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Harpal Brar
of 197 articles
Working-class history
Obituary: Harpal Brar, revolutionary founder of the CPGB-ML
Sixty years of dedicated service to the anti-imperialist movement by an outstanding revolutionary have left a lasting legacy for the British working class.
5 Mar 2025
British politics
A brief history of British Trotskyism
A plethora of groups with one real purpose: to confuse and disgust the working masses and keep them away from genuinely revolutionary politics.
1 Jan 2025
On the events in Korea
As public anger against the comprador ruling elite rises, the USA is standing on very shaky ground in its east Asian colony.
9 Jan 2025
Trump elected as US president
And the USA’s political and economic crisis is likely to deepen further when it is seen how little of the longed-for change can be delivered from the White House.
1 Jan 2025
Coup d’etat in Romania
Romania’s constitutional court has cancelled an election result that was not to imperialism’s liking, on the excuse of supposed ‘Russian interference’.
1 Jan 2025
The sad downfall of the Syrian government
This is indeed a devastating setback for the long-suffering peoples of Syria and the wider region, but it is by no means the end of their liberation struggle.
1 Jan 2025
Book: Zionism by Harpal Brar
A racist, antisemitic and reactionary tool of imperialism. Read the book they want to ban!
31 Dec 2024
Obituary: Comrade Sitaram Yechury
The former general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) lived a life in service to the people.
1 Nov 2024
Book: Trotsky(ism): Tool of Imperialism by Harpal Brar
Unless the pernicious influence of this Trojan horse is rooted out, our movement will succeed neither in stopping imperialist war nor in overthrowing imperialist rule.
10 Dec 2024
Expanded zionist aggression and the response of the resistance
Like all reactionary fools, the zionists and their imperialist masters believe that by murdering its top leaders they can put an end to the resistance.
1 Nov 2024
Zionists, beaten in Gaza, pursue a wider conflict
The Palestinian struggle is the spearhead of the Arab people’s democratic revolution. It will not be quashed by imperialism or its flunkeys
1 Sep 2024
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Chinese Revolution 3: Building socialism
Wiping out feudal and imperial control and laying the basis for a modern industrial economy, New China set the stage for the sovereignty and dignity of its people.
18 Aug 2024
Analysis: The Indian election result
BJP and Modi brought down to earth by an unconvinced electorate.
15 Aug 2024
Theory TV
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Imperialism and war
What do Marxist theory and working-class history teach us about war, and how should this knowledge inform our struggle for a just and lasting peace?
19 Jul 2024
EU elections: austerity and genocide supporting warmongering parties routed
Why have the recent EU elections cast the ruling elites of Europe into a state of panic?
17 Jul 2024
Israel’s path to self-destruction
Blinded by the flawed logic of its supremacist ideology, the zionist state is hurtling towards its doom.
15 Jul 2024
Zionist genocide continues in Gaza
Despite its barbaric and systematic slaughter of Palestinians, the zionist entity has never looked more fragile than it does today.
9 May 2024
Stalin – the History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo, pt 3
Those who are in the business of fighting for the victory of socialism are duty-bound to make a study of the real Stalin, a giant in the history of our movement.
20 Jun 2024
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: imperialism and nuclear weapons
What is the communist position on nuclear weapons in the age of imperialism?
4 May 2024
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: the Sino-Soviet split
What were the world ramifications of Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’ and the resulting Sino-Soviet split following the death of Josef Stalin?
29 Apr 2024
Stalin – the History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo, pt 2
What is the truth about the commonly rehashed legends of the ‘gulag archipelago’ and of systematic antisemitism during the time of Stalin’s leadership?
4 Apr 2024
John Pilger: the man they couldn’t silence
The most courageous, fearless and decent of journalists, who devoted his life to speaking the truth and uncovering imperialist lies.
20 Mar 2024
The Palestinian resistance is changing the world
The entire settler-colonial project is on the rocks, and with it the Anglo-American imperialist domination of the middle east.
2 Mar 2024
Stalin – the History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo, pt 1
Domenico Losurdo is one of the small minority of historians and thinkers who have the courage and candour to swim against the tide.
22 Feb 2024
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: The immortal legacy of VI Lenin
Why does Lenin’s life and work continue to inspire a century after his death?
2 Feb 2024
Zionist slaughter of Palestinians will only hasten the demise of Israel
With 22,000 murdered and 52,000 wounded so far, the mass murder of civilians in Gaza has achieved nothing except the further weakening of the genocidaires.
29 Dec 2023
Victory to the Palestinian resistance; no cooperation with zionist war crimes!
These are the slogans that need to permeate the solidarity movement in Britain and dictate its actions.
6 Nov 2023
The Nakba: from 1948 until today
There will be no peace in the middle east until the genocide of Palestinians is ended and the refugees are able to return home.
5 Nov 2023
World history
Lessons of 1914: Imperialism means war
Reams of WW1 historiography serve only to conceal the essence of that terrible conflagration – which gave birth in its turn to the era of proletarian revolution.
4 Aug 2023
British politics
Comrade Tongogara, who dedicated his life to the cause of freedom
Police brutality, national-liberation struggles and socialist revolutions: Tongagara supported every serious struggle against racism and oppression around the world.
21 Jul 2023
World TV
Garland Nixon and Harpal Brar: India, Russia, China and anti-imperialism
‘The corporate media change narratives to suit the imperialists’ changing objectives, and they expect their audience not to have a memory of more than 24 hours.’
13 Jun 2023
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Chinese Revolution 2: The PLA and WW2
How Mao Zedong founded the People’s Liberation Army and the role of the PLA in the titanic struggle for freedom.
27 May 2023
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Soviet Union defeating fascism
Only an evidence-based analysis of WW2 can shed light on the true character of the Soviet Union’s victory over German fascist imperialism.
16 May 2023
Divide and rule
Book: Capitalism and Immigration
Our strength is in our unity, and our rulers know it well.
3 May 2023
British history
Twenty years later: the predatory imperialist war against Iraq
While the heroic resistance was defeating US and British imperialist forces, the British working class was effectively demobilised by its corrupted leadership.
4 May 2023
Theory TV
Harpal Brar: Lenin is still key to understanding imperialism and war
Claims that the world is no longer characterised by the contradiction between oppressed and oppressor nations are patently absurd.
5 Apr 2023
Glory to the heroes of Stalingrad!
This titantic achievement of the socialist Soviet Union is one the imperialists are incapable of erasing or explaining away.
30 Mar 2023
French workers fight for their pension and retirement rights
Militant fighting spirit is on display in abundance in France. What is now needed is class-conscious leadership and vision.
18 Mar 2023
Jose María Sisón, father of the Filipino revolution
Tribute to a long life lived in the service of the liberation of humanity.
12 Jan 2023
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Chinese Revolution 4: The cultural revolution
What was the cultural revolution? Why was it launched? Did it acheive anything? And who won?
8 Jan 2023
Divide and rule
Tribute to Comrade Avtar Jouhl
An indefatigable fighter against racism and imperialism, and for socialism, which he knew held the only solution to humanity’s problems.
20 Nov 2022
Divide and rule
Harpal Brar on Avtar Jouhl: Above all he was a fighter for socialism
A heartfelt tribute in memory of Comrade Avtar Jouhl, courageous Marxist-Leninist who gave so much to our movement and will be sorely missed.
20 Nov 2022
Theory TV
Harpal Brar: Lenin on party building (One Step Forward)
How is it that the Russian revolutionary experience is still so relevant for workers in Britain today?
14 Nov 2022
Ukraine referenda: Russians exercise their right to self-determination
From now on, attacks or threats against these safeguarded territories will be dealt with as attacks against any other part of Russia.
10 Nov 2022
British politics
Rishi Sunak becomes Britain’s third prime minister in seven weeks
No changing of the guard can address the fundamental problem the British ruling class faces – a deepening crisis of overproduction that it is powerless to overcome.
9 Nov 2022
World TV
Harpal Brar to Anti-imperialist Platform: ‘Imperialism is going to crash’
Greeting the newly-formed international antiwar organisation, Comrade Harpal outlines the challenges that face workers in today’s crisis-ridden world.
25 Oct 2022
British politics
Farewell to Eric Levy
A lifelong antirevisionist and anti-imperialist fighter who never failed to act on his beliefs and never gave up his faith in the socialist future of humanity.
25 Sep 2022
Harpal Brar: Why celebrate the Soviet and allied victory over fascism in 2022?
The USSR and communist partisans across Europe and Asia fought for humanity against barbarism. Their fight is ours.
27 Aug 2022
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Chinese Revolution 1: Birth of China’s Red Army
What was the experience that led Comrade Mao Zedong to conclude that ‘without a people’s army, the people have nothing’?
23 Jul 2022
Theory TV
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: The Communist International
The story of the Third International shines light on the great revolutionary moments of the twentieth century.
6 Jun 2022
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Industrialising the USSR
The Bolshevik party’s planned socialist development brought a backward nation from the ashes of a devastating civil war to victory over fascism in 1945.
22 Apr 2022
USA conspires for regime change in Pakistan, but will it last?
Powerful enemies are ranged against Imran Khan, but it would seem that the streets are with him.
20 Apr 2022
Failed ‘colour revolution’ in Kazakhstan
Quick and decisive action by Russia and the CSTO has dealt a blow to the USA’s nefarious schemes in central Asia.
12 Mar 2022
Victory of Afghan resistance forces is a heavy blow against our shared enemy
The defeat of US imperialism and its allies after 20 years of barbaric warfare is a tremendous advance for the anti-imperialist camp.
18 Mar 2022
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Soviet farming – revolution in the countryside
The question that faces small farmers everywhere remains: collectivisation via bankruptcy and agribusiness takeover or collectivisation via socialist farming?
19 Feb 2022
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: How the October Revolution changed the world
The first big defeat for imperialism and the building of the world’s first socialist state impacted every aspect of the world we live in today.
3 Feb 2022
Harpal Brar on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
How has the growth of the market affected socialism in China? And is there such a thing as a ‘socialist market’?
30 Jan 2022
Divide and rule
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Capitalism and immigration
The first condition for success in the struggle for socialism is working-class unity. No wonder the imperialists work so hard to sow division in our ranks.
9 Jan 2022
The Indian farmers’ magnificent victory
What lessons can workers everywhere learn from this historic struggle, and how is a decent future to be secured for India’s small farmers?
5 Jan 2022
World TV
Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: The Indian farmers’ movement
What can workers in the west learn from the titanic struggle and seismic victory of India’s farmers?
31 Dec 2021
What do Evergrande’s troubles mean for the Chinese and world economies?
No amount of state intervention can break the connection between overproduction crisis and the market.
9 Nov 2021
Book review: China’s Great Road by John Ross
The battle between socialist and bourgeois ideas is not one in which workers can be neutral: on its outcome, humanity’s fate depends.
1 Oct 2021
President Idriss Déby of Chad: death of an imperialist puppet
After decades of kleotocratic tyranny, French and US imperialists are working to ensure power passes to Déby's equally corrupt and unpopular son.
26 May 2021
India’s Covid nightmare
In India, the true face of capitalism is showing itself with utmost clarity: poverty, inequality and a total inability to put the needs of the people first.
10 May 2021
Alexei Navalny – criminal, fraudster and puppet of imperialism
8 Apr 2021
Climate change
The profiteers are responsible for the environmental disaster in Texas
The logic of capitalism means that our rulers consistently prioritise short-term profits over society’s long-term needs; even at the risk of their own extinction.
20 Mar 2021
The ethnic cleansing of the West Bank
While western politicians and media pursue imaginary ‘antisemites’, they continue to ignore or excuse the murderous crimes of Israel.
19 Mar 2021
Harpal Brar: Support Cuban medical disaster relief team for Nobel peace prize
Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade has saved thousands of lives across the world.
1 Mar 2021
Crisis in America: Trump, Biden and the Capitol Hill affair
How has the US arrived at the point where it is disarming its own national guardsmen?
12 Feb 2021
Time to end poverty: expropriate the expropriators!
Bourgeois commentators are increasingly identifying the problems besetting humanity, but they are congenitally incapable of recognising the solution staring them in the face.
23 Jan 2021
Harpal’s book on China renders ‘invaluable assistance’ to working class
We must find a way to evaluate market socialism honestly without giving up support for people’s China.
15 Jan 2021
The largest strike the world has ever seen is taking place now in India
But you wouldn’t know it from Britain’s corporate media and Labour-affiliated trade union leaderships.
11 Jan 2021
Greetings to the Communist Party of China on its 100th anniversary
Throughout the last tumultuous century, socialism has scored victory after victory in China, fully justifying the people’s faith in its superiority.
30 Jun 2021
Comrade Harpal: October Revolution message 2020
Communists’ founding chair addresses the party on the 103rd anniversary of the Russian revolution.
10 Dec 2020
US election 2020: Biden v Trump: is there a difference?
Every day the US imperialists fight amongst themselves bring a little closer the day of their empire’s fall.
12 Nov 2020
British politics
Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour party
Sir Keir Starmer is doing everything in his power to ram home the lesson that Labour will never serve working-class interests.
11 Nov 2020
Modern monetary theory: is there a magic money tree?
Those who would change the world must first understand it: Marxist economics is the antidote to bourgeois voodoo.
22 Oct 2020
Harpal Brar: Long live Leninism!
Why does Lenin hold such an honoured position in the lexicon of socialist leaders? A century later, what can we learn from his teachings?
26 Apr 2020
Hail the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
We wish the Chinese people success in overcoming their enemies in the future as they have done in the past.
24 Nov 2019
Working-class history
Lessons of the Communist (Third) International
What can workers today learn from the experience of the Comintern?
27 Oct 2019
Comrade Harpal defends the legacy of Robert Mugabe on RT
The anger of the imperialists against a true national-liberation hero knows no bounds.
22 Sep 2019
Capitalism or communism TV
The end of history – or the end of capitalism?
Humanity’s future is socialist or it is nothing. There is no other way out of spiralling poverty, crisis, war and climate chaos.
4 Aug 2019
History TV
WW2: The 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism
What transformed WW2 from an interimperialist war into an anti-fascist one? Who really beat the Nazis and liberated Europe?
22 Jul 2019
Hong Kong government withdraws proposed extradition legislation
The real aim of the protestors is to prevent the reunification of Taiwan with China, and, if possible, to try also to separate Hong Kong from the motherland.
7 Jul 2019
Theory TV
Anarchism or socialism?
Why has no anarchist led a successful revolution? Why are their seemingly revolutionary activities ultimately so fruitless?
29 Jun 2019
Theory TV
Harpal Brar on Trotskyism or Leninism?
What was Trotsky’s theory of ‘permanent revolution’? What was his approach to organisation? And how have his theories become the tools of the capitalists?
7 Jun 2019
Britain TV
Revolution in Britain
Capitalism cannot be regulated or reformed – it must be overthrown, and workers must build an organisation that is up to the task.
24 Jun 2019
Capitalism or communism TV
Soviet communism – the truth
Comrade Harpal Brar demolishes the major planks of anticommunist propaganda in this interview for Durham student radio.
26 May 2019
Capitalism or communism TV
Capitalism can’t save the planet
Harpal Brar tells the Oxford Union why capitalism has outlived its usefulness to humanity and become a hindrance to our further development.
19 May 2019
Theory TV
Harpal Brar on the state and revolution
How does the tiny ruling class maintain its power? Can we get socialism by voting for the right people? Essential information for anyone fighting for socialism.
3 May 2019
Modi playing with fire as he stokes anti-muslim and anti-Pakistan hysteria
Cow protection rather than national development seems to be the de facto policy of the profoundly anti-people BJP government.
25 Apr 2019
The fall of the USSR
Anyone who wants to build a better world must understand how the once mighty workers’ republic came to be defeated.
22 Apr 2019
World history
The origins of World War Two
How did WW2 come about? And when were the opening salvos really fired?
11 Aug 2019
Theory TV
Trotskyism Q&A
Trotskyism is a tool of the capitalists ... Leninism is a weapon for the workers!
18 Feb 2019
British politics
After Brexit: what does the EU referendum result mean?
Harpal Brar analyses the political fallout after the Brexit referendum, as well as the deep class divisions that the defiant leave vote laid bare.
3 Aug 2016
Britain TV
Comrade Harpal on Lenin, opportunism and the Labour party
What is the role of the Labour party in British politics in general and in the working-class movement in particular?
11 Jan 2019
Huawei executive arrest – a provocation too far
The US's persectution of Meng Wanzhou represents a dangerous escalation of its trade war against China.
30 Dec 2018
British politics
General election 2017: what did it mean?
How did it come about that Mrs May's Tories should have ended up weaker than ever after the election they were supposed to win by a landslide?
7 Jul 2017
Soviet preparations for World War Two
What was the true content and significance of the Russo-Finnish war and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?
31 Mar 2019
Divide and rule
Identity politics are anti-Marxian and a harmful diversion from the class struggle
Refuse to allow our movement to be hijacked by hostile class forces!
7 Dec 2018
Zionism is a racist and antisemitic tool of imperialist policy in the middle east
It is not the anti-zionists who are guilty of antisemitism, but the zionists themselves. Accusations meant to silence opposition to Israel’s fascistic nature must be resisted.
24 Nov 2018
Working-class history
Marx 200: A brief overview of an extraordinary life’s work
Why does Marx's name still strike fear and loathing into the hearts and minds of the bourgeoisie so many years after his death? What is the legacy that refuses to die?
19 Nov 2018
Arbitrary arrests in India
The BJP government is the embodiment of bigotry, divisiveness and murderous activity.
18 Oct 2018
Zionism, Britain and Balfour
Marking the 100th anniversary of the infamous Balfour Declaration, Comrade Harpal Brar outlines the true history of the origins of zionism.
21 Sep 2018
British politics
Collusion between British security services and jihadis revealed
Further proof that it is in workers’ interests to oppose and challenge the imperialist foreign policy of our ruling class.
5 Sep 2018
Divide and rule
Prison report reveals truth about Britain’s dreadful concentration camps
If one can judge a society by how it treats its prisoners, British imperialism continues to plumb new depths of baseness and depravity.
3 Sep 2018
Britain TV
Harpal Brar on the myth of Labour antisemitism
Who's generating all this media noise and what's it really driving at?
4 Jul 2018
Britain TV
Our vision: Harpal Brar on the tasks of the party
Workers are gunpowder, knowledge and education are the spark!
7 Jun 2018
Britain TV
What can Corbyn’s Labour do for us?
In this short video clip, Harpal Brar looks at the difference between Jeremy Corbyn's words and his deeds.
5 Jun 2018
South Africa
Tribute to Comrade Winnie Mandela
The mother of the South African nation has died, but her legacy continues to inspire new generations in the struggle for complete national liberation.
9 May 2018
Working-class history
200 years since the birth of Karl Marx
The founder of the modern proletarian movement who gave his life to furthering the science of class struggle.
25 Apr 2018
The US’s loss is China’s gain in Pakistan
Another tweet in the foot from Donald Trump.
1 Feb 2018
One hundred years since the Balfour declaration
A sordid document in the shameful history of British imperialism.
1 Dec 2017
Tribute to Comrade Robert Mugabe
A sad end to an illustrious life in the service of the oppressed masses.
1 Dec 2017
A tribute to East Germany’s General Heinz Kessler
Defender of communism to the last.
1 Jun 2017
Trump’s victory: another blow at imperialism
Following hard on the heels of the Brexit vote this June, the US presidential election is already having serious ramifications for the imperialist bourgeoisie, not only within the US but worldwide. As chaos and disunity spread and panic sets in, workers should be organising themselves to take advantage of the growing crisis in the enemy camp.
1 Oct 2016
SWP uses Comrade Fidel’s passing as another opportunity to slander socialism
1 Oct 2016
Farewell Comrade Fidel Castro. Eternal glory to you!
The world mourns the passing of a great revolutionary leader, and celebrates the many enduring achievements of the revolution to which he dedicated his life.
1 Oct 2016
British politics
Chilcot report: devastating exposure of the British establishment
Blair hung out to dry in an attempt to divert attention from the continuing crimes of British imperialism.
1 Aug 2016
The rise of Donald Trump: a revolt against the establishment
The anger of poor white workers in the US may be misdirected for now, but it is real and it is growing.
1 Apr 2016
On the New Year’s Eve events in Germany
Racism will not be ended by political correctness, but by a united working-class movement for socialism.
1 Feb 2016
Ray Berbling: a life in struggle (1935-2015)
Ray was a dedicated Australian Marxist-Leninist and a lifelong friend of the the Soviet Union.
1 Dec 2015
Syria: Imperialism on the back foot
Russia’s fraternal aid to Syria continues to expose the false narrative of western politicians and media regarding the fight against fundamentalist terrorism.
1 Dec 2015
Paris terror attacks: Further proof that we need to overthrow imperialism
Jihadi terrorism is the bastard child of the union between blind religious fanaticism and imperialist market fundamentalism.
1 Dec 2015
Editorial: Russia backs the Syrian people
1 Oct 2015
Working-class history
What did the Indian workers do for us?
Harpal Brar gives a short history of the significant contribution made by the IWA (GB) to the British working-class movement, and points the way forward.
1 Oct 2015
Indian elections 2014: The BJP and Nirendra Modi
What accounts for the sweeping victory of the Hindu nationalists?
20 May 2014
Why hasn’t India had a revolution like China?
A brief look at the key historical and political differences between these two Asian countries.
25 May 2014
Britain TV
Indian workers in Britain
Fifty years of the Indian Workers' Association in Greenwich and Bexleyheath: looking back and looking forward.
9 Sep 2015
Ukraine: Oppose the fascist coup
What's going on in the Ukraine? What do the Ukrainian people want? What should the British workers' attitude to all this turmoil be?
21 Apr 2014
Defend Syria
Stand with the Syrian people against imperialism's illegal war by proxy.
23 Oct 2012
Britain TV
Corbyn mania: Jez we can?
If Jeremy Corbyn is elected to the leadership of the Labour party, can he make it a party of the working class?
23 Aug 2015
Harpal Brar on colour revolutions and counter-revolutions
Harpal Brar speaks at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, October 2015.
23 Oct 2015
May Day election message for British workers
CPGB-ML chairman Comrade Harpal Brar speaks from Trafalgar Square, London on 1 May 2015.
3 May 2015
History TV
Harpal Brar interviews Nazi soldier turned British communist Henry Metelmann about his life and what brought him to join the struggle for socialism.
Seventieth anniversary of the victory over fascism marked in Moscow
An excuse for an orgy of bourgeois lies and prevarication.
1 Jun 2015
Disband the neo-Nazi Nato alliance
No cooperation with imperialist war crimes.
1 Aug 2014
International speakers illustrate the battle for ideas in socialist China
Report on the Fourth World Socialism Forum in Beijing.
1 Oct 2013
Syria: Obomber loses the public debate
The war juggernaut has halted for the time being, but those who oppose the war must redouble their efforts to counter anti-Syrian propaganda and mobilise solidarity if it is to be averted altogether.
1 Aug 2013
Egypt: Morsi overthrown under mass pressure
The revolution will continue until the people’s basic demands for bread, work and an end to cooperation with zionism and imperialism are met.
1 Jun 2013
Pakistan on the brink
The recent elections in Pakistan have done nothing to change the balance of power in the country, which still rests with the army and its US imperialist backers.
1 Apr 2013
Crisis and resistance
Communists from all over the world meet to discuss the way forward.
1 Apr 2012
Obituary: Godfrey Andries Cremer
11 May 1943 – 26 March 2012
1 Feb 2012
The Palestinian struggle forges ahead
Arab spring and Palestinian unity.
1 Oct 2011
Editorial: The spirit of Tahrir
1 Oct 2011
Support the Libyan resistance
The revolutionary movement in the advanced countries is a sheer fraud if, in their struggle against capital, the workers of Europe and America are not united with millions of colonial slaves oppressed by capital.
1 Aug 2011
Osama assassinated, but war continues
The death of bin Laden changes imperialism’s war aims in Afghanistan not one jot; nor does it change the nature of the resistance there. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s problems will continue to escalate so long as its government is trying to ride two horses at once.
1 Apr 2011
Intifada in Tunisia and the fall of Ben Ali
The long-awaited harbinger of a wider revolt against reactionary Arab regimes.
1 Dec 2010
WikiLeaks strikes blow for truth on Iraq
Revelations once again highlight the genocidal scale of Anglo-American imperialism’s predatory war against Iraq.
1 Oct 2010
Syrian communists uphold the banner of Leninism in the Middle East
A first-hand report from the recent congress of the Syrian Communist Party.
1 Oct 2010
Editorial: WikiLeaks and the Afghan war
1 Jun 2010
Afghanistan: wheels coming off Nato’s war machine
Rising losses and the dawning realisation that they cannot possibly win the war are leading to increasing divisions amongst members of the imperialist governments and their army general staffs fighting in Afghanistan, as they try desperately to save face and figure out how to leave the country without looking like the losers they are.
1 Jun 2010
After the election: dangers and opportunities ahead
Fightback looms as election circus ends with a crack of the ring master’s whip.
1 Apr 2010
Afghanistan: Operation Moshtarak
Popular support sustains resistance in an unequal struggle that will end in victory.
Obama and Brown: warmongers
The Afghan war is being escalated further, but no amount of extra troops will save the occupation forces from defeat at the hands of the growing resistance movement.
1 Dec 2009
Brazilian communist party celebrates its 12th congress
The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) held its 12th congress from 5-8 November in Sao Paulo. The CPGB-ML was invited to attend this congress and was represented there by its chairman, Harpal Brar. His report of this important gathering follows immediately below
1 Oct 2009
Afghanistan: occupation not corruption is the real problem
Afghan election and its aftermath.
1 Oct 2009
Afghanistan: the days of colonial occupation are numbered
Inter-imperialist contradictions are being forced into the open by heroic forces of patriotic resistance.
1 Aug 2009
British imperialism sinking deeper into Afghan quagmire
The telling blows of the courageous resistance are creating significant splits in the ruling class.
1 Jun 2009
Pakistan and the US ‘war on terror’
An Islamist takeover looms as Pakistan’s army turns guns on its own people.
1 Apr 2009
The way forward for Pakistan
Pakistan must abandon the role of US proxy if it is to avoid falling off the precipice.
1 Feb 2009
History: The 1984/85 miners’ strike
Twenty-five years on, we salute the heroes of the great coal strike and look at what the British working class can learn from their example.
1 Feb 2009
Greek party to debate reasons for the collapse of socialism in the USSR
Review of the Theses of the CC of the KKE for its 18th Congress, 18-22 February 2009
1 Dec 2008
Israel fails to crush Gaza
Despite inflicting monumental human and physical destruction upon the Palestinian people, the zionist regime has completely failed in its efforts to overthrow Hamas and to annihilate the Palestinian resistance.
1 Dec 2008
CPGB-ML meets Vietnamese Party delegation
Comrade Tran, of the Vietnamese Communist Party’s Central Committee, explained the changes that have been taking place in Vietnam and the challenges still to be overcome.
1 Oct 2008
Editorial: Mumbai terror attacks
1 Oct 2008
Obama’s victory and its significance
On Tuesday 4 November 2008, Barack Obama, product of a broken interracial marriage and peripatetic childhood poverty, won the world’s most powerful office, the presidency of the United States of America, by promising the change that his compatriots crave.
1 Oct 2008
Prachanda becomes first prime minister of Nepali republic
Another great victory for the masses of Nepal as the Maoists overcome many hurdles to form a government, while their chief guerrilla leader, political theorist and tactician is voted into the top job.
1 Aug 2008
Labour’s meltdown and the crisis of revisionism
The end of Middle England’s electoral support for Labour may be a wake-up call for some, but others on the so-called ‘left’ are still flying in the face of reality with persistent fantasies of ‘reclaiming’ the party for the working class.
Editorial: Crisis of revisionism
1 Jun 2008
On the local government elections
Just under a year ago, Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair as prime minister. An important part of his mission was to rebuild Labour’s credibility in the eyes of the voters. In the light of the 1 May local government election results, that mission lies in ruins.
1 Jun 2008
Kosovo: declaration of a Nato state
Kosovo’s declaration of independence highlights the growing tensions between Nato, the EU and Russia over Eastern Europe.
1 Apr 2008
Pakistan’s election and its likely consequences
Despite the US’s wishes, Musharraf’s days in charge may be numbered.
1 Apr 2008
Benazir Bhutto’s assassination and its ramifications
Pakistan: another quagmire for imperialism
1 Feb 2008
Pakistan: military dictatorship on the way out
Lacking all legitimacy, and increasingly hated by the Pakistani masses, the Pervez Musharraf’s comprador military dictatorship is on its last legs.
1 Dec 2007
Iraq: US troop ‘surge’ a total failure
Bush's desperate measures to avoid admitting defeat during his presidency.
1 Oct 2007
CPGB-ML celebrates birth anniversary of Bhagat Singh
1 Oct 2007
Iraq: history renders its verdict
Unable to break the Iraqi resistance or to secure Iraqi oil, the US and Britain face total defeat.
1 Jun 2007
Afghanistan: resistance to occupation gains strength
Nato heading towards ignominious defeat at the hands of Afghan anti-imperialist forces.
1 Jun 2007
Condemn US-Ethiopian aggression against Somalia
Report from a meeting opposing imperialist interference in Somalia
1 Apr 2007
Nepalese comrade speaks in London
Report of a speech made by Comrade Gaurav, member of the political bureau of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and head of its International Department.
1 Apr 2007
Prague Conference against Anti-Communism
Defend the world-historic achievements of socialism!
1 Dec 2006
Iraq: imperialism heading for a crushing defeat
The resistance grows stronger as the invaders sink ever deeper into the mire
1 Dec 2006
Lebanon: with the victory of Hizbollah a terrible beauty is born
While imperialism and its puppets in the Middle East are reeling from the shock of the Lebanese resistance’s victory, progressive people the world over have reason to be optimistic.
1 Oct 2006
Support the just stance of the DPRK
The rage that greeted the recent missile tests in Korea was indicative of imperialist impotence in the face of the DPRK’s determination to further strengthen its ability to resist military bullying.
1 Aug 2006
EU prepares for crackdown on communism
Successful meeting in Brussels against PACE’s anti-communist resolution
1 Feb 2006
Iraq: resistance unbowed
Neither the brutality of imperialist torture chambers, nor the carnage wrought by chemical and nuclear weapons have succeeded in stifling the rising tide of resistance in Iraq. It is clear that the ongoing election frauds and show trials will equally fail to save the Anglo-American imperialist occupation from defeat.
1 Dec 2005
Iraq: resistance giving a bloody nose to Anglo-American imperialism
1 Jun 2006
London bombings
More blood on the hands of Anglo-American imperialism
1 Aug 2005
Election analysis: social democracy exposed
Imperialist war abroad and draconian suppression at home have long since proved Labour's imperialist credentials. Meanwhile, the supporting work at election time of the 'left' social democrats, be they Trots, revisionists or left Labour, is bound to expose those gentry, too, for the pro-imperialist scoundrels they are.
1 Jun 2005
Victory to the Iraqi resistance!
Heroic resistance to the predatory war is gaining strength as the ‘coalition’ crumbles.
1 Apr 2005
Defend socialist Cuba!
The US is increasing its efforts to starve the Cuban people into submission – it must not be allowed to succeed.
1 Feb 2005
The Indian Ocean tsunami: a natural disaster?
Wall-to-wall coverage of the Indian Ocean tsunami has been strangely silent over the role of imperialism in leaving so many people vulnerable to the devastation wrought by natural forces. It has also been a godsend to the US and British governments, who have seized the opportunity to bury the bad news from Iraq.
1 Feb 2005
Fallujah: a nail in the coffin of the occupation
White House and Downing Street officials may be in denial about the strength of Iraqi liberation forces, but Fallujah has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the imperialist occupation’s days are numbered.
1 Dec 2004
An exposure of the shameful, unconstitutional and anti-communist behaviour of Arthur Scargill and his flunkeys
1 Aug 2004
Zionism plunges to new depths, but Palestinian resistance refuses to be quashed
The zionist aggression against, and oppression of, the Palestinian people continues unabated. So does the defiant and heroic resistance of the Palestinian people.
1 Aug 2004
‘Reclaiming’ Labour
Latest attempt at the resuscitation of a corpse
1 Aug 2004