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Social wage theory
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Social wage highlights
Pay and conditions / Starmer ditches the promised ‘right to switch off’
Confirming what might have been anticipated about how sincere the Labour party was in its pre-election pledges to bring in a ‘New Deal for Workers’.
USA / Deny. Defend. Depose. UnitedHealth CEO killing and the class struggle
Those words were scratched into bullets by suspected assassin Luigi Mangione, who has become an unexpected folk hero in the USA.
USA / LA fires fuelled by imperialism, corruption, exploitation and injustice
Meanwhile, corporate media try to divert attention by divisive culture wars framing.
Social wage / Your pension at work: the obscenity of ‘investment funds’
What does the case of the Merseyside Pension Fund tell us about how retirement is funded in Britain today?
Capitalist crisis / Why aren’t they taxing the rich?
While ‘patriotic millionaires’ consider a wealth tax a no-brainer, Labour party ‘socialists’ are horrified at the very thought.
Capitalist crisis / Labour means austerity, racism, repression and war
So where are the trade unions?
British politics / Benefit cap shock? Labour perfidy is nothing new
Those surprised by the Starmer’s contempt for the poor would do well to study the party’s 100-year history of anti-worker crimes in office.
Social wage / Media blames workers for the corruption and fraud endemic to capitalist society
It is not ‘benefit cheats’ who are emptying Britain’s treasury but the unending subsidies to monopoly capital.
Divide and rule / Immigrants make vital contributions to British pensions and welfare benefits
Population study shows that without the essential part played by immigrant workers, our pensions and social service provisions would collapse.
Social wage / Why is Manchester in poverty? Workers need socialism!
What is at the root of the spiral of poverty and decay we are experiencing in towns and cities across Britain?
Economy / HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers!
What does it say about our decaying system that our rulers can spend decades debating and spending to deliver precisely nothing at the end of it?
British politics / Starmer’s bad 90s remix – the Labour party ‘conference’
Sign of the times? Bourgeois politicians are no longer required to inspire the masses – only to prove their utter servility to the interests of British monopoly capital.
China / How China is developing mass involvement in local governance
The CPC is working at the local level to build social cohesion and stability, deepening its connections with the people.
Capitalist crisis / Ofgem serves corporate energy profiteers
The energy regulators work, just not for workers.
Health / An NHS nurse speaks out on pay, privatisation and demoralisation
The conditions that have led to a haemorrhaging of trained staff from the health service have not come about by accident and will take a serious fight to reverse.
Economy / Thames Water scandal – is the party drawing to a close?
Having paid a fortune to private investors for years, the British public must now pay again to bail out indebted utilities and clean up the horrific mess they have made.
Pay and conditions / Homeless charity workers on strike for decent wages
St Mungo’s staff have suffered a 30 percent real-terms pay cut in the last ten years.
Trade unions / Model motion: Urgent measures needed to address the cost of living crisis
Why are workers being asked to pay the cost of a crisis that was not of their making? If capitalism cannot provide for its workforce, then capitalism must go.
Pollution / Demand renationalisation of the water system without compensation
Growing public outrage has forced a mealy-mouthed apology from Water UK, but the profiteers deserve jail sentences, not a wrist-slapping.
Pollution / ULEZ: a
greengreed initiativeNot so much an environmental measure as a tax on driving and an effort to keep the car monopolies in profit.
USA / Message to US workers: Britain sending depleted uranium to Ukraine
The imperialists can seem incredibly powerful, but in fact their dominance is declining and their rule is showing signs of senility and decay.
Italy / British delegate in Italy: Our rulers are working to overturn Brexit
Workers across Europe share the goal of defeating both the EU imperialist bloc and the US-led Nato war machine.
France / French workers fight for their pension and retirement rights
Militant fighting spirit is on display in abundance in France. What is now needed is class-conscious leadership and vision.
Education / Why I left my first teaching job: ‘No support, no training, no care for the kids’
This view from a school gives an insight into why so many of our teachers are feeling so demoralised.
Education / Support our teachers; save our schools!
It is not only their present ability to exist that Britain’s teachers are fighting for, but our children’s future.
Social wage / Many councils have crippling gambling debts. Workers will be paying the bill
Local councils across Britain are going bankrupt, leading to ever deeper cuts in services that have already been stripped to the bone.
Civil liberties / Police officer David Carrick’s campaign of rape: a bad apple or a rotten barrel?
News that the Met will now reopen the cases of a thousand officer complaints would seem to answer the question.
Housing / Poor housing kills
The death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak has shone new light on a growing problem: the slum conditions being endured by too many in Britain today.
Capitalist crisis / Capitalists are causing inflation, not workers!
It’s time for the hoary old myth about wages causing inflation to be put to bed. Higher wages lead to lower profits, hence the bosses’ opposition.
Europe / Food bank crisis in Europe
As our rulers double down on their war against Russia, workers across the EU are suffering rising hunger and fuel poverty.
Capitalist crisis / Prepay meter scandal reveals workers being slowly crushed by energy debt
Workers who can’t afford crippling energy prices are being forced to pay even higher rates by the vulture providers.
Capitalist crisis / Communist replies to BBC budget tips: ‘Get out and see the real world.’
What kind of ‘journalist’ could seriously investigate whether ‘showering at the gym’ could be a money-saving tip for impoverished workers?
Capitalist crisis / Happy new year?
There is no reform that could enable this profit-hungry system to serve the needs of the working people.
Health / The ruin of the NHS for the benefit of private interests
In their desperation for sources of profit, our exploiters as individuals even end up damaging their own collective interests.
Capitalist crisis / Communist responds to patronising BBC advice for a ‘budget’ Christmas
Naughty? Nice? It’s time workers stopped believing the fairy tale that we get what we ‘deserve’ and organised to fight for what we need!
Pollution / Britain’s dire water situation is no joke
Privatisation has stolen over £60bn from essential services, leaving the country to wallow in its own filth.
China / Xi Jinping to CPC: The times are calling us, and the people expect us to deliver’
The last five years have indeed been ‘truly momentous and extraordinary’ ones in China’s history and development – and the next five look likely to be even more so.
Disputes / Support our nurses’ struggle for decent pay!
It is not our hard-pressed medical staff who are greedy, but the privateers who are pushing down their wages in the interests of profit.
Capitalist crisis / The cost of living crisis is a capitalist crisis!
The capitalists have shown themselves to be entirely unable to run their own system for the benefit of society.
Social wage / Hungry schoolchildren; another sign of a failed system
When an economic system can’t provide basics like food and warm shelter to its people, it is time for it to be replaced.
Capitalist crisis / Cost of living crisis: the fightback is under way
Growing militance among unionised workers and vigorous new campaigns to combat the effects of poverty and inflation signify a change in the workers’ mood.
Social wage / Malthusianism is alive and well as feminists celebrate declining birth rate
Since they cannot admit to a solution lying outside of capitalist production relations, ‘women’s rights’ advocates are reduced to prettifying their chains.
Capitalist crisis / Families face energy bills topping £5,000 this autumn
Privatisation of the energy industry has put Britons at the mercy of world market prices – and no bourgeois party has a clue what to do about it.
Disputes / Support the postal workers!
Workers at Royal Mail are joining those on the railways and the docks in standing up for pay and conditions.
Disputes / Victory to the striking railworkers; defend the right to strike!
In fighting to save jobs and defend pay, railworkers are in the front line of a desperately-needed push-back against the onslaught of capital.
Social wage / Food bank Britain
British families are relying on charity to eat as the market and the government both fail to provide even such a basic necessity as food.
Capitalist crisis / Cost of living crisis worsens as inflation and energy prices soar
Our rulers are keen to blame ‘the Russians’ for the intrinsic failings of the capitalist system itself.
Social wage / Nationalise the buses!
Covid was the last straw for thousands of Britain’s remaining bus routes, and the profit motive won’t save these essential services.
Economy / BP’s ‘cash machine’ goes into overdrive as workers’ energy bills soar
Britain’s energy monopolies are enjoying a profit bonanza as their rivals disappear and Ofgem fixes prices on their behalf.
Health / Covid has exposed the weakness of capitalism and the strength of socialism
In highlighting the fatal flaws of capitalism, the pandemic has also given us a chance to pursue solutions with renewed energy and hope.
Environment / Stop these sociopaths from poisoning our rivers!
We are reaping the whirlwind after decades of criminal neglect of Britain’s privatised water and sewage systems.
Industry / A curate’s egg: Shapps’s ‘Great British Railways’ scam
The proposed railways ‘solution’ is less a plan for renationalisation than it is a promise to provide further subsidies to monopoly capital.
Working-class history / Remembering the 2011 youth uprising
Ten years on, the poverty, inequality and injustice that led to an outpouring of rage on England’s streets have only worsened.
Social wage / Cambian Childcare: End this chattel slavery
How many more horrendous revelations do we have to endure before action is taken to end the abuse of vulnerable children by profiteers?
Social wage / Scandalous profiteering at the expense of children in care
Our most vulnerable children have been transformed into business units by private equity funds.
Social wage / Unemployment and poverty set to rise as furlough ends and benefits are cut
A brutal shock is in store for many workers as the temporary multi-tiered unemployment support system is slashed back to the bone.
Civil liberties / Metropolitan police branded ‘institutionally corrupt’
An unsolved murder and a persistent family have laid bare a catalogue of dishonest dealings by police stretching out over decades.
Pay and conditions / Don’t make care workers pay for the crisis in social care!
We must renationalise and reunite social care with healthcare, and pay all workers in the sector a decent wage.
Social wage / Don’t tell Newham we are all in it together
The financial and physical inability to isolate or to work safely has led to far worse covid outcomes for the poorest in our society.
Social wage / Destitution in Britain compounded by 2020 crash and covid shutdowns
How can it be that there is so much want in the midst of so much plenty?
Social wage / Hard to swallow: UK food parcels shamefully inadequate
When profit takes precedence over the provision of service, it’s no surprise that half-hearted and belated government measures are not fit for purpose.
Lay-offs and closures / Sunak extends furlough till April as jobless stats sow panic
The number of redundancies continues to climb inexorably each month, despite all efforts to massage the figures and soften the blow.
Social wage / Demise of RPI: another attack on workers’ pensions
Why should our right to a dignified old age depend on the vagaries of stock-exchange gamblers and government statisticians?
Economy / Water privateers: ‘Doing what’s in the best interests of shareholders’
As Britain’s utilities are looted by shareholders, workers are forced to pay astronomical bills for deteriorating services.
Social wage / Humbled by their own incompetence: ‘winter economic plan’ back to square one
Lockdown exacerbates ruling class conflict over future for employers, employees, and unemployed.
Education / Marketisation of services to vulnerable children exposes true values of liberal democracy
Never has the gap between human and capitalist logic been so glaringly apparent.
Economy / Covid: Parasites enjoy a bonanza whilst workers struggle
There has never been a better time for workers to learn hard truths about the nature of the capitalist system.
Social wage / Insult to injury: government plans to cut Universal Credit boost
Covid has exposed the injustice of below-poverty-line benefits. How will our rulers balance their need for cheap and desperate workers with maintaining social peace?
Social wage / Southern Cross: vulture capitalists still getting fat on the care home racket
The problems in our care homes are rooted in privatisation and began well before the pandemic arrived to bring them to national attention.
British politics / Workers party launches corona wealth tax campaign
All progressives in Britain should be working to extend the reach of the Workers Party into the ranks of the working class.
Pay and conditions / Railway pensions under threat
It is the bosses’ responsibility to see to it that deferred wages are paid in full; why are workers expected to take the hit?
Pay and conditions / FT spills the beans on the great pensions rip-off
Not content with stealing workers’ unpaid labour today, the capitalists are conspiring to steal their right to a dignified retirement tomorrow.
Social wage / UBI: a recipe for universal misery
Our demand must be for meaningful work in a society free from poverty, unemployment and insecurity.
Capitalist crisis / Rising inequality following the 2020 crisis of overproduction
Mushrooming inequality has the capitalist class spooked, for they fear the consequences.
Economy / Water CEOs fleece the public
Residents’ bills are sky high, the nation’s water reserves are seeping away, but privateer bosses are still shamelessly rinsing the coffers.
Social wage / The plight of the homeless after lockdown
‘Business as usual’ as rough sleepers are thrown back onto the streets.
Social wage / UBI: the ‘right’ to be idle or the right to work?
What does the call for a universal basic income really mean?
Capitalist crisis / A call to arms: This May Day, fight together against imperialism
Workers’ parties sign international revolutionary anti-imperialist manifesto.
Health / Coronavirus stats are air-brushing the elderly
Thousands of Covid-19 infections and deaths in Britain’s care homes have simply not been tracked or counted.
Social wage / Hunger rising sharply as covid-19 lockdown combines with economic crash
Why are we witnessing the obscene sight of workers going hungry in the midst of plenty?
Social wage / Austerity Britain: where the homeless seek shelter in bins
Report reveals shocking rise of bin sleepers as one waste worker recounts finding children as young as nine or ten.
France / Macron wages war on French workers, making pension ‘reforms’ by subterfuge
Striking workers were duped into moving their battle into parliament. Can they regain the momentum they had on the streets before?
Social wage / Errol Graham and the unreported austerity pandemic
Social murder in our midst is being hushed up by all arms of the state, hand in glove with media that are entirely uninterested in ‘speaking truth to power’.
Social wage / Work doesn’t pay and British families know it
Fourteen million people, including four million children, live in poverty in Britain, and more than half of those come from working families.
Europe / How the EU is demolishing pensions
We need to stand together in resisting the drive to make workers pay for the economic crisis of capitalism.
Pay and conditions / Defend railway pensions!
Workers have a right to their deferred wages in retirement and to a dignified old age after a lifetime of work.
Social wage / Children in care being let down as vultures profit from their misery
The children’s care system is yet another example of how privateers are feeding off the wretchedness of society’s most vulnerable.
Society / Debt survey shows inequality widening as rich get richer and poor get poorer
As the gap between the super-rich and everyone else gets ever wider, it is clear that this system is overdue for a foreclosure of its own.
France / French strikes expand and deepen as more workers join the fray
A class war is underway in France and the workers show no sign of backing down. Victoire aux grévistes!
France / Support the French strikers!
France’s militant unions are joining forces with yellow vest activists in a serious challenge to Macron’s EU-backed assault on living standards.
France / France goes on strike: can Macron survive?
As militant trade unionists prepare to join yellow vests on the streets, the class struggle in France is moving into a new gear.
France / One year on: the yellow vests and the class struggle in France
What has fuelled the rise and sustained the popularity of the gilets jaunes movement in Britain’s nearest neighbour?
Social wage / DWP dirty tricks are pushing the most vulnerable over the edge
Private companies are being handsomely paid to prevent the sick from accessing benefits they have every right to.
Britain / Bury FC: a victim of capitalism
One more reason for workers to burn with indignation against a social order that can never be made to serve their interests.
Health / Shameful levels of malnutrition in Britain
Privatisation and cost-cutting in social care have led to shocking levels of neglect amongst the most vulnerable in our society.
Social wage / ‘We often see grown men in tears – they can’t believe they’re here’
Manchester reporter discovers dismay, rage and defiance in Oldham, a town bruised by universal credit and austerity.
Housing / Council tax becoming the new poll tax says report
Thinktank investigation reveals the huge disparity in rates of payment between the poorest and richest households.
Society / Hunger on the rise in Britain, despite economic ‘recovery’
In-work poverty testifies as to who really paid to bail out the banks in 2008. And while hunger is on the rise, one-third of food produced every year is wasted.
Disputes / Privatisation directors’ fat salaries come from ripping off health service workers
Sodexo and Mitie are the latest hospital outsourcing companies to face industrial action by staff over terrible pay and conditions.
Disputes / Left-Labour-controlled Newham is not such a New Jerusalem
Despite working for a Labour council and a Corbynite mayor, council workers in Newham face pay cuts and bullying.
Social wage / Fire Brigade Inc
Cuts and outsourcing are part of the slow drive towards total privatisation of this essential service.
Lay-offs and closures / Interserve: another outsourcing giant hits the wall
In the pursuit of monopoly profits, another building corporation turned ‘public service provider’ has gone bust – and the public will be picking up the tab.
France / Call from France’s first yellow vest assembly
Even as it sinks out of sight in the British media, France’s popular rebellion is continuing and gaining momentum.
Disputes / Brum bin strike concludes with a payout
A new deal was concluded in March to appease workers’ anger at secret payouts to GMB members during the 2017 strike.
Social wage / Privatisation undermines the probation service
The government has reneged on its promise to step in if the privateers failed to deliver.
Disputes / South Western railworkers win battle to keep the guard on the train
Safe and affordable public transport for all. Support our rail workers!
Disputes / Refuse, resist! Brum rubbish collectors ready to strike as council talks fail
Brummie binmen are days away from an all-out strike, clashing once again with a Labour council that has rewarded scabs and blacklisted strikers.
Health / Newcross Healthcare: rinsing the public coffers
The true face of privatisation in our public services, where greed and abuse are rewarded and people come last.
France / France’s yellow vests fight on, despite concessions
Social unrest in France is being driven by workers’ anger at continuous attacks on jobs, wages and living standards.
Social wage / WH Smith gobbles up another 74 post offices
Another step towards the complete dismemberment and privatisation of the mail service.
Social wage / A third of British children live in poverty
A decade of austerity is taking a heavy toll on Britain’s families.
Housing / Grenfell Tower – another long and winding public inquiry
Privatisation, subcontracting and the drive to maximise profits led to the inferno, but the ruling class will be hoping the inquiry can come up with a scapegoat or two on whom to pin the blame for its crimes.
Housing / The housing crisis is lining private landlords’ pockets
Housing benefit is acting as the ‘landlords’ bonus’, while provision of emergency temporary accommodation by private landlords is the ‘icing on the cake’.
Social wage / Bristol bus protest highlights failing public transport in Britain
Workers must demand renationalisation as the first step towards affordability, planning, and the sanity of a socialist economy.
Social wage / Universal credit: forcing the needy into ever more desperate poverty
The government can look after the interests of the capitalists or the interests of the workers; it cannot do both.
Sweden / Shootings, killings, cars on fire – what’s going on?
All a sign of the irretrievable decadence of bourgeois society.
Pay and conditions / Theft of steelworkers’ pensions
Successful campaigners lose up to half their entitlement, shafted after all by caveats in the small print.
Disputes / Support Birmingham’s homecare workers
Before Labour councillors privatise the service completely.
Social wage / Poverty on the rise as Birmingham’s Labour council freezes burial fees
Rates of child poverty are soaring in Britain’s major cities; Labour councils are as impotent and callous as all the rest.
Industry / Privatised rail industry totters
The resistance of rail workers to safety-cutting measures is bringing the question of renationalisation back onto the political agenda.
Housing / Grenfell Tower: tragedy or crime?
What was behind the devastating fire in north Kensington in June?
British politics / Editorial: Our demands
Trade unions / The fight-back of the low-paid
‘Precarious’ workers are doing it for themselves.
British politics / Birmingham council in financial crisis
A strike by binmen and other workers is inevitable.
Social wage / Budget 2016: attacking the poor will not fix the economy
Chancellor Osborne is finding that there is no escape from the world capitalist economic crisis.
Social wage / New bill could pave the way for the final destruction of social housing
Is this the end of social housing in Britain or the start of a fight-back?
Social wage / Disgraceful neglect of the disabled in Britain
Official government policy: nobody knows you when you’re down and out.
Health / The junior doctors’ contract and the US corporate takeover of the NHS
Dr Bob Gill explains the unreported and sinister drive behind the push for changing junior doctors’ contracts.
Social wage / Benefit cuts: Who are the real parasites in our society?
Stealing from the poor for the benefit of the rich.
Ireland / Sinn Féin stands alone against austerity
North and south of the border, Sinn Féin is proving to be the only large party that takes a sincere interest in the welfare of the masses.
Social wage / Wonga watch
Workers’ indignation needs to be justly roused against this humiliation of our class.
Working-class history / The Victorian origins of workfare
Where did the government get the idea of subsidising free labour for big companies like Tesco?
Divide and rule / Rage against capitalism: working-class youth fight back
The working class needs a general staff that can enable it to direct its anger in a constructive way.
Theatre / Play: The Power of Yes by David Hare
Explaining nothing, this play is aimed merely at letting off some steam without getting any nearer to a solution to society’s systemic problems.