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Ella Rule
of 277 articles
Ella Rule: What I learned in Xinjiang
Innovations abound as the Chinese region pushes ahead with its agricultural and industrial development.
1 Jan 2025
What’s going on in Mozambique?
US imperialism desperately wants to get its hands on the southeast African country’s graphite, but the Frelimo government stands in its way.
8 Jan 2025
Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s legendary leader
Hezbollah’s long-time general secretary was a true anti-imperialist, understanding that only unity would liberate Palestine and the wider middle east.
1 Nov 2024
Sri Lanka
A political earthquake in Sri Lanka
Can the new president overcome the country’s communal legacy, unite its people and set them on their way towards building a self-sufficient and prosperous future?
1 Nov 2024
Capitalist crisis
Why aren’t they taxing the rich?
While ‘patriotic millionaires’ consider a wealth tax a no-brainer, Labour party ‘socialists’ are horrified at the very thought.
1 Nov 2024
Ismail Haniyeh, another resistance leader assassinated by Israel
‘We shall not give in, no matter the sacrifices.’ The indomitable spirit of intifada continues.
4 Oct 2024
Kenyan youth rebellion against imperialist superexploitation
The youth of all tribes were at one in standing up against IMF-imposed austerity, all of them ready to lay down their lives in the struggle for justice.
1 Sep 2024
Another US coup topples the elected government of Bangladesh
All over south Asia, the USA is fomenting regime change operations as part of its drive to destroy China and reassert its global hegemony.
27 Sep 2024
British politics
Ella Rule: ‘Proletarian revolution is our number one objective’
For a revolution to succeed it must be led by a competent revolutionary party, closely linked to the masses and trusted by them.
3 Aug 2024
Crushing election victory for the Morena party in Mexico
Amlo’s successor Claudia Sheinbaum faces many challenges, and the imperialists hope to pressure her into abandoning the poor.
16 Jul 2024
Civil liberties
Julian Assange is free at last!
Our press was never truly free, and today it is more incarcerated than ever.
9 Jul 2024
New Caledonia’s indigenous population demands freedom
The Kanak people are once more in revolt against the machinations of French imperialism.
2 Jul 2024
Working-class history
Samuel Fielden: An English worker’s place in the origins of May Day
A vivid account of the horrors and poverty that abounded in working-class life on both sides of the Atlantic when capital had free reign and workers no rights.
18 Jun 2024
NHS: Murder by a thousand cuts
Excess avoidable deaths are rising alongside waiting lists for operations and GP consultations – and it is no coincidence.
4 Jan 2024
Lay-offs and closures
‘Post-socialist mortality crisis’ proves that deindustrialisation kills
The ruling classes stir up populism amongst deindustrialised populations in order to try to persuade workers to pin the blame for their hardship onto other workers.
8 Sep 2023
Isabel Crook: a long life of devotion and service to the Chinese people
Living in China for almost all of her 107 years, Isabel devoted her considerable energies to serving the people – and to the international cause of socialist revolution.
5 Sep 2023
Ella Rule: ‘Xi Jinping’s call to strengthen the party comes at the right moment’
The ‘US-led world order’ will use all its very considerable economic, military and propaganda means to oppose China’s rise.
23 Aug 2023
Thames Water scandal – is the party drawing to a close?
Having paid a fortune to private investors for years, the British public must now pay again to bail out indebted utilities and clean up the horrific mess they have made.
12 Jul 2023
Capitalist crisis
Book: Manifesto for the crisis
What do workers need to understand if they are to solve their problems for good?
12 Jun 2023
Working-class history
Long live May Day!
Workers have made immense sacrifices in the great struggle of labour against capital; have shed rivers of blood in their quest for a better life and real freedom.
1 May 2023
Why is the BLM movement so quiet about the murder of Tyre Nichols?
Racial oppression can only meaningfully be fought by a united working class against the capitalist state that seeks to divide and keep us down.
31 Mar 2023
Social wage
Many councils have crippling gambling debts. Workers will be paying the bill
Local councils across Britain are going bankrupt, leading to ever deeper cuts in services that have already been stripped to the bone.
13 Mar 2023
Working-class history
Jenny Marx’s life of struggle and sacrifice in the cause of the working class
A tribute to the woman who made a vital yet routinely overlooked contribution to the founding of scientific socialism.
9 Mar 2023
Nord Stream sabotage – Seymour Hersh’s revelations
Corporate media are doing what they can to quash discussion of the USA’s attack on its ally, but the fall-out from this detailed exposé is destined to be far-reaching.
1 Mar 2023
The US ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ – blatant protectionism
US monopolies are hoping to survive the present crisis at the expense of their rivals, but alienating all their allies will ultimately only hasten their demise.
24 Jan 2023
Climate change
What a Cop-out!
Even the most inveterate supporters of capitalism have been forced to admit that the UN’s climate mechanism has been taken over by the oil lobby.
26 Dec 2022
Capitalist crisis
Polycrisis? Time to put an end to this capitalist madness
This system is unable to escape from its own absurd contradictions: in particular the insanity of deepening poverty in the midst of ever-accumulating wealth.
7 Dec 2022
Lula is back!
With so much hope pinned on his new government, will his ministers be able to resist the push from global financiers insisting on ‘fiscal prudence’ (ie, on austerity)?
15 Nov 2022
Theory TV
Ella Rule: Lenin on revolutionary theory (What Is To Be Done?)
What is the continuing significance of Lenin’s seminal work on the importance of revolutionary theory?
30 Oct 2022
The Dutch farmers’ militant struggle
How can the needs of the people to eat and their need to live in a clean and stable environment both be met?
8 Sep 2022
Capitalism or communism TV
Comrade Ella tells Chinese conference: ‘A decent future is ours for the taking’
How can we bring the weapon of Marxism to the world’s people as they face the growing crises of poverty, hunger and war?
3 Sep 2022
Ella Rule: China’s history confirms that workers need a scientific socialist party
Marxism is our most powerful weapon, if we can but learn how to use it.
14 Jun 2022
World history
Annette Beaumanoir: antifascist and anti-imperialist heroine of our times
Legendary French resistance fighter and groundbreaking ‘Red Doctor’ who dedicated her long life to serving the people.
20 May 2022
British history
Kim Philby: Hero of the working class
How the Soviet Union inspired a British establishment insider to devote his life to the cause of socialism and the socialist motherland.
4 May 2022
Comrade Ella on Kalima Horra: How did the world react to the Ukraine conflict?
Could it be that the salvoes of the west’s psychological and trade wars are actually backfiring badly?
27 Apr 2022
Working-class history
Comrade Ella Rule on socialism and women’s liberation
What is International Working Women’s Day and why does it matter? What has socialism got to do with women anyway?
19 Apr 2022
Solidarity with people’s Korea on the Day of the Sun 2022
Progressive humanity has every reason to celebrate the birth of the great Korean Marxist and revolutionary Kim Il Sung.
15 Apr 2022
Capitalist crisis
Why should the working class pay the cost of the capitalist crisis?
Profiteering, taxation, money printing, social provision cuts, interest rate hikes ... are all combining to transfer the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the poor.
16 Mar 2022
MH17 disaster – who do you trust?
As in the case of the Lockerbie bombing, the ‘investigation’ into the MH17 atrocity is less an inquiry into facts and more a weapon in the propaganda war.
7 Jan 2022
Abimael Guzmán: death of a great revolutionary leader
Comrade Guzman may be dead, but so long as the conditions that gave rise to his movement remain, Peru’s rulers will continue to fear his name.
22 Dec 2021
Is inflation good for you?
What is really at the root of the inexorable rise in prices?
5 Dec 2021
Comrade Ella: Our enemy is here at home, not in China
Confusing and demoralising anticommunist propaganda is a cornerstone of the imperialist drive for domination and war.
23 Nov 2021
The masses are fighting back in Colombia
Colombian workers are learning vital lessons about the power of mass action to achieve their ends.
10 Sep 2021
Demonisation aims at regime change in Belarus
Imperialist-backed opposition forces in disarray after their publicity stunt backfired.
7 Jul 2021
The Sanjeev Gupta, Lex Greensill and David Cameron affair
Once again we see the absurdity of a system that leaves the fate of essential industries and millions of workers in the hands of rapacious fraudsters.
21 May 2021
British politics
Salmond v Sturgeon: what’s going on in the Scottish nationalist camp?
All this sound and fury is serving to obscure Salmond’s real crime: the incitement of reactionary separatism amongst the British working class.
3 Apr 2021
What is behind the war in Tigray?
One thing stands out clearly from the last few decades of privatisation and war: capitalism is not working in Ethiopia.
23 Mar 2021
More ‘reforms’ of the NHS, so many nails in the coffin
We have a hard fight on our hands if we wish to save our health service from the corporate looters and privateers.
6 Mar 2021
Civil liberties
Julian Assange: the persecution continues
Years of unwarranted imprisonment and torture do not look likely to end any time soon, despite the denial of the US’s extradition claim.
18 Jan 2021
Civil liberties
Julian Assange extradition trial: Shameful martyrisation continues
Kafka’s dystopian vision has been brought to life in the heart of the British injustice system.
22 Dec 2020
Review: Socialism with Chinese Characteristics by Harpal Brar
Can the market really be made to serve the masses?
21 Dec 2020
Tragedy in Lebanon
The blast in Beirut port may prove to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
28 Aug 2020
Ireland gets the government it didn’t vote for
In a desperate bid to stop Sinn Féin from forming a government, the century-old Irish duopoly has been brought to an abrupt end.
30 Jul 2020
Divide and rule
JK Rowling’s stance against the thought police
The author’s brave stance in defence of reality must be defended, and her hysterical detractors exposed as the reactionary bullies they are.
9 Jul 2020
Hong Kong and the British government’s servile stupidity
Our rulers are tying us ever more firmly to the war chariot of US imperialism.
4 Jul 2020
Экономический кризис и коронавирус
В борьбе с капиталистической эксплуатацией и с опасностью войны рабочие в конечном итоге найдут выход путем осуществления социалистической революции.
11 May 2020
British trade agreements after Brexit
By pinning all their hopes for Britain’s future on a US trade deal, our rulers are taking us out of the frying pan and into the fire.
10 Jun 2020
Capitalist crisis
The economic crisis and coronavirus
In fighting capitalist exploitation and the war danger, workers will ultimately seek a way out through socialist revolution.
11 May 2020
Critique of the linguistic theory of Noam Chomsky
What is behind the theory that language structures in the mind are inborn?
24 Apr 2020
Socialist Cuba shows real international solidarity during Covid-19 outbreak
People or profits? The coronavirus pandemic is bringing this question to the fore more sharply than ever.
14 Apr 2020
The Irish electorate cry out against austerity and bring reunification closer
The future is bright; the future is green.
17 Mar 2020
Afghan war: after 18 years is there finally an end in sight?
Just as in Vietnam, the mighty USA has spent incalculable blood and treasure trying to enforce its will, and has signally failed.
13 Mar 2020
The anti-China coronavirus panic
What is really behind the media hysteria over Covid-19? And what can the virus tell us about the state of our NHS?
8 Mar 2020
Alexei Leonov, hero of the Soviet space programme
The first man to walk in space, Comrade Leonov was on the cutting edge of space exploration.
20 Jan 2020
The blatant hypocrisy of the USA’s lies about China’s Uyghur muslims
Why are we still expected to pay any attention to the imperialists’ neverending barrage of fake news?
31 Dec 2019
Indian people rise up against communalist legislation
The reaction of the masses gives hope that Modi’s dreams of a theocratic hindu state are on the way to being smashed.
30 Dec 2019
Why do we celebrate the October Revolution?
Workers need to take inspiration from the achievements of October; an example that our rulers would prefer us to forget.
2 Dec 2019
The double victimisation of capitalism’s female victims
Locked up for being poor, their children uprooted and set adrift ... while privatised prison services rake in the cash.
23 Nov 2019
Sabotage of state schools
Growing privatisation and austerity is eroding the hard-won right to an education for our children.
17 Nov 2019
Stop the coup; defend President Evo Morales. Hands off Bolivia!
As Latin America’s masses struggle to throw off the yoke of imperialist control, the US has intervened once more to overthrow a popular government.
11 Nov 2019
British politics
Brexit delayed again as general election called
Following years of Parliament’s refusal to implement the referendum result, can an election break the deadlock?
6 Nov 2019
Capitalist crisis
New recession will hit workers still paying the price of the last one
The capitalist system is unable to find a way out of the downward spiral of overproduction, crisis, austerity and war.
10 Sep 2019
British politics
Boris’s Brexit bombshell
Can the warring remainer factions get themselves together and block Britain’s EU exit before 31 October?
4 Sep 2019
Who is behind the Hong Kong protests?
Comrade Ella Rule features in this Kalima Horra debate, hosted by George Galloway.
22 Aug 2019
Hands off Hong Kong
No to British and US imperialist interference in China's internal affairs.
18 Aug 2019
Greek parliamentary elections and the demise of the Syriza government
A case study in the irresistible laws of capitalism.
1 Aug 2019
Twenty-fifth anniversary of Comrade Kim Il Sung’s death
The great Korean leader who led his people through armed struggle, the founding of the workers’ state and the building of socialism.
8 Jul 2019
China’s resistance to the US trade war
Defensive measures by the People’s Republic are accelerating the very process the US has been trying to halt.
5 Jul 2019
Can the food crisis be solved?
More than enough food is produced to feed the the whole of humanity, yet millions suffer from a chronic shortage of food. What is causing this contradiction?
1 Jul 2019
Surprise election win for Modi
With hindu fundamentalism on the rise and a pro-imperialist international policy, the Indian masses are in for a tough time.
20 Jun 2019
Netanyahu fails to form a government
None of the alternatives is willing to halt Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people.
19 Jun 2019
Making the best of the trade war
Embargoes and tariffs are pushing China to become increasingly self-sufficient in the vital areas of food production and tech development.
18 Jun 2019
Populist Austrian chancellor forced out despite election win
Despite fuelling their anti-immigrant rhetoric, the imperialists are nervous of populist leaders in Europe who favour rapprochement with Moscow.
22 Jun 2019
False flag in the strait of Hormuz?
Could the extreme hawks in Washington be trying to force Trump’s hand to launch their hoped-for war against Iran?
16 Jun 2019
US-China trade war escalates
In his quest to crush China’s technological advance, Trump is playing with a fire he cannot control.
31 May 2019
Civil liberties
Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!
Injustice and oppression will never be defeated unless at every turn they are resolutely resisted, whatever the cost.
23 Apr 2019
Divide and rule
Why gay rights is not a class issue
It is not ‘homophobic’ for socialists to focus their attention on those contradictions that concern the whole working class in its struggle for socialism.
20 Apr 2019
Divide and rule
Working women’s liberation or bourgeois feminism?
The bra-burners and man-haters of the 1960s and 70s made our movement ridiculous, alienating the vast majority of working-class women.
17 Apr 2019
Why the US-DPRK summit meeting in Hanoi failed
The US arrived in Vietnam with no intention of negotiating anything, but cracks are again appearing between Trump and his advisers.
1 Apr 2019
British politics
Workers for Brexit: why our party supported leave in the EU referendum
A real Brexit would weaken British imperialism, bring workers one step closer to defeating their class enemy altogether.
29 Mar 2019
Divide and rule
The women’s movement in Britain
Why is the women’s movement in this country so totally unappealing to working-class women? Why do Marxists oppose ‘feminism’?
16 Mar 2019
Hands off Venezuela!
The US will stop at nothing to get its hands on Venezuela’s oil. British workers must stop our own government from supporting this drive towards another criminal war.
8 Feb 2019
Trump is God’s gift that keeps on giving – but to whom?
Trump’s running of US imperialism is replete with own goals, causing almost as much pain to his own side as to that of his opponents.
2 Feb 2019
North Africa and Middle East
World War One in the middle east and its aftermath
How British and French imperialism carved up the middle east with the backing of their US bankers.
17 Jan 2019
Book: Grover Furr’s Mystery of the Katyn Massacre
This impartial examination of all available evidence proves irrefutably that the Nazis were responsible for the mass murder of Polish officers in 1941.
15 Dec 2018
Imperialists getting desperate as the balance of forces in the world shifts
The US and EU imperialists continue to decline while China and Russia are steadily advancing.
29 Nov 2018
Support the just cause of peace and reunification in Korea
The only real impediment to Korean reunification is the occupation of the south by US imperialism.
14 Nov 2018
Brazilian presidential election – a setback for the masses
Only communists have the power to shatter workers' illusions in bourgeois democracy and help them to see that voting will never solve their poblems.
11 Nov 2018
British politics
Brexit or bust: Down with the imperialist EU bloc!
The remainers are right in thinking Brexit will weaken British imperialism; they are wrong in thinking this is a bad thing for British workers.
9 Nov 2018
Saudi Arabia
Khashoggi – a murder most foul
Imperialism and its Saudi puppets in the dock.
30 Oct 2018
October 100: Women’s liberation
The October Revolution changed forever the perception and accepted role of women in society, showing the way to complete emancipation and equality.
5 Oct 2018
North Koreans lured to the south prevented from returning home
Experiencing life in the south has shown defectors how much better off they were in the north.
4 Oct 2018
Sanctions: a self-defeating weapon
The tectonic plates of the world order are beginning to shift as a consequence of imperialist parasitism.
1 Sep 2018
British politics
Our party’s internationalist tasks: building a revolutionary party
What does it take to make a revolution here at home?
24 Aug 2018
Our party’s internationalist tasks: support for revolutionary Laos
The Lao people are pressing ahead to develop their country, with plans to turn it into a powerhouse for generating renewable energy.
16 Aug 2018
Our party’s internationalist tasks: support for revolutionary Venezuela
Despite all obstacles, Venezuela continues to make gains, and progressive people everywhere must give every possible support to its struggle.
15 Aug 2018
Our party’s internationalist tasks: support for revolutionary Korea
Why do we support the revolutionary government in Korea? How does this connect with our revolutionary tasks here at home?
26 Aug 2018
Ethiopia-Eritrea peace deal
A new era opens for the Horn of Africa.
10 Aug 2018
Blatant corruption finally unseats the Spanish government
The sordid and anti-working class nature of bourgeois democracy is exposed.
22 Jul 2018
Sandinista government under threat from imperialist stooges
‘The audacity of success’ has once again placed Nicaragua in the crosshairs of US intervention.
12 Jul 2018
Populist victories throughout Europe
What does it mean that populist governments are being elected in Europe? Is there a danger that fascism is on the rise?
5 Jul 2018
British politics
The myth of Labour party antisemitism
On the zionist-backed campaign against Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour party.
3 Jul 2018
Capitalist crisis
Economics 101: Capitalism
An essential introduction to the workings of the capitalist system. Only by recognising the cause of our problems will we be able to find real solutions.
15 Jun 2018
Resounding success for Nicolás Maduro in presidential election
The Venezuelan masses are fighting back valiantly against US imperialist attempts to bring about regime change.
4 Jun 2018
North Africa and Middle East
Philby senior and his role in British imperial treachery in the middle east
The secret manoeuvrings of British imperialism to take over control of Arabia as the Turkish empire was ousted during WW1.
1 Mar 2018
Divide and rule
Yes to Brexit; No to xenophobia
Workers must hold tight to the motto
Unity is Strength
, and utterly reject the siren songs of racism and xenophobia.
10 Nov 2016
Lula jailed for corruption by the corrupt
The wrath of imperialism and its stooges knows no bounds when it comes to the crime of wealth redistribution.
2 May 2018
Imperialist plans for a major war as rats cleared out of eastern Ghouta
British soldiers captured by the Syrian army in Douma give the game away.
13 Apr 2018
British politics
The infamous ‘antisemitic’ mural
Jeremy Corbyn has apologised for failing to notice an East End mural’s antisemitism and now supports its removal. Is he right?
11 Apr 2018
British politics
The Skripal case is blatant war propaganda. Hands off Russia!
The hysterical tone of the media and political establishment betrays imperialism’s rage that Russia continues to stand up for itself and its allies.
11 Apr 2018
Victory for north Korean diplomacy at the Winter Olympics
Promising steps in the direction of Korean reunification as US diktat finds its limit.
22 Feb 2018
Tehran foils imperialist destabilisation plot
But the government will need to pursue domestic policies favourable to the working masses if it is to strengthen its hand against imperialism.
1 Feb 2018
Kim Jong Un’s new year address to the people of north Korea
The Korean leader’s calm sense stands in stark contrast to the hysterical utterances of the self-proclaimed ‘leaders of the free world’.
1 Feb 2018
Editorial: What’s going on in Myanmar?
Several important pieces are missing from the narrative in the imperialist media.
1 Feb 2018
Saudi Arabia
Turmoil in the House of Saud
The days of the feudal autocratic Saudi monarchy are surely numbered.
1 Dec 2017
On the election result in Germany
In Germany, as elsewhere, increasing numbers of poor workers are expressing their dissatisfaction with the status quo.
1 Oct 2017
France heads for a winter of discontent
As Macron attempts to fulfil his promises to the bourgeoisie.
1 Oct 2017
Opposing imperialism in south Korea
CPGB-ML meets representatives of a south Korean peace expedition to Britain.
1 Oct 2017
Korea’s communist party turns 72
Congratulations to the Workers’ Party of Korea on the 72nd anniversary of its founding.
1 Oct 2017
North Africa and Middle East
Saudi vs Qatar: thieves fall out
A sign of waning US imperialist power?
1 Aug 2017
French elections produce … more of the same!
An opportunity further to upset the applecart in Europe has been lost, but the imperialists’ glee is likely to be short-lived.
1 Jun 2017
British politics
Editorial: Brexit moves ahead
Article 50 is triggered.
1 Apr 2017
Argentina’s disastrous return to ‘neo-liberalism’
Surrendering to imperialism is no way out of economic crisis.
1 Dec 2016
What more can we do for Palestine?
“In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians.”
1 Dec 2016
Remembering Mehdi Ben Barka, African liberation fighter
In Europe, the names of Ben Barka and the other great African liberation fighters of his generation are hardly ever mentioned. Yet their story is an integral part of our own, and their example still lights the way for oppressed people everywhere.
1 Oct 2016
Bolivia: reactionary revolt of the mining cooperatives
As the crisis of overproduction deepens and commodity prices fall, a battle is going on for control of Bolivia’s mineral resources.
1 Aug 2016
Asia Pacific
US imperialist aggression is major factor in South China Sea disputes
Hague Tribunal hands out decisions beyond its jurisdiction.
1 Aug 2016
British politics
Why British workers need a Brexit
Leaving the EU would undoubtedly weaken the ability of British, European and US imperialists to dominate the globe.
1 Apr 2016
Film and TV
We Are Many: new film prettifies leaders of the anti-war movement
We have the power to change the world, but are we allowing that power to be diverted?
1 Jun 2015
Saudi Arabia
The march of the Saudi regime towards its inevitable doom
The mediaeval autocracy is fuelling the very forces that will bring its decrepit rule to an end.
1 Feb 2016
Criminal Turkish provocation drags us nearer to WWIII
1 Dec 2015
Greece: Syriza caves in
Grexit is inevitable, despite the capitulation of Greece’s government to the austerity demands of the European bankers.
1 Aug 2015
Crunch time for Syriza?
The bloodsuckers are running out of ways to keep Greece paying out. The imminent explosion will rock the world’s financial systems.
1 Jun 2015
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – a challenge to imperialist hegemony
Thieves fall out.
1 Feb 2015
On n’est pas Charlie
We’re not Charlie. Workers must not allow themselves to be taken in by the corporate media’s hysterical cries about ‘free speech’.
1 Dec 2014
Syriza victory in Greek elections
The Greek masses say No to austerity – but can Syriza save them?
1 Dec 2014
Divide and rule: EU immigration and UKIP
The following resolution was passed at the recent CPBG-ML party congress.
1 Oct 2014
Solidarity with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The following resolution was passed at the recent CPGB-ML party congress.
1 Oct 2014
Theatre: Behind the Beautiful Forevers
A depiction of capitalist horror that omits the socialist answer in David Hare’s new play.
1 Oct 2014
World history
Review: Prosperity’s Predicament
A revealing eye-witness account of pre-revolutionary China by the CPGB-ML’s Honorary President, Isabel Crook.
1 Oct 2014
Spain taxes green energy production for the benefit of polluting multinationals
Bourgeois profits take priority over reducing greenhouse emissions.
1 Aug 2014
Another government reshuffle in France
French social democracy finds itself between a rock and a hard place.
1 Aug 2014
Editorial: Hong Kong democracy movement a tool of imperialist subterfuge
1 Aug 2014
Isis: Imperialism gets tangled up in its own traps
From Plan A to Plan B.
1 Jun 2014
Industry matters: Simmering summer of discontent
1 Jun 2014
Nicaragua’s road to progress
The gains of the Sandinista revolution are being carried forward by the second government of Daniel Ortega.
1 Jun 2014
Rich List 2014: Poor man’s poison is a rich man’s meat
This year’s Rich List has provided a perfect illustration of what is wrong with our society, as austerity for the many has led to fantastic enrichment for the few.
1 Apr 2014
Theatre: Good People
Before you can fight, you need to know who your enemy is.
1 Apr 2014
Thailand’s twelfth military coup
Democracy is meaningless when its outcome doesn't suit the ruling class.
1 Apr 2014
Reactionaries back on the offensive in Venezuela
US imperialism looking to stage yet another coup
1 Feb 2014
Delhi voters install anti-corruption chief minister
But it remains to be seen how much impact a reforming capitalist politician can have, when the system itself thrives off and breeds the corruption he is trying to fight.
1 Dec 2013
Cyber espionage row deepens inter-imperialist contradictions
US and Germany at loggerheads.
1 Oct 2013
Bourgeois justice, working-class injustice
Black, working class and poor? Guilty!
1 Aug 2013
Central African Republic and the recolonisation of Africa
Imperialism is aggressively pursuing the goal of total domination over the African continent.
1 Aug 2013
Edward Snowden – a brave young idealist hounded by US imperialism
The US’s anger at having its dirty secrets revealed would appear to know no bounds.
1 Jun 2013
May Day in Colombo
1 Apr 2013
Cyprus: another domino goes flying
Once again, the masses are in want because they have produced too much. Cyprus is furnishing yet more evidence that the capitalists are unable to control their system or to direct their misbegotten gains in a useful way. As the economic crisis spirals us ever deeper into poverty and war, the world’s workers are increasingly being faced with a clear choice: socialism or barbarism.
1 Apr 2013
Austerity leads to political gridlock in Italy
The Italian electorate speaks for the proletariat everywhere in saying ‘No to austerity’.
1 Feb 2013
PSC: Palestine Safety-valve Committee?
The PSC’s leadership is determined to make sure that ordinary activists don’t engage in any activity that might really harm imperialist interests.
1 Dec 2012
Europe in chains: lessons of the economic crisis
Capitalism is revealing its inherent and inescapable flaws more clearly every day. It is the job of communists to use the hard lessons provided by this failing system to show workers that there is only one way out of the downward spiral.
1 Oct 2012
The Libor scandal
Capitalist crisis drives even the most unimpeachable pillars of the bourgeois establishment to fraud.
1 Aug 2012
Lithuania’s history up for grabs
Reporter faces jail for exposing the truth behind key events of the 1991 counter-revolution.
1 Apr 2012
Egypt’s presidential elections
1 Apr 2012
Song for Godfrey
Words by Ella Rule. Music originally composed for Rosalía Castro’s poem ‘Adiós Rios, Adiós Fontes’ by Amancio Prado
1 Apr 2012
The masses of Europe fight back against austerity
Elections as a barometer of the maturity of the working class.
1 Apr 2012
Poem for Godfrey
by Ella Rule
1 Feb 2012
Korea’s satellite – a tribute to a great leader
Hysterical propaganda is aimed at hiding the fact that imperialism seeks to monopolise space technology.
1 Feb 2012
Ireland to vote on EU rescue plans
Only socialism can save Ireland’s workers from a slow strangulation.
1 Feb 2012
Editorial: The budget
Another swipe at the defenceless.
1 Feb 2012
The genesis and development of modern finance capital
Translated from Henri Houben’s La Crise de Trente Ans, Chapter 10, with thanks.
1 Dec 2011
Capitalist crisis lurches into a more acute phase.
1 Oct 2011
The longest depression ever
The UK’s economic woes.
1 Aug 2011
Palestine: imperialist moves to bolster faltering zionist state
1 Jun 2011
Civil liberties
YOUTH UPRISING 2011: Bourgeois ideologues battle for control of the working-class movement
Protesters under attack from state repression, rabid propaganda and rotten ideology.
1 Jun 2011
Editorial: Lessons of the Norwegian tragedy
1 Jun 2011
Nemesis descends on the Murdoch empire
News International scandal reveals the real role of the bourgeois media.
1 Jun 2011
Recent developments show economic crisis is deepening
Turmoil in Europe and the US.
1 Apr 2011
Worsening economic crisis sees violent repression escalate
Lessons of the Tomlinson case.
1 Apr 2011
Yemen: President Saleh shoots down his own people
But that’s OK – he’s a good friend!
Seminar in Mexico reflects class struggle in Latin America
Crisis is bringing Britain to its knees as an imperial power
It’s an ill wind ...
Our revolutionary tasks at the present time
Swedish communists plot the way forward at their inspiring 40th anniversary conference.
1 Dec 2010
Editorial: The Palestine papers
1 Dec 2010
Savage cuts in progress
The economic crisis of capitalism is leading to draconian cuts in public funding for all sorts of essential services – cuts that will only deepen the crisis and lead inevitably to the demand for more and more cuts in years to come.
1 Dec 2010
One hundred years of International Women’s Day
The women who showed the way forward – and the work we have still to do.
1 Feb 2011
Editorial: It’s the overproduction crisis, stupid
1 Oct 2010
Ireland: the second European domino to fall
Deepening economic crisis threatens the euro and even the EU itself.
1 Oct 2010
Forest fires in Russia
The loss of Soviet-era foresters is at the root of the environmental devastation now occurring.
1 Aug 2010
Obituary: Lolita Lebron
On 1 August, the famous Puerto Rican nationalist Lolita Lebron died, aged 90.
1 Aug 2010
Venezuela: election endorses revolution
A resounding victory for the revolutionary forces in the face of a massive pro-imperialist offensive shows that the people are still with Chávez. Meanwhile, new tactics by the opposition forces could well start to bring the question of the nature of the Venezuelan state to the fore.
1 Aug 2010
Future generations must not pay for this capitalist crisis
The bourgeoisie seeks to escape the effects of crisis by intensifying the exploitation of the working class. Ending the system of exploitation is the only way forward.
1 Jun 2010
Hands off Korea! The sinking of the Cheonan
Independent investigation shows that the sinking of the Cheonan
was most likely a case of ‘friendly fire’, but it’s now being used as a pretext for further hostility towards the DPRK.
1 Apr 2010
Communist seminar in Mexico City
The Malvinas affair
British imperialism’s claim to sovereignty is all about hijacking oil reserves that rightfully belong to Argentina.
The financial crisis and how it affects women
The following is based on a presentation delivered by CPGB-ML Vice Chairman Ella Rule at a celebration of the 100th International Women’s Day organised by the Refugee Workers’ Cultural Association Women’s Commission, based in Britain’s Turkish community.
Editorial: The phoney budget
Poem: Comrade Jack
1 Dec 2009
The US-backed bombing of Yemen
Obama seeks to extend US dominance to Yemen, under the familiar pretext of the ‘war on terror’.
1 Dec 2009
Conditions of the working class: The elderly in care
CPGB-ML members and supporters urged to campaign for the elderly.
1 Oct 2009
More walls must fall
How come those who build truly massive anti-personnel walls in Palestine and Korea celebrate the fall of the relatively modest Berlin Wall?
1 Oct 2009
US health reform stifled by the Furies of Private Interest
Insurance companies in America have been frenzied in their defence of healthcare profiteering.
1 Aug 2009
The German Nazis committed the Katyn massacre
Why are we being lied to?
1 Jun 2009
Uyghur provocations: oppose the balkanisation of China
Riots in Xinjiang have been provoked by US imperialism, which is desperate to break the unity of China and the Chinese people in its pursuit of global hegemony.
1 Jun 2009
The Iranian election
US and British attempt to overthrow the Iranian regime from within.
1 Jun 2009
DPRK stands up to imperialist bullying
Vain imperialist attempts to prevent the north Korean people from pursuing technological advance have forced the DPRK to enhance its defensive capabilities.
1 Apr 2009
Economic commentators fiddling while Rome burns
Those predicting the imminent recovery of global capitalism are either fooling themselves or simply hoping to pacify workers’ anger and forestall a militant backlash against the system.
1 Apr 2009
The economic crisis deepens
Britain especially hard hit.
1 Dec 2008
Economic crisis: no escape under capitalism
“Commerce is at a standstill, the markets are glutted, products accumulate, as multitudinous as they are unsaleable, hard cash disappears, credit vanishes, factories are closed, the mass of the workers are in want of the means of subsistence because they have produced too much of the means of subsistence, bankruptcy follows upon bankruptcy, execution upon execution.” (F Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, 1876)
1 Oct 2008
Financial hurricane leaves Ike in the shade
The agonising death throes of capitalism.
1 Aug 2008
Adams launches latest stage of Irish reunification campaign
Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams told a packed London audience in June that this generation has the best chance of achieving Irish reunification and independence in two centuries.
EU immigration law
An exercise in scapegoating immigrants that arouses indignation worldwide.
CPGB-ML urges international seminar to remain vigilant as class struggle intensifies
The following speech was delivered on behalf of the CPGB-ML by our International Secretary, Comrade Ella Rule.
1 Jun 2008
Report: International communist seminar in Brussels
1 Jun 2008
Mumia Abu Jamal
A case in point.
1 Jun 2008
‘Land of the free’ is a prison of nations
The following article was first published as a CPGB-ML leaflet on 19 April 2008.
1 Jun 2008
Resistance in Somalia gaining strength
1 Jun 2008
Editorial: Tibet
CPGB-ML strongly condemns attacks on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity
1 Apr 2008
Economic crisis: the dance of death
The question is not whether there will be a recession, but how deep it will be.
1 Apr 2008
Editorial: Global stock market crash
1 Feb 2008
Narrow defeat for Chávez’s new constitution
Reactionary mobilisation succeeds in defeating the constitution, but the revolutionary process marches on.
1 Dec 2007
Update from the Nepalese revolution
On 15 November 2007, Comrade Gaurav, Head of the International Bureau of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), spoke at Goldsmiths College, University of London, at a meeting organised by the World People’s Revolutionary Movement. Extracts from his speech are reproduced below.
1 Dec 2007
Support the postal workers’ strike and condemn the sabotage of Royal Mail
1 Oct 2007
Editorial: Time running out for imperialism
1 Aug 2007
Venezuela: progress report
Substantial economic and social changes afoot in Venezuela
1 Aug 2007
Spanish shipbuilders’ struggle
1 Aug 2007
Imperialist-inspired bloodbath in Somalia
1 Jun 2007
CPGB-ML signs up to Pyongyang Declaration
1 Jun 2007
Anti-Musharraf riots in Pakistan
1 Jun 2007
Elections in Nigeria
1 Jun 2007
Elections 2007
With nothing to vote for, the electorate vote against.
1 Jun 2007
Eastern Europe round-up
1 Jun 2007
Czech people oppose US’s missile plans
1 Jun 2007
Hands off Iran
To war or not to war?
1 Apr 2007
Chávez victory paves the way for fresh progress
The revolutionary nationalist masses in Venezuela continue to take great strides forward, in the teeth of imperialist and comprador bourgeois opposition
1 Feb 2007
Industry matters: Strike in the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS)
1 Feb 2007
Eye-witness to socialism: school education in Cuba
Cuban socialism has not only brought full literacy to the people, but has also pioneered new techniques in learning and reduced senior school class sizes to 15!
1 Feb 2007
China: new legislation not to the liking of western corporations
China is preparing new employment legislation. Western companies are threatening to retaliate.
1 Feb 2007
Nepal: people’s war victorious
People's democracy comes to Nepal
1 Dec 2006
Editorial: it is the people who are really powerful
1 Dec 2006
Closure of Ryton – organise to attack
If the unions continue to preach class collaboration, the workers must take political action independently of them.
1 Oct 2006
Editorial: British foreign policy and the veil
1 Oct 2006
Darfur: oil and hypocrisy
‘Human rights’ campaign masks US imperialism's quest to control the natural resources of Sudan
1 Aug 2006
Education for sale
Labour’s latest Education Bill is another step on the road to total privatisation of our schools.
1 Apr 2006
Letter to a comrade overcome by pessimism
Living in an imperialist country, where the movement is weak and at a low ebb, it is easy to get discouraged or disillusioned with communist work.
1 Apr 2006
Birth of Kim Il Sung
1 Apr 2006
The great pensions robbery
British capitalism hopes to swindle the working class into paying more and receiving less.
1 Feb 2006
WTO meeting: a raw deal for poor countries
Third world countries must form trade blocs independent of imperialism.
1 Feb 2006
Film review: The Constant Gardener
John Le Carré’s novel of multinational duplicity and governmental complicity is brought to the screen.
1 Dec 2005
Editorial: British agents exposed; DPRK nuclear talks; Gate Gourmet settlement; London anti-war march
1 Oct 2005
Asylum seekers: bogus scapegoats of a failed system
Latest reports reveal the fate of the silent prisoners in our midst.
1 Oct 2005
60 years of Korean socialism
In the face of 20,000 occupying US troops and 1,000 US nuclear warheads stationed in South Korea, and in spite of the strangulating effect of the US’s economic blockade, the people of the DPRK have succeeded in building a strong socialist society, where people are free to live in peace and dignity. The Korean revolution and the strong leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea stand like a beacon of hope and inspiration to the oppressed and struggling peoples of the world.
1 Oct 2005
Famine in Niger
1 Oct 2005
Labour’s routing in the 4 May council elections
Racist hysteria drummed up by all the bourgeois parties and the bourgeois media has resulted in rising support for the BNP, but the BNP will never get near government while Tory and Labour are equally willing to implement racist and anti-working class policies on behalf of the ruling class.
1 Jun 2006
Iran bourse and the fall of the greenback
The connection being drawn between Ahmadinejad's plan to set up an oil exchange that trades only in euros and the US's drive towards war against Iran may be too simplistic, but with or without a push from Iran, the US economy is in crisis and heading for disaster.
1 Jun 2006
Report: Korea meeting
Celebration of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War unites supporters of the Korean revolution
1 Aug 2005
AFRICA Culture: The Poisonwood Bible
Barbara Kingsolver's story of colonial arrogance and neo-colonial brutality set in the Congo.
1 Aug 2005
Report: International communist seminar in Brussels
1 Jun 2005
The European Constitution
Despite assertions by social democrats that the proposed EU Constitution will enshrine 'workers' rights', the monopolists' charter makes it clearer than ever that the EU is an imperialist project with only one aim: more efficient, 'competitive' exploitation of workers at home and abroad.
1 Jun 2005
Editorial: Growing unrest in the imperialist heartlands
1 Jun 2005
A vote for Labour or Tory is a vote for racism and internal suppression at home and endless war abroad
Our civil liberties are disappearing as the flames of racism are fanned.
1 Apr 2005
Lenin’s What Is To Be Done?
What is the role of theory in the communist movement? How should it affect the work we do?
1 Feb 2005
Jaguar closure: livelihoods destroyed in the interests of profit
1 Dec 2004
A decent pension is a right for all
It is often said that you can judge a society by the way it treats its old people. By such a standard, Britain must rank as one of the most uncivilised countries in the world. While the ruling class likes to perpetuate the myths that pensioners are a burden on society and that poverty in old age is entirely the fault of the poverty-stricken, the truth is that Britain has more than enough wealth to provide a decent life for all.
1 Dec 2004
Venezuela – part of the Latin American struggle to break the imperialist stranglehold
The defeat on 15 August this year of the referendum vote designed to removed from office Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, was a major tactical victory for the downtrodden and oppressed masses not only of Venezuela, but of the whole of Latin America.
1 Oct 2004
Massive gains for people’s war in Nepal
The people's war has been making gigantic steps forward in Nepal. Inspired in particular by the experience of the Chinese Revolution, Nepal's communists have been conducting the people's war in an exemplary manner, and with spectacular success.
1 Oct 2004
Darfur: The scramble for Africa’s oil
In all the hysteria of the British bourgeois media over the situation in Sudan, remarkably little information emerges on the question of why the Sudanese government should take it into its head to start killing off black Africans in Darfur.
1 Aug 2004
Why do we need a new party?
In Britain at present, there are close to a dozen parties claiming to be communist or socialist. Why, then, have comrades leaving the SLP opted to form yet another one? Surely the best thing would have been to join one of the existing organisations in order to create a bigger and more influential party? Are we worried about the possibility of becoming small fish in a big pond? Are we putting our circle interests ahead of the interests of the movement?
Here we outline in brief the fundamental differences between ourselves and other left-wing parties - differences that prevent us from j
1 Oct 2004