t need Labour's ‘kinder’ cuts and ‘ethical’ wars; we need communist organisation to take on the ruling class and win.
Greece / Crunch time for Syriza?
The bloodsuckers are running out of ways to keep Greece paying out. The imminent explosion will rock the world’s financial systems.
Ukraine / Anglo-US imperialism ratchets up its bellicose stand against Russia
As inter-imperialist contradictions sharpen, some trade unionists are already campaigning for a defence of the imperialist fatherland.
Ireland / Sinn Féin: the voice of all Ireland
The party of anti-imperialist nationalism continues to make headway in Ireland, as rivals north and south are exposed by the latest turns of the economic crisis.
Europe / Syriza victory in Greek elections
The Greek masses say No to austerity – but can Syriza save them?
Working-class history / The matchgirls’ strike of 1888
A landmark victory in working-class history, with much relevance to the many workers today who are once more unorganised and unrepresented by any union.